Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

Family Guy: 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin


Stewie is an iconic character within the animated sitcom Family Guy. However, there have been times when he was hated by fans.

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Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

Family Guy has built quite the dedicated following ever since it premiered on Fox just over 20 years ago. The animated sitcom follows the antics of the Griffin family and although each member has garnered its respective fans, it is Stewie Griffin, the overly precocious and maniacal one year-old, who is arguably the show’s most popular breakout star.

Viewers can’t seem to get enough of the baby’s wild and unpredictable behavior, as proven by Stewie’s cementation into contemporary popular culture. It is worth noting, however, that the show hasn’t been without its fair share of controversies, and even Stewie has been at the center of some serious public backlash.

10 Stewie Has Been Faking His Accent All Along

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

The 12th episode of Family Guy’s 16th season entitled “Send in Stewie, Please” received a very mixed reception upon its release with the majority of viewers feeling especially turned off by the sudden revelation of Stewie’s American accent. Some fans appreciated the show’s effort to add some character development but for most, the episode’s tone felt too out of place and came off as a forced attempt to add depth to a beloved character.

9 Stewie Impregnates Himself With Brian’s DNA

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

By the time this season 13 episode aired, Family Guy was already seen by many to have jumped the colloquial shark, and Stewie’s behavior here only served to provide more evidence of this.

The baby is at his worst, being emotionally and physically abusive to his supposed best friend Brian by stealing a sample of his DNA without his consent in order to impregnate himself and manipulate the dog into spending more time with him. Needless to say, audiences did not take kindly to the disturbing visuals of a pregnant baby and his grotesque dog/human hybrid offspring.

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8 Kidnapping and Torturing Bart Simpson’s Enemies

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

In this highly anticipated crossover episode with The Simpsons, Stewie takes it upon himself to enact revenge on Bart Simpson’s behalf by kidnapping his bullies and adversaries. Unsurprisingly Bart is appalled at Stewie’s behavior, which in and of itself speaks volumes about Stewie’s character and the differences between the two shows in general. Many fans found the overall episode to be mean spirited in nature and disjointed in tone, with Stewie’s torture of Nelson, Sideshow Bob, Jimbo Jones, Principal Skinner, and Apu being in particularly bad taste.

7 Stewie Assaults Brian over $50

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

In what just might be one of Stewie’s most violent acts against his family, the one year-old brutally beats up the family’s anthropomorphic dog Brian after the canine fails to punctually pay back a $50 debt. Having Stewie graphically assault his friend in such an extreme manner was too over the top for some viewers, even crossing the line into senseless overkill. Fans point to the moments in which Stewie shoots Brian in both knees and subjects him to a flamethrower as examples of where they had to cross the line.

6 Forcing Brian to Eat His Feces

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

The staff behind Family Guy couldn’t help but include at least one gross-out gag even in an otherwise excellent episode like “Brian and Stewie.” After finding themselves stuck inside of a bank vault for hours and hours, Stewie has a hesitant Brian clean his diaper by coercing him into consuming its filthy contents. Stewie is pleasantly surprised to find Brian obeying his wishes, displaying the baby’s true manipulative and sadistic nature.

5 Stewie Leaves Mother Teresa to Die

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

Family Guy is well known for its cutaway gags, which often provide some of the series’ funniest laugh out loud moments; this example from season five, however, definitely managed to offend a large portion of viewers by depicting an actual saint in a horrifying scenario.

Unsurprisingly, Stewie is behind the controversy as well. He is shown driving a car erratically with Mother Teresa dying of an apparent drug overdose in the backseat, two other passengers by her side. Instead of getting the venerated figure help, Stewie cruelly dumps her in front of a hospital, presumably to die. His actions rubbed plenty of fans the wrong way, to say the least.

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4 Stewie Attempts to Assassinate His Own Mother

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

The idea of a baby committing matricide was certainly touched upon prior to this episode but few expected Stewie to seriously entertain the thought. That made it all the more shocking to witness the baby actually go through with it, especially over something so trivial as being left behind at home from a cruise. This moment understandably acted as a turning point for some fans, leaving them with a sour taste in their mouths. Even those who were rooting for Stewie to kill Lois were disappointed by the episode’s end when it was revealed to all have been a simulation.

3 Stewie Kills the New Family Dog

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

When Peter brings home a new dog after realizing Brian is getting on in years, Stewie immediately finds the New Brian aggravating, particularly his upbeat demeanor. He goes to extreme lengths to get revenge on the canine for “violating” his precious Rupert, murdering the dog, and staging it as a suicide. Audiences were generally unhappy at seeing Stewie resort to such violent measures and called it out for what it was: pure and utter shock value.

2 Stewie (Almost) Comes Out

Family Guy 10 Times Fans Completely Hated Stewie Griffin

This entry is certain to be controversial, just as Stewie is himself. The baby’s sexuality has always been a hotly debated topic and fans have consistently disagreed on whether or not the show would (or should) tackle the subject head on. That is why this episode in particular garnered some pretty passionate responses. While some praised the show for attempting to acknowledge Stewie’s LGBTQ identity, many were angry at the lack of a definitive answer by the episode’s end. Stewie never officially comes out and reverts back to defending his heterosexuality, resulting in a lack of any real growth for the character and leaving many to call the entire episode a wasted opportunity.

1 Stewie Commits Murder (Again)

In one of Stewie’s most egregious crimes, the precocious one year old falls into a jealous rage after discovering his babysitter (on whom he has an enormous crush) has a boyfriend. Stewie ends up viciously beating up the innocent young man, tying him up in the trunk of a car. Perhaps Stewie would be better off using his words next time.

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