Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Cells At Work: 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved


Cells at Work! (by David Production) is a novelty show that explores the human body, one cell at a time. Here are 10 storylines it has yet to finish

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Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

The short but educational anime Cells at Work! (by David Production) is a novelty show that explores the human body, one cell at a time. But these aren’t just microscopic blobs; each cell is a person, and their costumes and hair represent their job in the human body.

We get red blood cells with red jackets and round hats, white blood cells with knives and germ-detecting baseball caps, platelet children with construction equipment, and more. Over 12 episodes, this anime covers many parts of the human body’s immune system, but not all. After the 12 episodes are over, what are some lingering plots or ideas that could get some further development?

10 Will Red Blood Cell Get Better At Her Job?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

The lead character is less an action hero or a “chosen one,” and more of a humble narrator who explores the setting along with the viewer. In this case, it’s the hapless Red Blood Cell, and this young woman tends to get lost… a lot! Maps are hard to decipher, and she takes more than one terrifying wrong turn while delivering that vital oxygen to civilian body cells.

She has grit, though, and Red Blood Cell is totally dedicated to her mission. At first, she’s a kohai (Japanese for “workplace apprentice”), and later gets a kohai of her own. Can she handle it? Will RBC become the employee of the month one day? We sure hope so!

9 What About The Red/White Blood Cell Ship?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Will they, or won’t they? Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell are in two different lines of work, but they keep crossing paths, and Red Blood Cell is always happy to see her immune system friend.

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Nothing explicit has happened yet, but there’s always the possibility! They stick together more than the job calls for, and one wonders if White Blood Cell has found love at last. Or maybe they’ll just stay friends, since cells are asexual and don’t copulate. Will real-life biology keep them apart?

8 Can Killer T Cell Become A Great Leader?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Mr. Killer T Cell begins the series as a terrified boy who can’t even begin to handle a single bacterium, let alone slaughter a street full of them. But at some point, he becomes a man, and quadruples his bicep size in one go!

Now, he looks more like a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure hero, and he’s climbing up the ranks. Killer T Cell is fit for training new Killer T Cells, but time will tell if he’s a good instructor who turns out good soldiers or not. Don’t let us down, blondie!

7 Any More Action For NK Cell?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

So far, we’ve seen White Blood Cell fight off bacteria with knives and Killer T Cell can pummel anything into submission, but they’re not alone. For one episode in particular, we meet NK Cell, or the Natural Killer Cell.

These are powerful immune cells that can travel through different tissues to hunt down pathogens, and destroy them utterly. NK Cell gets some glorious moments to herself, and she has a charming rivalry with Killer T Cell. But we don’t get much of her after that. Can’t we get just one more episode with this battle vixen?

6 Any More Glimpses Of Civilian Life?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Cells at Work! puts a lot of emphasis on two things: Red Blood Cell’s struggle to find her destinations, and combat against invading bacteria, viruses, and even parasites. Action and adventure dominate the screen, but it wouldn’t hurt to see more civilian life in the body and see what everyone is fighting so hard to protect.

What about constructive endeavors, like making new tissues such as adult teeth or expanding the brain?

5 Do Cells Ever Grow Old?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Most of the cells we see appear to be in their 20s or their 30s, and their apparent age and musculature seems based on their size and function more than anything. The platelets are cuddly children, since such cells are small and don’t live long. But all real cells die eventually, and the human body constantly produces new red and white blood cells.

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Now we’re wondering if we’ll ever see Red Blood Cell’s retirement party, and watch her live out her days in a quiet neighborhood and feed the pigeons. Either that or she gets to work for life!

4 Will Vaccines Appear?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

So far, it is mainly the heroes in Cells at Work! who fight off diseases and germs, and only once did the body receive help from some medicine (and to great effect). Now, what if this person also gets a shot, like a flu shot or something like that?

We would see a controlled group of bacteria or viruses arrive in the body, excellent training for the immune cells. Maybe those “trainee” bacteria would be like crash test dummies, or they might have rubber bands on their claws like lobsters in a restaurant’s tank.

3 How About Vehicles?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

For all we know, these cells are fighting hard in a child’s body, and that person’s immune system is still growing. And so far, the immune cells have been fighting disease on foot.

Sometimes, the bacteria outrace them, so maybe these cells need an upgrade. A jeep could be a fine way to deliver white blood cells to the front lines, or even motorcycles or a helicopter! In the fight against disease, use everything you’ve got.

2 Where Is The Microbiome?

Cells At Work 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Meanwhile, there’s a whole category of cells being left out of this narrative: gut bacteria! The microbiome is a very important part of the human body, which includes beneficial bacteria and fungi that make the body work.

Most of them are in the intestines, and a person would really suffer if these bacteria were wiped out. It is believed that these bacteria outnumber “real” human cells 10 to one, so if Cells at Work! ever explored the intestines, Red Blood Cell would almost definitely meet these guys.

1 How About Other Tissues, Like The Bone Or The Liver?

For the most part, Cells at Work! explores the immune system, since that’s where all the action is. And for the most part, the tissues we see are represented with ordinary streets and sewers. Red Blood Cell does visit the heart, though, which is represented as a sort of enormous Japanese shinto shrine.

Some tissues in the body are pretty distinct, such as bones, the liver, the brain, the ears, and more. What might they look like, when and if Red Blood Cell pays a visit?

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/cells-at-work-unresolved-storylines/

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