DC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue Amazon

DC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue Amazon

In Future State, the Amazons are mostly gone, having withdrawn from Man’s World and only a few remain behind, and one of them is Nubia.

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DC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue Amazon

Potential spoilers for Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 ahead!

Nubia is the newest Wonder Woman in Future State, and now DC has revealed that she is a rogue Amazon. In a backup feature in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1, readers learn more about Nubia and the state of the Amazons in DC’s future. Written by L.L. McKinney, with art by Alitha Martinez, inks by Mark Morales and colors by Emilio Lopez, the issue is in stores now.

Nubia first appeared in 1973’s Wonder Woman #204 and is regarded by many to be the first Black female superhero. She also largely appears in alternate reality stories, such as the wife of the Super President of Earth-23 in Grant Morrison’s The Multiversity. Nubia’s origin has changed over time, depending on the era and creative team, but most commonly she is depicted as Wonder Woman’s sister, and that is what she is in Future State. In the most common version of her origin, Hippolyta formed Nubia from the same clay at the same time she formed Diana, but the infant Nubia was whiskey away by Ares and trained in the arts of war. She eventually broke free of Ares’ influence and embraced the way of the Amazons and her sister.

In Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman, Nubia intercepts Grail attempting to steal artifacts from a museum in Atlanta. Grail seems surprised to see Nubia, and it is through Grail that fans learn the Amazons abandoned Man’s World, recalling their forces. She wonders why Nubia sticks around, and she informs Grail that it is because of people like her, who might take advantage of the Amazons leaving. Readers go on to learn that Diana is now queen of the Amazons—and Grail taunts Nubia over this, asking if Diana was having any more luck than her predecessor. Nubia would not know, she says, as she and Diana are not on speaking terms. Nubia then declares she is Wonder Woman and prepares to attack.

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DC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue AmazonDC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue AmazonDC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue AmazonDC Reveals Its Newest Wonder Woman is a Rogue Amazon

Despite tensions between the Amazons and Man’s World, the Amazons have stepped up and defended it many times, and the fact they have largely abandoned Man’s World is shocking. No reason was given as to why they did, leaving it one of the central mysteries of Future State. Whatever their reason for doing so, Nubia foresaw the consequences of their withdrawal, and stayed behind to do something about it.

The Amazons leaving Man’s World behind is one of the many shocking changes brought about in Future State. It shows how high the stake are in this world—humanity has been left without one of its principal defenders, and now they are paying the price.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dc-future-state-newest-wonder-woman-nubia-rogue-amazon/

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