Bucky Catching Cap’s Shield Shows John Walker Is No Steve Rogers

Bucky Catching Cap’s Shield Shows John Walker Is No Steve Rogers

A key moment of Bucky catching Cap’s shield in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier speaks volumes about how Barnes feels about and misses Steve Rogers.

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Bucky Catching Cap’s Shield Shows John Walker Is No Steve Rogers

Warning: SPOILERS for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 2 – “The Star-Spangled Man”

In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 2, Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) caught Captain America’s shield with his right hand – a visual cue that illustrates the big difference between the new Cap, John Walker (Wyatt Russell), and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Both Bucky and Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) met John Walker and they had to face what it means that a total stranger has taken over Steve’s legacy, which the Falcon actually gave up.

Of course, both Sam and Bucky were Steve Rogers’ best friends. Captain America: The First Avenger showed how Barnes and Rogers go back literally a century to when they grew up together in the Brooklyn of the Great Depression, and they both enlisted to fight in World War II. Sam met Steve in 2014 and an unbreakable bond between the two soldiers was forged in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which also brought Bucky back into their lives when he was revealed as the Hydra assassin. One of the most memorable moments of the film was the first time Captain America came face-to-face with the Winter Soldier; Rogers hurled his shield at the man who had just tried to assassinate Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Barnes easily caught the Vibranium disc with his metal arm.

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A similar, blink-and-you-missed-it moment occurred in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 2, “The Star-Spangled Man.” As Bucky and Sam fought the Flag-Smashers atop speeding trucks in Munich, they were joined by the new Captain America and his partner, Lemar Hoskins/Battlestar (Che Bennett). The four heroes actually used some teamwork during the melee, and this included Walker hurling Cap’s shield at a Flag-Smasher. When it ricocheted, Bucky quickly caught the shield and handed it back to the new Cap. But the interesting thing is that Bucky used his natural right arm, not his Vibranium left arm, to catch the shield, and this has symbolic meaning.

Bucky only needed his right hand to catch the shield in “The Star-Spangled Man” because John Walker isn’t a super-soldier. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 2 established that Walker is in peak physical condition but he has no enhanced abilities. Since John is nowhere near as strong as Steve Rogers, he can’t throw the shield with the same kind of force, despite his expertise. Bucky needed his metal arm to clutch the shield when Steve hurled it but Walker was literally an easier catch. It’s a subtle visual clue that tells the audience that John Walker is no Steve Rogers, and that lays the groundwork for the new Cap’s potential conflict trying to live up to his predecessor going forward.

Catching Cap’s shield again also reveals something about Barnes since he did it because of muscle memory. All the fights Bucky has had with and against Steve programmed how to both defend against and use the shield into “that cyborg brain” of his, as Sam would say. Bucky reflexively caught the shield and quickly handed it back to Walker, although he was displeased that the new guy isn’t Steve Rogers. That moment instantly communicates that Bucky feels the loss of Steve and he misses his oldest and best friend, especially in a fight.

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Of course, if Sam had kept the shield Steve had given him in Avengers: Endgame, Bucky would also only need his organic arm to catch it since, while he has honed abilities, Falcon has no powers. It just goes to show that no matter how many super-soldiers and wannabe Captain Americas The Falcon and The Winter Soldier introduces, there’s no substitute for and no one who can replace Steve Rogers, especially not for Bucky Barnes.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/bucky-captain-america-shield-catch-walker-rogers-difference/

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