DC Comics Hints That Batman Beyond May Join A Future Justice League

DC Comics Hints That Batman Beyond May Join A Future Justice League

Wonder Woman has embraced Terry McGinnis as the Batman of the future, meaning Batman Beyond will meet and possibly join the future Justice League.

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DC Comics Hints That Batman Beyond May Join A Future Justice League

Warning, this article contains spoilers for Batman Beyond #50.

Some version of Batman has existed in pretty much every DC Comics reality or time period since Bruce Wayne’s introduction. While DC’s Future State is on the horizon, Terry McGinnis is still the most popular version of the future Batman. Batman Beyond, the animated series, answered a question Batman fans have wondered for decades: what happens when Bruce Wayne gets old? Despite his phenomenal abilities and outrageous accomplishments, the original Caped Crusader is still just human. Terry McGinnis answered that question by becoming a new and improved version of The World’s Greatest Detective.

Terry McGinnis was an average middle-class teen in the Gotham of the future. Terry was a fairly-skilled streetfighter prior to meeting Bruce and he had a strong disdain for bullies. He had been a troubled kid prior to his vigilante career. Terry and Bruce crossed paths one night when a future Joker Gang was preparing to assault the now elderly Bruce outside of Wayne Manor.

In true Batman fashion, Bruce quickly disposed of the inexperienced villains with his walking cane and the help of Terry. After helping Bruce into his home, Terry stumbled upon the Batcave. The teen used a new Batsuit to try to get justice after his father was murdered as part of an insidious plot. Since then, Bruce has somewhat taken the role of Oracle and acts as a mentor to Terry in Gotham’s future. Bruce has coached Terry through battles with countless new villains and high-stakes cases. Now Terry has hit a new milestone in his career as Batman. In Batman Beyond #50 by Dan Jurgens, Sean Chen, Sean Parsons, and Chris Sotomayor, Batman is ready to be inducted into the Justice League of the future.

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After Terry is framed by the future Gotham villain Inque, Wonder Woman makes an appearance in Gotham to investigate. Terry works together with Wonder Woman to get to the bottom of the plot to frame Batman. During their time together, Diana is impressed with the new Batman and sees why Bruce took him on as his protégé. She tells Terry that it’s time he meets the Justice League.

Bruce Wayne’s Batman is one of the key members of the Justice League as well as the only member of the original League without powers. Joining the League allowed Batman to save the world on multiple occasions with his team and operate on a much larger scale. The combined strength, abilities, and resources of the League made them the fiercest team on Earth. Terry’s induction would be a huge milestone for the new Batman. Since he first donned the mantle, Terry has overcome many personal challenges and has grown as a hero under the guidance of Bruce Wayne. Assuming a role in the new Justice League would mean a major promotion in Terry’s career as a crimefighter. His time as Batman has earned him a spot on a team that represents something far greater than just one city. Now the question is, who are the other league members in Batman Beyond’s time period?

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dc-comics-batman-beyond-future-justice-league-team/

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