Every Valheim Creature You Can Tame

Every Valheim Creature You Can Tame


Valheim allows players to capture and tame animals while exploring the open world. Currently, there are three tamable Valheim animals available.

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Every Valheim Creature You Can Tame

Valheim, a new survival game inspired by Viking mythology, takes players across a harsh landscape, collecting resources, hunting creatures, and building homes to live in and protect against the evil monsters lurking in the trees. Players can also do some basic farming and choose to raise a few different animals after capturing them. There are three tamable animal species in Valheim, though more may be released as the game advances through early access.

Capturing and raising animals in Valheim has many benefits once players get their domesticated populations set up. Each species has special resource drops, like leather, pelts and trophies, that players can use while crafting in Valheim. Currently, players can capture and breed wild boars, wolves and lox. While boar and lox are good for meat and pelts, wolves have the ability to fight at players’ sides, offering companionship as they travel through the harsh wilderness.

Capturing animals in Valheim will look familiar to Minecraft players. To tame one of Valheim’s wild boars, a pen or enclosure will need to be built. Afterwards, players will want to lure the boars to the pen with food or herd them in by intimidating them. Once captured, players will need to continuously feed their boars over many days to fully tame them. While wild boars will eat just about anything, carrots offer the fastest route for taming. After they are tamed, players can pet their boars and, if they have multiple within an enclosure, breed them by feeding the boars carrots.

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Valheim Offers Players Animals To Tame & Breed

Taming wolves in Valheim is a bit more difficult, simply because they can do more damage if the player takes a misstep. Wolves spawn in freezing mountain areas, which poses another difficulty, as players will likely need to set up a short-term base while trying to tame them. Like with boars, players will need to build an enclosure to keep the wolves in, then lure them using raw meat as bait. After they are captured, players only need to feed them and make sure the pen is in good repair so they don’t escape. After a wolf is tamed, it can be bred and can even follow the player around as a companion.

The most difficult creature to tame is the lox, a large, hairy reptile. Because of their brute strength, they can’t be fenced in, so players must tame them before being able to build them an enclosure. Lox eat barley and cloudberries, but they also have a hankering for Valheim player characters, so the chances of being eaten while trying to tame this creature are high.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/valheim-tame-animals-wolf-boar-lox-capture-creature/

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