Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

Dora The Explorer: 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways He’s The Worst)


Dora the Explorer owes a lot of her popularity to her monkey sidekick, Boots. But how good of a sidekick is boots, really?

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Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

On Dora the Explorer, one of the longest-running children’s series of all time, there is a colorful cast of characters who range from driven (Dora), to fun (Backpack), to sneaky (Swiper). However, there is one character who stands out in the pantheon of all-time cartoon sidekicks— Boots, Dora’s monkey friend.

Just because Boots is a famous sidekick, though, that does not mean that he’s a perfect sidekick. There’s a flurry of reasons why he’s great teammate, but there are also plenty why he is a burden to Dora on her expeditions.

10 Best: Enthusiastic

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

Boots is an incredibly enthusiastic character who is always one hundred percent devoted to the task at hand. One could tell Boots that the exploration was taking them to an active volcano and he’d still respond with a flip and an “Okay!”

Sometimes, Dora is not always the most fun character on screen and it’s inspiring to see Boots make up for that. His enthusiasm can go a long way on a dreary day and that’s needed in a sidekick. While the good ultimately outweighs the bad, Boots definitely has some room for improvement in his job.

9 Worst: He Isn’t A Great Communicator

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

Sometimes, Boots is a difficult sidekick to connect with because he does not have a major grasp on his own sense of language. This can result in some serious miscommunication that sometimes complicates Dora’s missions. Even Dora’s map and backpack are eloquent speakers, along with just about everything else in the universe of the show.

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Granted, Dora is a Nickelodeon show all about linguistics and learning to master multiple languages, so Boots is learning along with the audience. It’s just hard when his inexperience interferes with the task at hand.

8 Best: He’s Always Trying

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

If nothing else, Boots is always trying. He is not an expert in English, nor is he an expert in Spanish. However, he is getting better all the time and doing his best to become a sidekick worthy of inclusion on Dora’s adventures.

That’s a very important thing in a sidekick— if they’re putting in the effort, that makes up for a lot of flaws in their own personalities. Boots is awesome because he’s never okay with holding Dora back.

7 Worst: He Lacks Critical Thinking

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

In terms of his age, Boots is barely older than a toddler. As such, just as Boots lacks a grasp on certain linguistic elements, he is also struggles with critical thinking. That monkey’s prefrontal cortex hasn’t developed yet, after all.

It would be one thing if this flaw in Boots’ persona was just a part of his individual arc. However, it can also impact Dora and their collective safety. Boots’ decision-making processes are flawed because he’s inexperienced.

6 Best: He Loves Life

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

It’s refreshing to see Boots as a character who just loves life, being alive, and enjoying all the amazing things the world has to offer. This is also a hallmark of many children’s shows because the characters are much less cynical than on adult series.

Even then, not every Dora character is as pure of heart and optimistic as Boots. What makes him such a great sidekick is that he embraces the beauty of everything he encounters. The world could stand to learn from Boots.

5 Worst: He’s Literally A Lightweight

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

Boots is definitely a lightweight. Sometimes, this can be a good thing, as it allows Dora to transport him across danger quickly and in a pinch when Boots is unable to do so himself.

Sometimes, however, Boots’ diminutive size and weight makes him a pretty bad sidekick because it enables obstacles and antagonists to prey on him more easily. When this transpires, it just presents yet another detour for Dora to solve.

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4 Best: He’s Limber

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

The lightweight nature of Boots can also be a major asset when it comes to evaluating his status as a stellar sidekick. It allows him to be incredibly limber and flexible when navigating across broken bridges or vines.

Boots’ athleticism is a key part of his partnership with Dora. She can’t always conquer a task that requires immaculate physical feats. Fortunately, that’s where Boots comes in to complement her navigation skills with his own limberness.

3 Worst: He’s Frequently A Liability

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

It often feels like Dora might be able to traverse across her map much more quickly if she didn’t have to worry about Boots along the way.

Dora the Explorer is about her ability to get from Point A to Point B. That’s typically her primary goal. But she frequently has to venture down side roads to save, protect, or comfort Boots. They’re friends, so it’s admirable of her to do so. However, his sidekick status is lessened how much of a liability he is.

2 Best: He’s Loyal

Dora The Explorer 5 Ways Boots Is An Awesome Sidekick (& 5 Ways Hes The Worst)

There’s a reason why Dora goes out of her way to help Boots, though. It’s because they’re friends and friends don’t always consider themselves to be liabilities. And as friends, Boots is an incredibly loyal companion.

For all the flaws he brings to the table on Dora’s expeditions, Boots makes up for it with immense and intense loyalty. He would never turn his back on Dora and would do absolutely anything for her. That’s what makes him an impeccable sidekick.

1 Worst: He’s Impulsive

While Boots would do anything for Dora, sometimes his actions are not exactly ideal. He acts with nobility in the name of friendship, but his actions are frequently impulsive.

A good sidekick shouldn’t act with reckless abandon and increases the amount of danger characters are in at any moment. A good sidekick would never make things harder for the characters they’re helping. In that sense, Boots is no Sam Wilson— he’s more of a Merry Brandybuck. But even Merry is pretty lovable, and Boots is certainly that.

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