Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)


Buffy is known for dating vampires like Angel and Spike, but she definitely had her options.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Taking on the responsibilities of being The Chosen one would be demanding for anyone, much less a teenage girl like Buffy Summers just trying to navigate a new high school, friend group, and romance. Due to her special slayer status, she became a beacon for all sorts of love interests, from All-American boys at Sunnydale High to supernatural suitors like Angel. Try as she might, the allure of being with a partner that represented everything she was fighting against had its own thrill, and even her Watcher Giles knew that the two vampires, Angel and Spike, were the loves of her life.

Throughout Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there were several other possible romantic partners that entered Buffy’s life, some with a pulse and some without. Buffy had profound connections with not only her friends in the Scooby Gang, but also her classmates, and even some of her enemies. Here are 10 people she should have been with other than Angel or Spike.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Riley may have started out as the teacher’s assistant in Buffy’s psychology class, but the cute TA soon became more than that when they started dating. Buffy felt at long last she’d found a normal human boyfriend, who wasn’t a brooding loner like Angel or a rebellious bad boy like Spike.

His All-American good looks bellied a secret life as a soldier for the Initiative, a secret paramilitary research organization that kept tabs on supernatural threats in Sunnydale then tasked teams to destroy them. All Riley wanted from Buffy was some emotional availability, but she wasn’t ready to break it off with her inner demons.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

For some fans, Oz and Willow were the cutest couple in the early days of the series, and they were devastated when their lives took different paths. Willow’s path would lead her down quite the metamorphosis, and Oz’s would take an equally salient transformation by embracing his status as a werewolf.

Buffy had experience dating supernatural men, and Oz becoming a creature of the night wouldn’t have put her off. In fact, when she gained the ability to read minds, she discovered that Oz was capable of some truly deep introspection, which might have helped Buffy when she was going through some of her later turmoils around identity.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Lovable goofball Xander Harris was a true friend to Buffy from the very beginning. Being the new girl at Sunnydale High, after having recently moved from Los Angeles, she could have felt like an outcast despite her preppy personality and good looks. But Xander understood that everyone needs friends, even cheerleaders.

It was his tenacious friendship that helped her through the worst of times, even when his feelings of inadequacy prevented him from seeing the severity of situations with anything other than immature humor. Xander always had a crush on Buffy, but he never let his unrequited affections get in the way of being a shoulder for the Slayer.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

As her friends explained to her in Season 5, when the Prince of Darkness himself paid Sunnydale a visit, Buffy had a thing for strong vampires. Dracula became a sort of combination of Angel and Spike, both sensitive and wild, with an animistic nature that made her very enthralled in the beginning.

With his alluring continental charm and his immortal knowledge of the ages, he was a different sort of suitor for the Slayer’s affections. Ultimately, Buffy wasn’t impressed enough with his pedigree to make anything more serious of their encounter, but it’s not like Dracula doesn’t have all the time in the world.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

When Buffy’s mother Joyce started to have health complications from a brain tumor, she was admitted to Sunnydale Memorial, where Benjamin Wilkinson (a medical intern) helped preside over her care. As Joyce’s health worsened, Buffy saw much more of Ben, but never learned the truth behind their constant reunions.

Ben was the mortal host vessel for Glory, a goddess hellbent on locating the Key (manifested as Dawn Summers) and opening several inter dimensional portals. It seemed in some moments Ben could be separated from Glory, and when he was he tried to keep Dawn safe. Perhaps in another time, if he wasn’t possessed, Buffy could have continued her pursuit of him.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

With a name like Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, one would expect a Watcher would get more respect, but unfortunately when he stepped in to take over for Rupert Giles when it was determined he couldn’t act objectively with The Chosen One, he was treated with nothing but derision.

Buffy felt that Wesley was a coward and a crony for the Watcher Council, which soured their burgeoning relationship. But had she gotten to interact with him more when he was featured in the Angel spin-off, she would have found him to be a much more grounded and courageous man. Plus the age difference is less extreme than between her and her own Watcher.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Faith and Buffy always had a complicated relationship due to their conflicting ideas about their slaying responsibilities. While Faith more fully embraced hers, she did so in a way that was self-destructive and reckless. Buffy took much longer to accept her duties, and even after she did so she became self-righteous about them.

Though the pair quarreled in the first few seasons, by Season 3 fans were convinced there was a certain chemistry between them. Even Willow sensed it, becoming jealous about the amount of time Buffy was spending with Faith and their blossoming closeness. Who knows what would have happened if the two slayers had become lovers as well as fighters.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Willow and Buffy enjoyed a fundamentally solid friendship, rooted in girl power and mutual respect. Willow might have been nerdy and socially awkward, and Buffy might have been a vivacious cheerleader type, but they shared a deep sense of righteousness… and cheese.

Her first crush was Xander, her first love was Oz, but her true love was Tara. In the comics that were released after Buffy the Vampire Slayer was over, Buffy had her first and only (to date) same-sex relationship with another Slayer, so perhaps her and Will are still a possibility down the road.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 10 People Buffy Should Have Been With (Other Than Angel or Spike)

Prior to becoming a member of The Trio who, along with Andrew and Warren comprised the unlikely lesser villains of Season 6, Jonathan Levinson was just a dork at Sunnydale High who wanted his classmates to like him. He may have even been more of a bumbling nerd than Xander.

In Season 3, when he felt particularly isolated from his classmates and wanted to commit suicide, Buffy helped talk him out of it by empathizing with his feelings of inadequacy. As a result, Jonathan was one one of the more empathetic members of The Trio, and ultimately sacrificed himself to try to save the Scoobies when Warren went insane.


Robin Wood arrived in Sunnydale to be the first principal at the newly rebuilt Sunnydale High School where Dawn Summers attended as a sophomore. Knowing about the mystical aspects of the town and its connection to the Hellmouth, he also conspicuously hired her sister The Slayer to be the school’s guidance counselor.

He even went so far as to ask Buffy out on a date under the auspice of getting to know her better as a colleague and perhaps something more, but in reality it was to gather intelligence on her. Perhaps if his mother hadn’t also been a Slayer, and he didn’t have so much baggage around her the calling that got her brutally murdered by Spike, there could have been a second date.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-potential-relationships-besides-angel-spike/

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