Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Dragon Age 4: 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories


There’s a lot of reasons to love a series like Dragon Age, which is why fans are already cultivating multiple theories for its upcoming title.

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Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Nearly 7 years after its predecessor was released, Dragon Age 4 is finally starting to seem within reach. With a more active dev presence online, as well as a smattering of trailers and book materials to rely on, fans are eagerly piecing together clues to determine what new adventures the world of Thedas has in store for them.

After all, Thedas is a world of mystery, and the last three Dragon Age games have been rich with intrigue, storytelling, and most of all, questions that have yet to be answered. Therefore, fans have already prepared themselves with theories and expectations for the next game to deliver on. Beware – massive spoilers ahead!

10 The Origins of the Qunari

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

With their imposing stature and iconic horned heads, the Qunari stand out amongst the other races in Thedas. They are unique to the series and have long been typecast as “mysterious” peoples with an unclear history.

However, there are many clues throughout the series that hint towards something supernatural regarding their origins. For instance, Morrigan’s son Kieran will comment that the Qunari have blood that “does not belong to them.” This has led some players to assume that some vague, powerful being created the Qunari by mixing elven blood with dragon’s blood.

9 Ghilan’nain, Mad Scientist

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Some players assert that said powerful being is none other than Ghilan’nain, an elven goddess. These theories were formed after the release of the Dragon Age book “Tevinter Nights,” in which one short story – “The Horror of Hormak” – details a grisly expedition into an ancient elven cave that hosts mutated creatures with grotesquely human features.

Further examination into prior games’ codexes reveals that Ghilan’nain was always known to be a creator of creatures, from the deer-like Halla to oceanic Leviathans. Fans suspect this cave was one of her laboratories, where she potentially experimented on elven slaves to create her subjects. Creepy…

8 Return Of The Wardens

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Recently, an executive producer at Bioware posted a new piece of concept art featuring a Grey Warden. The Wardens were front and center in the first Dragon Age game, and therefore, they hold a special place in the hearts of pretty much every fan of the series. Therefore, this concept art has fans very excited.

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It alludes to the possibility that the Wardens will once again have a prominent role in the story. A Grey Warden has already been confirmed in a teaser trailer: a young man named Davrin, who very well could be the player’s connection to their beloved legion of darkspawn-slayers.

7 An Open Tevinter

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

By now, it’s fairly clear that the main setting of the game will be in the nation of Tevinter, where magic rules above all else. And after so much of Tevinter was featured in “Tevinter Nights,” fans are hoping that they will be able to explore its cities and provinces openly.

Since most modern titles feature open-world, sandbox regions for players to explore, it’s within the realm of possibility that fans will get what they want in this regard. It would be a welcome change, after Inquisition reduced the supposedly gorgeous city of Val Royeaux into one small, static zone.

6 Blue Wraith

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

One of the most popular characters in the series is Fenris – a companion in Dragon Age 2, who has escaped slavery in Tevinter and, by the events of Inquisition, is actively hunting slavers throughout his travels. Considering the next game will be in Tevinter, and that the plot will surround an elven uprising, fans are eagerly waiting to see their favorite Lyrium Ghost make another appearance.

Fortunately for those fans, a series of graphic novels dedicated to Fenris’ newest adventures was recently published. This seems to all but guarantee that he will have some sort of role in the upcoming game.

5 Antivan Crow

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Fenris isn’t the only returning character fans want to see: they’re also eager to see Origins’ favorite Crow assassin, Zevran Arainai, who only had brief cameos in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. With so much personality and depth to him, it only makes sense that players want to see more of him in the series.

Thankfully, it is entirely possible that Zev will grace players with his handsome face once again, as the Antivan Crows seem more prominent than ever. Many short stories in “Tevinter Nights” centered around this group of eccentric assassins, and since Zevran is a man of the people, it’s more likely than not that he’ll show up at some point to cause trouble.

4 Mabari Time!

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

In both Origins and Dragon Age 2, players got to have their very own dog: a Ferelden Mabari war-hound. These dogs are just as intelligent and silly as they are fierce and menacing, which made them a delight to have in the party. But to players’ major disappointment, Mabaris couldn’t be recruited in Inquisition.

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Some fans suspect this was because one of the party members, Solas, was secretly an ancient trickster wolf god, and that any good dog would have picked up on that right away. But since the next game will see Solas on the other side of the battlefield, there’s no reason why the player won’t be able to recruit a slobber-hound once again!

3 An Expanded Thedas

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

So far, players have only gotten to explore a handful of locations in Thedas, primarily in Ferelden, Orlais, and the Free Marches. Since “Tevinter Nights” features so many other locations, in nations only mentioned in passing in prior titles, fans are hoping that there will be more emphasis put on exploration and travel in the new game.

After all, these locations sound fascinating: for instance, in Nevarra, the dead openly roam and communicate with the living, while in Rivain, people are pantheistic and operate on a matriarchal basis.

2 Clashing With Titans

Dragon Age 4 10 Best Rumors & Fan Theories

Known as “the pillars of the earth,” Titans play a unique role in the lore of Thedas. They are hidden deep underground, lost in Dwarven mythos, and it’s not until Inquisition’s DLC The Descent that some of the mysteries surrounding them are unfolded.

Such mysteries – including that their blood is made of lyrium – are fanning the fuels of theorists in the Dragon Age fandom, who are starting to suspect the Titans may be playing a larger role than previously expected. One theory is particularly interesting: that the Blight was caused by a Titan infected with Red Lyrium.

1 The Veil’s Collapse

The end of the DLC Trespasser revealed crucial things about the series moving forward: Solas is the Dread Wolf, the elven gods were powerful mages, he sealed them away with what is now called the Veil in order to protect his people from their wrath, and he now wants to bring down the Veil and revert Thedas to how it was when elves still ruled the earth.

Players anticipate they will experience this collapse during the game at some point, and that it will come with a crucial decision: either accept Solas’s attempts to revert the world, fight to return things back to normal, or somehow find a middle ground where the Veil can exist on earth, but nobody else has to die. Regardless, it will be a heart-wrenching decision, for Solas is one of the most tragic characters in the series.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dragon-age-4-best-rumors/

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