Falcon and Winter Soldier Must Reveal Captain America’s Endgame Mystery

Falcon and Winter Soldier Must Reveal Captain America’s Endgame Mystery

Captain America left a shield-sized hole following his disappearance in Endgame. But, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier should lean into the mystery.

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Falcon and Winter Soldier Must Reveal Captain America’s Endgame Mystery

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier should reveal Captain America’s Avengers: Endgame mystery. Following Thanos’ defeat, Captain America donned his suit for what would be the last time and, with the Infinity Stones in tow, traveled back in time to return them from where they were taken. What no one anticipated was Steve Rogers’ next move — after returning the stones, he went back to live out the remainder of his days with Peggy Carter, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Steve’s first love. He only returned to the spot he originally left, now as an old man, to bequeath his Captain America shield to his friend Sam Wilson/Falcon.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is set in the immediate aftermath of Endgame. However, it’s highly doubtful that the rest of the world, the U.S. government included, knows what happened to Captain America. It’s possible that all anyone knows is that the superhero mysteriously disappeared after Thanos was defeated, never to be seen again. Is he presumed dead after battle? Perhaps his disappearance is the reason why Sam is unable to officially take up the mantle of Captain America. After all, all he’s got is Steve’s shield and no Captain America to publicly back him, which could look somewhat strange to those who aren’t in the know of the Avengers’ time travel escapades.

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While the Avengers defeated Thanos and brought back those who were snapped, the events leading up to the battle are pretty much a secret to the rest of the world. It’s not like Iron Man and Captain America decided to hold a press conference about their time travel plans. It’s therefore possible that when Sam and Bucky Barnes attempt to explain Captain America’s absence and his whereabouts, government officials don’t believe their story and subsequently appoint John Walker (aka, U.S. Agent) as the Captain America placeholder until they figure things out.

It’s also unclear whether Sam and Bucky are entirely in the know regarding Steve’s decision to stay in the past. In the scene where Steve hands over his shield to Sam, he refuses to divulge any information about the life he’s lived or who he married. Fans are to assume that Sam must have somehow guessed that Steve returned to the past and to Peggy, but it’s never confirmed that he or Bucky ever found out the full extent of the story. Yes, Captain America likely wanted to keep his private life to himself, but his sudden disappearance leaves Sam and Bucky in a sticky situation in the present day.

Sam and Bucky could find out the details of what happened in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which would serve as an opening to explain everything to the audience and as a way to set up the plot for the Disney+ series as well. While Captain America’s story is neatly wrapped up, there is still a lot to mine from exploring his elusive disappearance through other characters. It could also be the driving force behind a lot of Sam and Bucky’s adventures in the show. WandaVision, as an example, has been dutifully filling in the gaps to the story with regards to the post-Endgame world and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier would greatly benefit by doing the same.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/falcon-winter-soldier-captain-america-mystery-reveal/

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