Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

Doctor Who: 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor


When Doctor Who returned in 2005, it featured a Doctor fresh from the Time War – and his bad luck didn’t end there.

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Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

Fresh off the back of the Time War, the Doctor was in a dark place when Doctor Who was first revived back in 2005. This was a Time Lord like we’ve never seen before – traumatized by war, and full of self-loathing. With his deep-seated guilt for his role in the war, the Doctor fought for every good day he could get. There are no dry eyes when the Ninth Doctor, declares, “Just this once, everybody lives!”

Unfortunately, those good moments for the Ninth Doctor also came with a whole lot of bad ones. He only got one season, but the Doctor experienced plenty of loss, grief, and upset in just 13 episodes. The very worst of his experiences are ones that are still discussed over a decade later from Bad Wolf to abandoning Jack Harkness.

Rose Changing History

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

Rose Tyler has plenty of strengths as a companion – but, like any human, she also happens to be very selfish. When the Doctor takes her back to the day of her father’s death, she can’t help herself and rushes forward to save him – changing history, and causing a world of chaos in the process.

Ultimately, Pete Tyler ends up dying all over again. But first, the Reapers unleash themselves on London. Not only does the Doctor have to contend with the betrayal of thinking Rose only ever traveled with him to try and save her father, but he ends up sacrificing himself to keep everyone else safe. While it’s only temporary, it could easily have been permanent if Pete hadn’t intervened.

Accidentally Kidnapping Rose

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

The Doctor is fully prepared to never take on a companion again – until he meets Rose. After encountering her during his clash with the Autons, he ends up warming to her and asking him to travel through space and time by his side.

There’s just one little snag. When he does bring her back to visit, he misjudges his landing and accidentally returns a year after she left. Her friends and family thought her missing in the meantime, causing Jackie and Mickey especially a world of pain. It’s more guilt for the Doctor to bear – especially because it hurts Rose, the person he cares about most, in the process.

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The Game Station

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

Trauma after trauma unfolds upon the Game Station. From the second he’s summoned to the former site of Platform Five, the Doctor is thrown into deadly versions of popular reality shows where losing contestants are supposedly killed on sight.

Even once participants escape the games, it doesn’t end there. The Game Station is the catalyst for multiple traumatic events in the space of one day – making this one of the deadliest he’s had to encounter since the end of the Time War.

Abandoning Jack Harkness

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

One of the many consequences of the Game Station is saying goodbye to Jack Harkness. Or rather, not saying goodbye. When Rose not only brings Jack back to life with her powers as Bad Wolf, she inadvertently makes him unable to ever die again.

To the Doctor, this is a perversion of nature. Every inch of his Time Lord being is repulsed by Jack’s existence, so he has no choice but to abandon him. It’s one of the worst things the Doctor does to a companion, but a choice that’s completely out of his hands. He’s forced to say goodbye to one of his first good friends since the Time War for no reason other than a twist of fate.

Meeting The ‘Last’ Dalek

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

The only comfort of losing everything he ever loved in the Time War is that the Doctor managed to take Daleks down with it. At least that’s what he thinks until he’s summoned to Henry van Statten’s by a distant distress signal – revealed to be coming from the last remaining Dalek.

It isn’t just the disgust of seeing his worst enemy again that makes this instance such a traumatic event. It’s facing his equivalent, a Dalek is also the lone survivor of their race, and acknowledging that they might just be as bad as each other. Self-awareness can be painful – especially when one has to face their most monstrous reflection.

Rose Absorbing The Time Vortex

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

The Ninth Doctor and Rose are one of the TARDIS’ best duos – coming the closest to a romantic relationship ever shared between a Doctor and his regular companion. This is exactly what makes it so painful when Rose absorbs the Time Vortex.

Although it does make her powerful enough to save the Doctor, Jack, and everyone else at the mercy of the Daleks, it does also put her life in danger. The Doctor is forced to sacrifice himself, triggering a regeneration, to save her. But it isn’t just selfishness that makes this a terrible moment in the Doctor’s life; it’s the fact he has to live with the knowledge that Rose only put herself through this out of her love for him.

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Watching Rose ‘Die’

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

The worst part of caring for someone as deeply as the Ninth Doctor cares for Rose is the day they’re lost forever. On the Game Station, the Doctor truly believes that moment has come to pass when he watches her seemingly get disintegrated by the Anne Droid.

It may have been a ploy, but it’s extremely real for the Doctor. He is noticeably devastated, at a total loss for words for once. This is his worst nightmare come to life – and he’s only seconds too late to save her. Unsurprisingly, some fans consider this one of the Doctor and Rose’s best episodes, likely because it shines such an honest (and devastating) light on their bond.

The Return Of The Daleks

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

Killing the Time Lords was a necessary part of killing the Daleks – knowing that is the only way the Doctor manages to handle the worst thing he’s ever done. However, when the Dalek race (as well as its emperor) rises as strong as ever, he has to face the fact he did it all for nothing.

As if this isn’t a heavy enough burden to bear, the Doctor is faced with the task of defeating them all over again. He might have less to lose this time, but he also has to wage this war alone. This is an insurmountable challenge, especially for someone as aggrieved as the Doctor.

Nearly Committing Genocide (Again)

Doctor Who 10 Worst Things That Happened To The 9th Doctor

The Doctor has to make some hard choices sometimes but, at heart, he’s a good man. Otherwise, he wouldn’t struggle as much with the sacrifices he had to make to win the Time War. Namely the double genocide of the Time Lords and the Daleks.

While this was retconned in the 50th anniversary’s “The Day Of The Doctor”, as far as the Ninth Doctor is aware, he erased his race to take down another. As if that’s not bad enough, “The Parting Of The Ways” presents a situation that the Doctor thinks he can only escape by repeating his mistakes – wiping out both the Daleks and the humans on earth below with a Delta Wave. Ultimately, he doesn’t have to do it, but it’s still a huge weight to wrestle.

The Guilt Of The Time War

For the Ninth Doctor, everything comes back to the Time War. This is what shaped him into the tough, callous man Rose meets in the basement of her shop – and the same man that slowly relearns the art of compassion thanks to her influence.

Even then, this is something that carries over into his next regeneration and beyond. It’s unimaginable guilt and one that temporarily transforms the Doctor into someone willing to torture his enemies and take pleasure in their pain.

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