How GTA 5’s Protagonist Sleep Cycles Define Their Personalities

How GTA 5’s Protagonist Sleep Cycles Define Their Personalities


Even bank robbers need their sleep. How long GTA V advances in time every time a player saves the game actually shows how long the characters sleep.

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How GTA 5’s Protagonist Sleep Cycles Define Their Personalities

Fans of Grand Theft Auto V should be pretty familiar with the three protagonists: Franklin Clinton, Michael De Santa, and Trevor Philips, and their lives. Franklin is the young gang-banger from south Los Santos. Michael is the rich (supposed) former bank robber-turned-family man. Trevor is the crazy drug dealer from the countryside. They are three friends with totally different personalities, and Grand Theft Auto goes to great lengths to show certain traits, possessions, and activities that make these characters who they are. This attention to character detail even includes their sleeping schedules.

In GTA 5, players manually save the game by having Michael, Franklin, or Trevor sleep in their safehouse. Saving will advance time some, but how much time advances actually depends on the protagonist’ sleeping schedule. Players can get a good idea of the type of people Grand Theft Auto 5’s main characters are based on how long they sleep.

Michael only sleeps for 6 hours, which shows that Michael is not really sleeping enough despite him being rich. It also shows that being rich isn’t making him happy, something which perhaps has to do with faking his death and entering the witness protection program. He also has issues in his family life, with his wife practically cheating on him in front of his face and his teenage kids not liking him. These situations could be partially why Michael has anger issues and seeks help from a shrink. Deep inside, Michael is miserable, and the lack of proper sleep reflects that.

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How Much Time You Should Sleep (& How GTA Uses It)

The recommended hours of sleep for healthy adults is 7 to 9 hours, according to HelpGuide. Only one of Grand Theft Auto 5’s protagonists sleeps the recommended amount of time – Franklin. The young black man, who should be around 25 years old if he was born in 1988 and GTA V is set in 2013, sleeps for 8 hours. Franklin has a supposedly normal sleeping schedule, despite the craziness of his life.

At the beginning of the game Franklin works as a repo man while living with his aunt, and is still gang-banging and getting into trouble with his childhood friend Lamar. While he’s trying to get out of that life, he runs into Michael, and soon Trevor, and all three of them get into the robbery business. Franklin’s sleeping pattern reflects more of his relaxed side, not allowing the chaos around him to fully control him. He is the more level-headed protagonist who shows reluctance in doing things that are morally questionable, and is comfortable with himself.

Trevor sleeps for 12 hours, 3 hours over the recommended amount. This isn’t surprising, since Trevor’s lifestyle consists almost entirely of drugs, sex, and violence. He runs his own drug dealing business, and there are multiple scenes where Trevor asks his business partners for sexual favors or just reveals himself, giving the player a view of his rear behind. There is a scene of Trevor being partially seen having sexual intercourse with a married woman, and there’s a theory that Trevor killed his mother. Trevor is the crazy character who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and his sleeping schedule reflects that.

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Despite the three protagonists being very different people with very different lifestyles, they all become friends as Grand Theft Auto 5’s story progresses. Michael and Trevor even become somewhat of mentor figures to Franklin. While they may not mesh personality-wise, they bond through activities and goals.

GTA5 is filled with all kinds of tiny details and Easter eggs. Rockstar makes even small things like saving the game play a role in the depth and development of their characters. Michael, Franklin, and Trevor show their vivid personalities throughout the game. Not only does the subtle inclusion of sleeping patterns add comprehension, reason, and realism to Grand Theft Auto V, it also makes the protagonists more relatable and more human in the chaotic world they exist in.

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