DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

DC: 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery


From those who hit Batman on a personal level to those with the power to level cities, here are the Rogues Gallery’s 10 most powerful female villains.

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DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

When it comes to the world of Batman and DC Comics, many of the villains that fans tend to think of are men. From the Joker and Penguin to Two-Face, Mr. Freeze and Ra’s al Ghul, these villains are both iconic and powerful in the stories of Batman’s heroic career. Yet some of the most popular, character-driven and powerful villains Batman has ever faced have been women.

From those who hit Batman on a personal level from a romantic standpoint to women with the power to destroy entire cities, here are the ten most powerful female villains in Batman’s Rogue’s Gallery.

10 The White Rabbit

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

Born Jaina Hudson, the first villain that deserves a spot on Batman’s villains list has to be White Rabbit. Born to an American diplomat and a Bollywood actress, Jaina moved from India to Gotham City at a young age and eventually grew up to become a Gotham socialite.

After a brief flirtation with Bruce Wayne, neither one managed to go on a date as Batman’s responsibilities took priority and she was secretly White Rabbit. She tried to inject Batman after he was pinned by a downed Clayface but was interrupted by The Flash. Later she appeared in Arkham, and it was revealed she could split herself into two people, Jaina and the White Rabbit, separately.

9 Ventriloquist

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

There have been many iterations of the villain Ventriloquist, but one of the most memorable female iterations of the character has to be Peyton Riley, the second Ventriloquist. After the loss of the first Ventriloquist Arnold Wesker, Peyton emerged on the scene, more prone to violence and more under the control of the Scarface persona.

It was revealed Peyton herself was remorseful for her actions, but Scarface had a hold on her. She also developed a brief romance and relationship with Tommy Elliot, aka Hush, and is the daughter of Irish mob boss Sean Riley, making her closely tied to the life of crime.

8 Roxy Rocket

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

One of the most unique characters to appear in the Batman universe has to be Roxy Rocket. Originally created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for the Batman: The Animated Series show, Roxy was a former stunt double for a Hollywood actress who lost her job and went into a life of crime, living for the thrills of it all.

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Eventually making her way into DC Comics, she appeared as both a Batman and Batgirl villain, battling Batgirl Stephanie Brown later on. She battles Batman first, having stolen ion thrusters from STAR Labs in Gotham City, but Batman stops her.

7 Nyssa Raatko

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

Otherwise known as Nyssa al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko is the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul and sister of Talia al Ghul. The product of a brief romance Ra’s had in Russia during the 18th century, Nyssa tracked down Ra’s and trained under him, eventually gaining her own Lazarus Pit before giving up on her father’s mission entirely.

After losing her family during WWII, Nyssa becomes bitter and plots revenge against Ra’s for failing to save her family. She kidnaps Talia, ends her and resurrects her over and over again until she is broken, and the two take over the League of Assassins.

6 Lynx

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

There have been three people who have used this next villain’s title, but for this purpose, let’s focus on the second Lynx. A member of the Chinese youth gang known as The Ghost Dragons, Lynx was made the leader of the gang by the British criminal mastermind King Snake. After failing to stop Robin from interfering in their work, King Snake had one of her eyes taken as a punishment.

Later on, after taking control of the gang and ousting King Snake in Gotham, Batman approached Lynx during No Man’s Land, working to stop Gotham children from being trafficked. This alliance didn’t last long, and the powerful combat master went on to battle the Bat-family for years.

5 Harley Quinn

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

One of the most infamous and powerful foes Batman has ever had to face has to be Harley Quinn. Originally a character created for Batman: The Animated Series, Harley Quinn went on to become one of DC Comics’ most popular characters. Originally the love interest and sidekick for The Joker, Harley eventually broke out on her own as a villain and anti-hero, much like Marvel’s Deadpool.

Powerful in her unpredictability, she is not trusted at all by Batman, despite her attempts at her own brand of heroism. She was even chosen recently to become a Female Fury, although this, of course, didn’t last long.

4 Catwoman

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

The most complex villain Batman has been involved with has to be Catwoman. Originally one of his greatest foes, she has evolved over the years to become one of his greatest love interests of all time. Selina Kyle is a well-known thief who has had many run-ins with Batman over the years.

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More recently their off and on again romance has turned serious, very nearly ending in a marriage, and while the marriage was called off, the romance still lingers between them. Catwoman is a skilled fighter, even managing to defeat Talia al Ghul in combat in recent years.

3 Talia Al Ghul

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

The next most complex foe Batman has ever had to face has to be Talia al Ghul. The daughter of the great Ra’s al Ghul and one of the more prominent leaders of the League of Assassins, Talia once attempted to become a hero like Batman, and helped the caped crusader on several occasions.

However, after being broken by her sister Nyssa years ago, she turned to villainy full time, rejecting Batman’s love. Their relationship produced a son, Damian Wayne, who has chosen his father’s heroic life despite his training with the League. She is often in conflict with both Batman and her son Damian.

2 Lady Shiva

DC 10 Best Female Villains Of Batman’s Rogues Gallery

One of Batman’s greatest female foes has to be Lady Shiva. A powerful warrior and assassin, Lady Shiva’s Post-Crisis history saw her and her sister develop into powerful martial artists who were discovered by David Cain, who ended her sister’s life.

Hunting Cain down, she was lured into a trap by Ra’s al Ghul and the League and agreed to give Cain a child of his own to be used to become Ra’s perfect bodyguard. This later became Cassandra Cain, who would become Orphan, a member of Batman’s Bat-Family. Lady Shiva became an adept warrior, learning several martial arts and becoming the deadliest woman alive.

1 Poison Ivy

Probably the most powerful female foe in Batman’s Rogues Gallery has to be Poison Ivy. Dr. Pamela Isley became Poison Ivy after being exposed to a chemical compound in an accident. Obsessed with protecting the Earth and nature, she used her ability to manipulate and control plant life to take out humanity, coming into conflict with Batman.

Eventually finding a path as an anti-hero, Ivy has had the power to control all life on Earth using microbial plant spores to control humans, even heroes like Superman. However, her romance and life with Harley Quinn often pulls her from the brink.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dc-batman-best-female-villains-rogues-gallery/

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