Deadpool Stupidly Tried to Copy Captain Americas MCU Moves

Deadpool Stupidly Tried to Copy Captain America’s MCU Moves

Deadpool may be Captain America’s biggest fan, but his attempts to copy Cap’s moves from the MCU’s Winter Soldier didn’t turn out well.

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Deadpool Stupidly Tried to Copy Captain Americas MCU Moves

While it’s a Marvel Comics fact that Deadpool is one of Captain America’s biggest fans, he once idiotically tried to replicate one of Steve Rogers’ MCU moves with not much success. Just after Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s release in 2014, Deadpool had a bi-annual issue that kicked off with Wade Wilson attempting to be just like Cap while working alongside SHIELD. However, things didn’t work out quite so well for the Merc with the Mouth, and he ended up ruining an entire mission in his desire to be just like his hero (which was, of course, hilarious).

In the MCU’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the film opens with Captain Steve Rogers doing his best to adjust to normal life in the modern-day, and the best way he’s found to occupy his time is leading missions for Nick Fury and SHIELD. As such, Cap is heading up a strike team along with Black Widow to recapture the SHIELD ship known as the Lemurian Star which had been taken over by terrorists. While the plan was to drop in from a Quinjet using parachutes, Rogers jumped straight out of the jet without a one, much to the surprise of his team, since he’s strong enough to survive the jump thanks to the Super Soldier serum.

Likewise, 2014’s Deadpool Bi-Annual #1 from Pual Scheer, Nick Giovannetti, and Salva Espin, saw Wade Wilson attempting the same exact thing, wanting to be just like his hero Captain America. While this was a clear and intentional reference to The Winter Soldier, Deadpool jumping out of a jet without a parachute was met with less surprise from his team of SHIELD agents and more exasperation, especially when Wade ended up landing on his intended target when they absolutely needed him alive. Just like in the MCU film, one agent asks another if Deadpool was wearing a parachute before he jumped:

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While it’s an absolutely hilarious homage, it just goes to show that Deadpool will always be an idiot and that he was a terrible SHIELD agent as well. In any case, recent comics have begun to see Deadpool and Captain America starting to reconnect, as they did have some significant issues around 2017 when Deadpool was working for Captain America and was ordered to kill Phil Coulson. While Cap had been altered by a Cosmic Cube and had become a HYDRA version of himself in Secret Empire at the time, Wade Wilson still became disillusioned and lost some faith in his hero, though it seems as though the past could soon be behind them.

Regardless, Captain America being Deadpool’s hero is absolutely amazing, especially because Wade Wilson himself is usually nowhere close to holding the same ideals and morals that are normally held by the Super Soldier. However, Deadpool has attributed the times he’s actually decided to be a hero to Captain America’s influence as a chief inspiration in the past, which is pretty cool (even if his enthusiasm makes him look like an idiot, as seen here in his Winter Soldier callback).

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