Facebooks News Feed Might Become More Tolerable Soon

Facebook’s News Feed Might Become More Tolerable Soon


Facebook will be introducing new tools over the coming weeks to give users more control over what does and doesn’t appear on their News Feeds.

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Facebooks News Feed Might Become More Tolerable Soon

Facebook is making it easier for you to control who and what shows up on your feed. The company has long shown users its algorithmic news feed, giving us whatever Facebook defined as “top” news at the time. Users could also opt to only show the most recent posts from their friends, family, groups, or pages.

Facebook also gives users the ability to see more or less of a certain person, page, or group right within the standard post. This would arbitrarily change the algorithm Facebook served you but never gave the user a way to see how it affects the feed. It never felt like you were in control of your feed. Show less, yes, but it was never clear how much less, for example.

Well, Facebook will now give users more control over what shows up on the feed. According to a press release by Facebook, the company is, “testing new ways to make it easier to find and use News Feed controls to adjust people’s ranking preferences and customize their News Feed.” Users will now be able to increase or decrease the amount of content they see from specific friends, family, groups, or pages. Users will also be able to adjust how much of a specific topic they see in their feed. Facebook says that it will be rolling out these changes in the coming weeks to a small percentage of users across the world.

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The More Control, The Better

Hopefully, this will let users really fine-tune what they see and what they don’t see on their feeds. Instead of an arbitrary algorithm where you have to keep saying “I want to see less of this,” you can really dig in and tell it specifically how much less or how much more you want to see from these people, pages, or groups. Being able to control certain topics is also a plus. Instead of adjusting pages or groups, you can suppress the topics at hand instead.

Facebook giving users these options prove that algorithms don’t solve everything. No two people are the same. Likewise, two people who have similar interests in one area don’t necessarily mean they agree on the same things. Being able to say, “I want to see less from this person” without having to flat out block or unfriend them will be a welcome change. And that should be the case with all social media platforms. Just because a friend is live posting about a multi-day sporting event you don’t care for at all doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t want to be their friend. With the new controls from Facebook, you should now be able to say, “I want to see less from this topic.”

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/facebook-news-feed-customization-new/

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