Darth Vaders Throne Room Finally Revealed In Star Wars Canon

Darth Vader’s Throne Room Finally Revealed In Star Wars Canon

Concept art for the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series finally gives a glimpse of Darth Vader’s throne room within his tower on the volcanic world Mustafar.

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Darth Vaders Throne Room Finally Revealed In Star Wars Canon

Concept art for Lucasfilm’s Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV series has given a first look at Darth Vader’s throne room in his tower on Mustafar. When Disney launched their streaming service back in 2019, industry analysts expected it to hit what they called the “ambitious target” of 50 million subscribers by 2020. They underestimated the power of Disney’s biggest brands – Star Wars and Marvel. The constant stream of sci-fi and superhero adventure means Disney+ is performing well above expectations, with some of the most eagerly anticipated TV shows yet to come.

Take, for example, the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV series. This will see Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen reprise their roles from the prequel trilogy. Set during the Dark Times when the Empire ruled the galaxy, it will give Christensen the chance to suit up as Darth Vader himself, and a recent teaser featured concept art confirming Obi-Wan and Vader will have a rematch. Disney is yet to announce an official release date, but the concept art is certainly enough to build up the hype.

Another exciting piece of concept art offers a first look at the throne room in Darth Vader’s tower on Mustafar. The fortress was introduced in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which revealed Darth Vader had settled on the volcanic planet during the Dark Times, residing in an ominous and foreboding tower steeped in the dark side of the Force. Tie-ins have revealed Darth Vader’s tower was constructed by the spirit of an ancient Sith Lord named Darth Momin, and the design was intended to serve as a focus for the dark side power bubbling beneath the surface of Mustafar. Vader’s throne contains similar design elements, suggesting the throne is itself a nexus of the dark side, allowing Darth Vader to draw upon all its power as he meditates. There’s a distinct emphasis on duality, a visual reminder of the Sith Rule of Two and of Vader’s subordinate status as apprentice to Darth Sidious; the Emperor’s throne in Return of the Jedi had none of that symbolism.

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The windows behind Darth Vader’s throne afford a disturbing vision of Mustafar’s roiling surface, and it’s difficult to say whether there is any glass in them; the volcanic gases of Mustafar are toxic, prompting visions of the dark side, but Vader is wearing a life support armor so he would not be affected by them. Star Wars Rebels hinted the Inquisitors tended to bring captured Jedi to Mustafar to face execution, and it’s easy to imagine Darth Vader enjoying exposing these Order 66 survivors to disturbing dark side visions before he killed them.

Star Wars tie-ins have gradually revealed the real reason Darth Vader chose to live on Mustafar. It wasn’t just that the planet served as a constant reminder of his defeat at Obi-Wan Kenobi’s hands, fueling his rage; although no doubt that was a factor. It’s also because Mustafar was historically devastated by a dark side ritual that attempted to resurrect the dead, and Darth Vader hoped to find a way to bring his beloved Padmé back by discovering these ancient rituals. No doubt he spent many long hours in Mustafar’s throne room, drawing upon the dark side, searching it for hints that would lead him to the legendary Aeon Engine of Mustafar. The irony, of course, is that a resurrected Padmé would have wanted nothing to do with Darth Vader had she been brought back, a fact the Sith Lord surely knew in his heart of hearts – and one that would have made him hate Obi-Wan Kenobi all the more.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/vader-castle-throne-room-star-wars-obi-wan/

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