Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Best Ship In Each Season


Buffy The Vampire Slayer was notably filled with a lot of drama for the supernatural, but the couples are what made the show.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

For a show that revolved around all things supernatural, the romances are surprisingly at the heart of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Apparent from the beginning, Buffy wasn’t just concerned with vampires and demons – it also gave focus to many great relationships that fans still love today.

Throughout Buffy’s seven season run, many great relationships were formed and developed, with some becoming real highlights of the show. Whilst Buffy’s love life was often a focal feature, there were also other romances that resonated deeply with audiences.

7 Season One: Buffy And Angel

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Whilst it has long been debated whether Buffy was better with Angel or Spike, there is no denying that Buffy and Angel’s romance in season 1 is one for the ages. From their first mysterious meeting in “Welcome To The Hellmouth,” Angel piqued Buffy’s interest from the very beginning, and came to her rescue more than once. Throughout this season, Buffy had to come terms with a lot, from navigating her duties as the slayer to trying to fit in at Sunnydale High.

Yet, after overcoming some initial problems – namely that he was a vampire – Buffy found solace in Angel, and the two formed a romantic connection that was magnetic to watch. The episode “Angel,” finally unveiled the depth of the feelings they shared, as the two battled against Darla. The events led to them sharing their first kiss, with Angel even ignoring Buffy’s cross necklace burning him in favor of kissing her. “Prophecy Girl,” also hinted at how much Angel cared for Buffy, as he became momentarily distraught thinking she had died. Season 1 did well to indicate the potential of their relationship, and whilst it became more and more complicated, there is an innocence to their romance here that is lost in later seasons.

6 Season Two: Giles And Jenny

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Although Jenny and Giles’s relationship was devastatingly cut short, their romance was a highlight of season 2, and showed a different side to Giles’s character. Their relationship started off slowly, yet when they both realized how compatible they were, their romance flourished. With Buffy’s fractured relationship with Angel occupying a lot of the main narrative of this season, Jenny and Giles presented a mature and deep connection that was a high point in the midst of the surrounding drama.

The two worked well together, and Jenny truly brought out a more relaxed side to Giles’s personality that hadn’t yet been seen. The tragedy of Jenny and Giles’s love came in the episode “Passion,” when they finally overcame the obstacles that had been keeping them apart, and decided to give their relationship a real go, only for Angel – or more accurately, Angelus – to kill Jenny. Giles returns home excited to see Jenny, only to find her dead, thus changing his life irrevocably. The moment was truly devastating for fans, and showed just how deeply he cared for Jenny.

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5 Season Three: Willow And Oz

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Despite the problems they encounter, Willow and Oz’s relationship was one of the main highlights in season 3. Willow’s character growth in this season sees her come out of her shell more, but also led to her and Xander getting together behind Oz’s and Cordelia’s backs. However, whilst Cordelia detested Xander immediately, Oz was more forgiving to Willow, and they eventually moved past it.

As Cordelia and Xander’s relationship fell apart, and Angel made the mature decision to distance himself from Buffy, Willow and Oz’s relationship only grew stronger, even with all the drama around them. “Graduation Day,” showed the strength of their relationship, and just how well they got each other- terrified of the incoming threat of the Mayor’s ascension, Willow vented her worries to Oz, who, as blase as ever, kissed her passionately to get her to stop. It was a milestone in their relationship and perfectly summed up how, even with how different they were, they worked well together.

4 Season Four: Xander And Anya

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Season 4 was hard for most of the characters on the show, as they all tried to adjust to the change from Sunnydale High to moving to college, meeting new people, and dealing with the new big bad in town. However, Xander and Anya’s relationship developed greatly as they both matured, and realized just how strongly they cared for each other. They became the best couple in season 4, due to the ease with which they connected, especially with the other complicated relationships around them.

“Fear, Itself,” indicated how much they had grown in their relationship, as Anya, along with Giles, tried desperately to rescue Xander from a haunted house. Considering Anya was usually a self-centered person, this episode hinted at how much she cared for Xander, enough to put herself in harm’s way in order to save him. Other highlights of this season that portrayed their love were “Pangs,” where Anya cared relentlessly for Xander when he had been cursed, and “Hush,” which saw Xander wrongly believing Spike had killed Anya and attacking him out of anger, finally showing how much he cared for her.

3 Season Five: Willow And Tara

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

While Season 4 followed the heart-wrenching breakdown of Willow and Oz’s relationship, it also gave Willow room to find herself and eventually come to terms with her sexuality, and thus begin a relationship with Tara. Willow and Tara’s developing relationship was a real highlight in season 5, as they both showed their devotion to each other, and worked really well as a couple.

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One of the best moments that showcased Willow and Tara’s devotion to one another was in the episode “Family,” where Tara’s family arrived under false pretenses to escort Tara back home. Willow, along with the rest of the gang, defiantly stood up for Tara and declared that she was a part of their family, no matter how different she was. Willow also showed her deep love for Tara in the narrative arc that showed Glory draining Tara’s mind, and Willow subsequently looking after her in the aftermath. “Gift,” saw Willow get her revenge on Glory, and bring Tara back, resulting in an emotional reunion for the two that was truly heartwarming for fans to see, especially amidst the chaos of the ongoing fight.

2 Season Six: Xander And Willow

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Best Ship In Each Season

Season 6 of Buffy was unusually dark in content, and while there were some light-hearted episodes, the season tackled a lot of heavy topics, such as grief and addiction. Yet, while Xander and Willow were never officially together, their relationship in season 6 is one of the best on the show, as Xander proved to be a great friend to Willow. After a tumultuous season for every character involved, Xander’s love for Willow in the episode “Grave,” is one of the saving graces in an otherwise dark series of events.

Willow went through a lot in this season, from losing control of her magic, to then tragically losing Tara to a stray bullet meant for Buffy. However, when all hope seemed lost that Willow would never return from the brink of darkness, Xander delivered a speech about a yellow crayon, and promised Willow that if the world really was ending, there’s nowhere he’d rather be, than with his best friend. Xander’s devotion to Willow ultimately saved the day and is a highlight of this season.

1 Season Seven: Buffy And Spike

Season 7 saw Buffy and Spike finally move past the darkness of their relationship in the previous seasons, and find a healthier common ground. With all the commotion of the final series, the moments where Buffy and Spike confided in each other offered some quiet solace in an otherwise dramatic season. One of the best examples of how much they meant to each other came in the episode “Touched,” which showed Spike comforting Buffy after she had been forced to leave her house, her friends, and her leadership role, behind.

“Chosen,” was another highlight of their relationship – Buffy came to terms with her feelings for Spike, having been reluctant up until this point to admit them, and finally tells him that she does love him. The moment was bittersweet considering Spike’s sacrifice moments later, but it was nonetheless heart-warming for fans to see Buffy at long last confess her love for Spike, after he had loved her for so long.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/buffy-vampire-slayer-best-ship-each-season/

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