Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Disney’s Tangled: 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe


Disney’s Tangled has brought us a bunch of amazing Rapunzel cosplayers. These costumes are breath-taking.

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Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Disney’s Tangled gives a new twist to the traditional Rapunzel story and fans instantly fell in love with the long-haired beauty. They adored her quirks as she discovered a new world right outside her door with the handsome Flynn Rider by her side. This character has gained quite a following since the film’s release for these reasons as fans desire to be just like her.

Many have taken their passion to the next level by creating amazing cosplays that bring this animated character to life. They capture her essence in both their outfits, as well as the parts of their personality that leak through. These are some amazing Rapunzel cosplays that any Tangled fan has to see!

10 Eyes That Sparkle

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Some people were born to be princesses, and this cosplayer proved it the second she decided to turn herself into Rapunzel. Her green eyes seem to sparkle in the fading light and her freckles are on full display, just like Rapunzel’s in the movie. The flowers in her hair have a vibrance to them that enhances her features as this cosplayer, named Milena Hime, turned into the princess she was always meant to be.

9 A Thick And Flowery Braid

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

This cosplay looks exceptional, even though some might complain about the darker color of her hair. The gown is intricately designed as no detail was left out, all the way down to the patterns in her skirt. The way her hair is braided in combination with the flowers is surreal as it was surely a difficult task to accomplish. Rayi-Kun is the cosplayer in this post who created the entire outfit from scratch, and fans are obsessed with her workmanship.

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8 Pascal Makes The Picture

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Pascal is Rapunzel’s chameleon, and this cosplayer decided to add him to her ensemble. The look on her face is similar to one this character might make in the film, and the outfit is one of the best that anyone has made.

Her hair is the perfect golden hue, but Pascal makes the picture as his rendition looks almost lifelike beside her. Childishx created this post that has fans wanting to see her cast in a live-action remake.

7 Looking Out Into The World

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Rapunzel had never left the safety of her tower walls until she met Flynn Rider, and this cosplayer managed to capture one of her moments of wonder. The way she peers out at the world beyond with new eyes speaks to this character’s lack of knowledge of the world around her.

The combination of the golden hair with a perfectly tailored dress brings this character life before fans’ very eyes. Ryuu Seika is the cosplayer behind this Rapunzel that made fans’ dreams come true the moment she decided to create something of this magnitude.

6 A Short Haircut

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Many choose to model their cosplays after the Rapunzel with blonde flowing locks, but few choose to showcase how she would look now. This cosplayer decided to take this approach as she recreated her pixie-like haircut with a gown she might be caught wearing in the castle. MonstroINC created this cosplay that allows fans to see how this princess would look after she lost all of her magic hair.

5 Flowers Galore

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Flowers make up the majority of this cosplayer’s outfit and background as it shows an integral part of her design. She looks so natural as this princess, even as some might criticize her outfit for the different-colored dress and blue eyes. The cosplayer in this piece is Blue Colibri and fans are impressed by her ability to make something new that serves as an upgrade to her original design.

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4 Mother Gothel And Rapunzel

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

This Disney rendition follows the journey of Rapunzel as she uncovers the truth about Mother Gothel, the woman who kidnapped her. This cosplay captures their relationship as the woman uses Rapunzel’s hair to give herself youthful beauty, as the girl looks on with naivety to her situation.

The wig looks a bit off at the top, but her green eyes and purple dress make up for this mistake. Kiara Berry created this cosplay, with the help of her mother, as she sought to give this character new life.

3 Playful And Fun

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Rapunzel had a unique energy about her that is hard to miss, but this cosplayer managed to capture it in her own demeanor. The subtle smile combined with the way she sniffs the flower speaks of her happiness and wonder, as well as a knack for getting her way.

This might be fans’ favorite gown, despite the slight variation from the original color, as the flowers in the bodice make it more realistic. Staxel is the cosplayer in this post who has a deeper understanding of how this character’s personality works.

2 The Perfect Background

Disneys Tangled 10 Amazing Rapunzel Cosplays That You Have To See To Believe

Some may view this cosplay as mediocre, but the background is what makes this cosplay pop. This Rapunzel appears to be overjoyed, and a light in the darkness, despite the dreary colors surrounding her. Usagi SPB is the cosplayer in this piece whose energy and intricately designed dress help bring this character to life.

1 A Frying Pan Is The Best Accessory

Rapunzel is known for her ability to wield a frying pan as a weapon, which is why this cosplayer decided to add it to her outfit. Her green eyes really stand out as they are accentuated by the flowers in her hair. Dani Peddington is the cosplayer in this piece who everyone would mistake for a real-life Rapunzel if they saw her in the streets.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/disney-tangled-rapunzel-awesome-cosplays/

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