Cyberpunk 2077s GTA San Andreas Easter Egg (& How To Find It)

Cyberpunk 2077’s GTA San Andreas Easter Egg (& How To Find It)


There are a lot of tiny easter eggs and references to other games in Cyberpunk 2077, and one in particular calls back to an iconic GTA moment.

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There are tons of hidden secrets in Cyberpunk 2077, and even references to other games like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. While not having much in common with the neo-futuristic ascetic of Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City, GTA: San Andreas is an iconic game for many players, and the ability for people to hijack cars and use phallic objects as weapons aren’t the only things which appear in both titles – there’s also a frustrating train.

Early on in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’ story, Carl Johnson and Big Smoke are forced to chase members of the Vagos gang down as they attempt to escape on a train. Carl, the player, does the driving on a Sanchez dirtbike, and Big Smoke does the shooting. Unfortunately, Big Smoke’s aim isn’t ideal, and unless players know exactly where they should position the bike in relation to the speeding train it may take them multiple tries before they successfully complete it. This leads to lots and lots of GTA fans being incredibly familiar with the line “All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ,” a comment which only serves to frustrate them more since it was Big Smoke doing all the missing.

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Now, that moment in gaming history has been revamped and referenced in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Scattered all throughout Cyberpunk’s Night City are shards – small pieces of tech similar to SD cards which information and data can be stored on. Some of these shards are important for quests and for Cyberpunk’s main story, while many others are simply filled with fluff text and world-building. As shown off by the @PlayCyberPunk Twitter fan page below, some of these fluff text shards have hidden double meanings.

GTA Easter Egg In Cyberpunk 2077: How To Find It

Our first Easter egg in #Cyberpunk2077, GTA San Andreas Train!

While not the most subtle change (Big Smoke to Little Smoke, CJ to JC) it still probably takes some familiarity with exactly how frustrating this early Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas side mission was to find this easter egg as funny as it really is. There were a lot of great things about GTA: San Andreas, but the game truly had a lot of incredibly unpleasant missions. Although the train segment in Los Santos isn’t nearly as bad as the Zero RC missions in San Fierro or the mind-numbing nature of driving from one side of the game’s massive map to the other, it still ranks as one of the worst in the game. @PlayCyberPunk also revealed how to find the easter egg in Night City for any Cyberpunk 2077 GTA fans who want to see it for themselves:

How to: To find this shard, you’ll need to go outside of Rivers Trailer Park, on the train tracks, heading east, just before the tunnel. (credit – gfinityesports)

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Cyberpunk 2077 has had a lot of issues since launch, but for those players who are able to play it on PC and don’t mind the random bugs and glitches, there is a lot to love about Night City and the immersive quality of its world. From references to Portal and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to literal magazines featuring Ciri from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it is clear that CDPR stuffed Cyberpunk 2077 with references and allusions to all their favorite things – and, for fans of open world car theft, it’s nice to see Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas make the list.

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