Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Empire Records: One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality


These defining quotes from Empire Records sum up the personalties of each main character from the artist to the goth girl

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Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Empire Records is filled with the misfit, sometimes misunderstood characters whether it’s the quirky Mark or the rebellious Debra. Each character is messed up in his or her way, but, ultimately, it’s what makes the film so special. The employees at Empire Records are different with intricate lives yet come together like pieces of a puzzle.

Written by Carol Heikkinen, Empire Records is littered with memorable quotes from Lucas’s philosophical one-liner to Rex Manning’s insult. The characters of Empire Records each have their moment to shine with a pitch-perfect quote that highlights the very essence of who they are.


“There’s 24 Usable Hours In Every Day.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Corey, played by Liv Tyler, is the sweet and smart girl of Empire Records, who appears to have a perfect life. She is on her way to Harvard and plans to lose her virginity to Rex Manning. Underneath it all, she is anything but perfect.

Corey has many insightful quotes that fans can connect with but it’s her line in the car with Gina that defines her. When asked how she gets everything done in such a short time, Corey spills her father’s observation. Even though it’s her father’s words, there’s a hint of Corey sprinkled in there. Corey is under a lot of pressure. When it is revealed that she takes speed when no one is looking to be perfect, it makes her father’s words have a far deeper meaning.


“You Know That Feeling When You Get Out Of A Warm Bath — Well — You Make Feel Like A Bath?”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

AJ is the misunderstood artist of Empire Records. He’s thoughtful and sentimental and he is crushing hard on Corey. He’s also not very good at expressing his feelings when it matters the most.

When creating art, A.J doesn’t hold back but when he wants to get his feelings out, he can’t seem to find the words. When he gives himself until 1:37 to tell Corey he loves her, it is clear he struggles. When asking Joe for advice, he can’t seem to get the words out, and when A.J. is on the roof summoning the courage to talk to Corey. The words come out jumbled and incoherent. It’s a sweet moment and his comment about a warm bath is cute but it also highlights his inability to express himself.

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“My Life Is A Package Tour And I’m Simply The Passenger.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

With his black turtleneck and cool demeanor, Lucas seems to have it all together. He has a lot to lose in Empire Records. His big responsibility of closing the store sees him risking everything to save the place he works. That’s who Lucas is. He takes risks and goes with the flow no matter what the consequences are.

Lucas has a lot of memorable philosophical quotes but it’s the line about living life as a passenger that sums up who Lucas is. After losing all the money in the safe, he returns to work to talk with Joe. When A.J. confronts him about where he’s been, Lucas turns around and questions A.J. He then says this line which conveys Lucas as someone who is simply on the ride of life, and whatever happens is what is supposed to happen.


“At Least I Don’t Hide Who I Am”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Gina isn’t afraid to be herself. She knows exactly who she is. She’s comfortable in her sexuality and is open with it. She doesn’t hide that part of her which makes her moment in the end that much personal.

Although Gina has some memorable quotes focused on Debra’s new bootcut makeover, it’s her line centered at Corey that defines her. Corey is upset that Gina fooled around with Rex Manning and asks her if this is all she ever will be, sleeping with every has been which gets Gina worked up and opens up with the definite line.


“So I Guess Nobody Really Has It All Together.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

From the very first moment, Debra comes off as someone worth knowing. She rides a moped and shaves her head as if nothing is wrong. But like Corey, there’s something hidden underneath her exterior.

Debra reveals during her fake funeral that she tried to kill herself with a Lady Bic. Yet she’s still there, still standing because that’s who she is. There’s strength in Debra. She doesn’t back down even when things are hopeless. When Corey has a meltdown, Debra volunteers to take care of her. She expresses that no one has it all together which is a defining line for all the characters in Empire Records. Everyone is messed up and no one is truly perfect.


“This Music Is The Glue Of The World, Mark. It’s What Holds It All Together.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Out of all the employees at Empire Records, no one knows more about music than Eddie. When a customer asks about Clapton on vinyl, Eddie is quick to recite every Eric Clapton that Empire has on vinyl.

But it’s his first conversation with Mark that highlights his appreciation towards music. With a mixtape complete with Van Halen and Floyd, he gives Mark a relatable piece of truth, that music is an essential part of our world adding that without music, everything would be meaningless.

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“One Of These Days, I’m Going To Show You Little People.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Mark is the oddball, quirky employee that likes his music loud and his brownies special. He’s also the one employee people tend to look past. Even though every time he’s on-screen, he makes himself stand out whether it’s headbanging with his friends or he’s making out with a Madonna mural.

There are a lot of memorable lines Mark expresses throughout the movie but it’s his line where he talks back to Joe that highlights his desire to be seen. All Mark wants is to start a band and while cleaning, he entertains himself by singing. This activity angers Joe and it prompts Mark to let express his line. No one takes Mark seriously and his desire to show everyone who he is a defining moment for him.


“Have I Fired Anyone Today?”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Every place of work should have a manager like Joe. He’s the father figure in his employees’ lives whose compassion for his staff shows with every turn of events. He’s there for them whether it’s showing kindness to Debra or willing to prolong calling the police after Lucas steals $9,104, Joe is the boss that you can count on.

Throughout the film, he expresses his disappointments but it is clear that Joe cares about his staff. One of the lines showcasing his compassion is when Gina asks Joe if she’s fired for fooling around with Rex Manning. He utters the line which highlights that part of Joe that fans love.


“Old Enough To Kick Your Butt Through Your Skull And Splatter Your Brains On The Wall.”

Empire Records One Quote From Each Main Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Warren has some anger issues as the juvenile who comes to Empire to lift CDs. Warren may have questionable music tastes but he shines as one of the more interesting side characters.

Warren isn’t even his real name. He only calls himself that to antagonize the staff. When the staff keeps referring to him as Warren, it pushes him over the edge. But the line that speaks volumes about Warren’s state of mind is the response he gives to Joe when asked how old he is. It’s a reflective response, quick to the punch, and a typical line expressed by a teenager. It just proves how naive our dear friend Warren is.

Rex Manning

“Why Don’t You All Just Fade Away.”

Rex Manning is that musician from the 80s who still wants to be relevant. His new record has been released and he’s going around trying to promote it with his manager Jane. He’s a washed-up singer and yet he goes around the store acting like he’s the king of pop.

He takes photos with the shoplifter Warren, he embarrasses Corey when she puts herself out there, he fools around with Gina, and to top it off, punches A.J. in the face. After everything is done, everyone tells Rex the truth. They all hate his new record. Rex says the line which may come out as an insult to the gang but it highlights his career, he too is fading away from relevancy.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/empire-records-quote-personality/

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