Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

Casting Tim Burton’s Live-Action Addams Family Reboot


Director Tim Burton is rebooting The Addams Family as a live-action TV show; we look at the best casting options for the iconic spooky family.

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Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

Director Tim Burton is rebooting The Addams Family as a live-action TV show, leading many to speculate about his potential casting choices. Created by cartoonist Charles Addams in 1938, the Addams family have appeared in a variety of media over the years — though it tends to be the ’60s TV sitcom and the ’90s feature films (The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values) that are most fondly remembered. While the idea of Tim Burton tackling an Addams Family movie has been talked about for years, this newly-announced adaptation will mark the director’s first major foray into live-action television (no longer seen as the backward step that it used to be, compared to directing feature films). Known for his wicked sense of humor and gothic sensibilities, Burton is a perfect fit for The Addams Family — though, thus far, the show’s cast is being kept under wraps.

While Burton’s Addams Family TV show has yet to settle on a distribution platform, Netflix is apparently keen to acquire it. This makes sense given the number of bankable elements involved, along with the company’s history of producing darkly comic work, such as Lemony Snicket adaptation A Series of Unfortunate Events, and the recently-canceled Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

While both story and format details have been relatively scarce thus far, Tim Burton’s Addams Family is said to be set in the present day, with Wednesday (the daughter) as the show’s central protagonist. The ’60s TV show took the form of a half-hour sitcom, which still seems like the perfect approach for a modern adaptation, though Burton might end up favoring longer episodes paired with a more streamlined, miniseries format. With the iconic ensemble portrayed so memorably in the past, quality casting choices will be crucial to the project’s success. Prior to any official announcements, here are some suggestions for who should play each member of the famous family.

Gomez Addams

Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

The patriarch of the Addams Family, Gomez has Spanish blood (likely stored in a jar somewhere, given his morbid sense of humor), chain-smokes cigars, and spends his free time crashing model trains with ghoulish delight. A successful entrepreneur, Gomez owns a series of risky businesses (including a crocodile farm and a uranium mine), with Forbes ranking him as the twelfth richest character in fiction as of 2007, with a net worth of two billion dollars. That said, he’s anything but frugal, doting on his family, and treasured wife Morticia in particular. Played by John Astin (father of Sean Astin from The Lord of the Rings) in the 60s TV show and Raul Julia in the ’90s movies, Gomez generally requires leading-man looks, paired with the quirkier sensibilities of a character actor.

For Burton’s adaptation, he really ought to look no further than regular collaborator Johnny Depp. While Depp might seem like the obvious (even lazy) choice, his career has been on a downward spiral of late, and The Addams Family could be the perfect comeback vehicle. Refreshingly free from extensive prosthetics and makeup which have tended to plague his characters in recent years, Gomez would remind audiences why they fell in love with Depp in the first place. For those still in any doubt about Johnny Depp’s abilities, Tim Burton’s Ed Wood shows the actor on top form; bringing his movie-star looks to a less-than-glamorous character, with the perfect blend of confidence, passion, and childlike naivety that would serve Gomez well.

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Morticia Addams

Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

The matriarch of the Addams family, Morticia is a feminist icon with a passion for gardening (deadly nightshade and venus flytraps, mostly), foreign languages, and a hypnotic gaze. Her lineage is said to trace back to Salem, Massachusetts, and the infamous witch trials. Like Gomez, she smokes — though this is literal in Morticia’s case, making smoke emanate from beneath her signature black dress. Capable of witchcraft, she is the true leader of the Addams clan. Played by Carolyne Jones in the ’60s show and Anjelica Huston in the ’90s movies, Morticia requires a quiet intensity and spellbinding eyes.

For Burton’s version, Christina Ricci could bring the Addams Family franchise full-circle, having played daughter Wednesday in the ’90s movies to startling effect. Naturally, Morticia and Wednesday possess a number of overlapping characteristics, so it would be intriguing for Ricci to return in a more high-status role. Additionally, she has already acted opposite Depp in Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow as well as The Man Who Cried, though the former is neither actor’ best work. That said, the Addams family exist in a far more irreverent world than that of Sleepy Hollow, so the romantic chemistry between Depp and Ricci can be a lot bolder and less self-serious than audiences have seen before.

Wednesday Addams

Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

The daughter of Gomez and Morticia, Wednesday is probably the most iconic member of the Addams family, and is set to be the lead character in Tim Burton’s television adaptation. Full of woe, as her name implies, Wednesday has a passion for torture and instilling fear in others — much to the delight of her loving parents. While the Addams Family musical has popularized the idea of an older Wednesday, her sinister machinations are all the more shocking when delivered by a young kid. Played by Lisa Loring in the ’60s show and Christina Ricci in the ’90s movies, Wednesday requires an actor who can appear wise beyond their years (or, rather, haunted).

While it’s likely that Burton will want to cast an older teenager in the role, Julia Butters (of American Housewife fame) fulfills the classic Wednesday brief to a T. After a star-making turn in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Butters would be perfectly suited to lead Burton’s new show — able to handle mature, wordy dialogue, while also possessing deadpan comedic qualities. What’s more, she’s eleven years old — the same age as Ricci was in her first outing as Wednesday.

Pugsley Addams

Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

Son to Gomez and Morticia, and Wednesday’s brother/victim/accomplice, Pugsley (originally named Pubert) is a wild child with a passion for inventing (death rays and such). Rarely the focus of Addams Family plots, Pugsley tends to provide comic relief, assisting Wednesday in her sinister schemes and surviving all kinds of bodily harm. Played by Ken Weatherwax in the ’60s show and Jimmy Workman in the ’90s movies, Pugsley requires a gifted comedic actor who will bring their own personality to the role.

After a movie-stealing performance in Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit, Archie Yates would be the perfect actor to play Pugsley in Tim Burton’s Addams Family reboot. While relatively new to the industry, Yates is set to star in a Disney+ reboot of Home Alone — suggesting that the young actor’s anarchic charm has been recognized in a big way. On this rare occasion, Burton would be wise to follow in Disney’s footsteps.

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Uncle Fester

Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

Originally Morticia’s maternal uncle, before being retconned into Gomez’s brother, Fester is the gentlest member of the Addams family — though one wouldn’t know it to look at him, with his hairless visage and sunken eyes. Like Pugsley, he tends to provide comic relief, though Fester is often more narratively involved. Played by Jackie Coogan in the ’60s show and Christopher Lloyd in the ’90s movies, Fester requires a venerable talent: someone with comedic chops and an outsized personality.

For Burton’s version, recurring-collaborator (and Christopher Lloyd’s Taxi co-star) Danny DeVito would knock Fester out of the park; possessing a great deal of warmth, paired with grotesque comedic abilities. While some might question his age compared to Depp (since Fester and Gomez are often portrayed as brothers), both Charles Addams’ original comic strips and the ’60s show (of which Burton is a fan) negate that issue, with Fester as Morticia’s uncle instead. Either way, Gomez and Fester should still possess a brotherly bond.


Casting Tim Burtons LiveAction Addams Family Reboot

The oldest member of the Addams family, Grandmama tends to be portrayed as Morticia’s mother, though — like Fester — this has sometimes been retconned to have her as Gomez’s mother. An old hag in the classic, witchy mold, Grandmama offers a similar thrill to Wednesday, but on the opposite side of the age spectrum — saying and doing things that you wouldn’t expect from an elderly character. Played by Blossom Rock in the ’60s show, and Judith Malina and Carol Kane in the ’90s movies, Grandmama requires a lack of vanity and a youthful attitude in spite of the actor’s age.

For Burton’s version, Kathy Bates would bring a wonderful punchiness to the role. Known for her impressive range, Bates is capable of subversive comic turns, as seen in Waterboy and Netflix’s Disjointed, while also terrifying audiences to their core with the likes of Misery and American Horror Story. As Grandmama, she’d work wonders — and it’s odd that she hasn’t collaborated with Burton before, feeling like a natural fit amongst his regular ensemble.


Finally, Lurch — the Addams’ faithful butler — is a mostly mute character, with more than a passing resemblance to Frankenstein’s Monster (the Boris Karloff version). Tall and slow, it is often suggested that Lurch was assembled by Gomez in a lab; fitted with the heart of an Addams, thus making him an official member of the family. Played by Ted Cassidy in the ’60s show and Carel Struycken in the ’90s movies, Lurch requires an actor of considerable height who is able to make an impression without very much dialogue.

For Burton’s version, there’s really only one actor who could fit the bill: Doug Jones. A long-time collaborator of director Guillermo Del Toro (and over six feet tall), Jones specializes in portraying non-human characters, often buried under layers of makeup and prosthetics. An unsung hero, he is the actor behind Pan’s Labyrinth’s Faun, Crimson Peak’s ghosts, and (most notably) the Amphibian Man from Del Toro’s Oscar-winning The Shape of Water — the latter proving that Jones could more than hold his own as Lurch in Tim Burton’s Addams Family reboot.

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