Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching


The 90s saw an anime boom in Western countries, and here are 10 classic series that are still worth watching—or re-watching—almost thirty years later.

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Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

It might seem like the 90s were a lifetime ago, but some shows and movies of that era have stood the test of time and still live among the modern ones. When it comes to anime, the 90s was a golden period that not only marked the inception of some of the greatest anime franchises but also saw the growth of the medium all across the world.

That explains why, despite having a vast repository of modern anime to choose from, time and again, fans love revisiting the good old classics. On that note, regardless of what anime genre a viewer is into, the 90s anime shows below have something for everyone and undoubtedly deserve a visit—or a revisit.

10 Marmalade Boy

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Created by the studio that helmed One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and other classic shounen, Marmalade Boy is a shoujo anime that revolves around a group of high school students. It focuses on Miki Koishikawa whose life turns upside down after her parents decide to get a divorce. She finds some solace in her newfound crush for Yuu, but she soon learns that her romantic endeavors will be no less torrid than that of her parents.

Because of its typical soap-opera narrative, Marmalade Boy may not befit everyone’s taste. After all, there are many similar high-school romance anime out there. Even so, the show’s likable set of characters and their subtle developments are enough to keep most viewers hooked.

9 Trigun

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

If not for anything else, Trigun deserves a visit from shounen fans because of its atypical protagonist, Vash the Stampede. Having an odd set of personality traits, it’s hard to place Vash in the exiting archetypes of the genre. As badass as he may seem on the outside, he’s a pacifist and only tries to disarm his enemies. This little quirk later becomes the central theme of the show when Vash struggles to balance his morals with his vigilante motives.

Like most shounen of the late 90s, Trigun doesn’t confine itself to a particular genre and adds a stint of everything from romance to comedy in its 26-episode runtime. Its animation might seem a bit dated to some viewers, but its powerful narrative makes up for its minor pitfalls.

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8 Neon Genesis Evangelion

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Neon Genesis Evangelion needs no introduction, as its opening is now somewhat of an anthem for mecha fans and its references are all over pop culture. On the surface, the series features high-octane battles between powerful Angels and human-controlled giant robots called Evangelions.

But, beyond its mecha action and tales of heroism, there’s a complex undertone of psychological drama that often leaves viewers with more questions than answers. Considered to be overrated by some, controversial by others, and a masterpiece by many, Neon Genesis Evangelion is one landmark of an anime and deserves to be on every otaku’s watchlist.

7 Berserk

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Replete with nihilistic depictions of human suffering, Berserk is not for the weak of heart. It follows the journey of Guts, a scorned and disdained young man who learns that he must kill to survive. All seems well when he joins a mercenary group and has a run-in with their leader, Griffith. But, the more he embroils himself in the group’s pursuit for fame, the more he learns of the tragedies of the world that surrounds him.

Although Berserk takes a while to find its feet, it keeps viewers gripped with its philosophical discussions surrounding revenge, betrayal, and destiny. All of this is coupled with its ominous OSTs, making it one of the best fantasy horror anime out there.

6 GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

For the most part, Great Teacher Onizuka is a slice-of-life comedy series that walks viewers through the day-to-day gimmicks of a delinquent turned teacher, and, considering how it premiered in the late 90s, even its animation quality is quite impressive.

What makes it stand out, though, isn’t its well-executed situational comedy, but its undercurrent of hard-hitting commentary on the education system. One moment the anime is entertaining a viewer with its raunchy comedy, and the next it’s dropping truth bombs surrounding didactic social issues. What more can a viewer ask for?

5 Slam Dunk

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Only a few sports anime find the right balance between drama and action, and Slam Dunk is one of them. While its animation fluidity and technical depth were enough to lure existing basketball fans, its diverse characters and their high school hijinks helped it garner a massive fan base all over the world.

That’s why it comes as no surprise that Slam Dunk played a key role in popularizing the NBA and the sport of basketball in Japan. Not to mention, the fact that Slam Dunk was aired in Taiwan when the 2020 NBA playoffs were suspended proves that, even after two decades, it’s still one of the best shounen anime out there.

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4 Rurouni Kenshin

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Set in the final years of the Edo period, Rurouni Kenshin centers on Hitokiri Battousai, a renowned and highly-feared former assassin. After giving up on his old ways, he sets on a journey as a wandering swordsman, hoping to never kill a soul again. But, after fatefully meeting Kaoru Kamiya, a kendo dojo owner, he finds himself reconsidering his promise of never staining his sword with blood.

In its hefty runtime of 94 episodes, Rurouni Kenshin initially takes its time with character developments and plot progressions. But, somewhere around the 30th-episode mark, it picks up its pace and masterfully combines its samurai action with poignant romantic drama.

3 Yu Yu Hakusho

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Yu Yu Hakusho is arguably an Isekai, but it’s very different from most modern anime of the genre. It does have the good old revival trope, but it avoids treading the beaten path of including harem-centric themes in its premise. At its fore is a 14-year-old delinquent, Yuusuke Urameshi, whose life turns around when he throws himself in front of a car to save a young boy.

Due to his sacrifice, the gods of the spirits-realm revive him and give him the opportunity to destroy evil forces that threaten humanity. For viewers who are looking for long-running classic shounen franchises of the 90s, this one perfectly fits the bill.

2 Serial Experiments Lain

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Although still relatively obscure, Serial Experiments Lain was always way ahead of its time. Premiering somewhere around the early days of the internet, the anime presents a stark and fairly realistic portrayal of our habits surrounding the online world, from both a technophobic and technophilic perspective.

Considering its nuanced ideas and unique animation style, it is more inclined towards the art-house genre. But, that in itself adds another layer of ominousness to its terrifying depiction of a young girl exploring the depths of the web.

1 Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop & 9 Other 90s Anime Worth Watching

Cowboy Bebop remains among Shinichiro Watanabe’s best works. Highlighting the ups and downs, highs and lows of space bounty hunter Spike Spiegel and his crew, the anime series unfolds in an episodic format.

Every episode is loosely tied to an overarching plot and highlights a new space adventure—or misadventure—the characters get involved in. Everything from its animation quality to its scintillating characters holds up very well even to this day. Considering how Netflix is now coming out with its live-action adaptation, its legacy clearly won’t die anytime soon.

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