FIFA 21 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You

FIFA 21: Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You


Though it is the 28th entry in the series, there are tips and tricks for playing FIFA 21 that players may not know. These can help players improve.

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FIFA 21 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You

Despite being the 28th installment in the popular football simulator franchise, FIFA 21 comes with a bit more of a learning curve than previous games that can help equalize players while the game is still relatively new thanks to the addition of several new mechanics. Players can climb the ranks and train in the revamped Career Mode, build and play the perfect squad with friends in Ultimate Team, and improve using new features like Agile Dribbling and Creative Runs.

There are still some things the game won’t explicitly tell players, like the best ways to improve the game, the best ways to sign players in Ultimate Team, and how to build and navigate team chemistry. One way for players to learn this is through practice. Another is from watching streamers and professionals. Players can also consult guides like this one to find out a few tips to help them improve their game and dominate the field in no time. Here are some tips and tricks to improve in FIFA 21 beyond what the game can suggest.

Tips & Tricks in FIFA 21

FIFA 21 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You

To improve, or at least get more consistent, in FIFA 21 and be able to compete against friends and strangers, players should practice to master the new ball-handling mechanics, practice shots and major plays, choose the right formation, get to know players on their team, and master signing players for cheap in Ultimate Team.

Practice to Master the new Mechanics

If players really want to get competition-ready in FIFA 21, they will want to practice, and they’ll need to do so frequently. Agile Dribbling is going to be one of the most important skills they can pick up when facing opponents, as it allows them to keep the ball close to the controlled player’s body to get past a challenger and continue down the field. Creative Runs can also help, as players can now direct the player to whom they pass the ball to keep running in a specified direction, allowing them to better execute plays and maintain control over the field. Players can also make headers now, though these are dependent on player strength and height. Mastery of these mechanics can make players far more competitive in cooperative modes.

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Players will particularly want to practice playing defense as much as possible. Professionals and fans agree that defense is difficult in this installment, and players can often get caught too far up the pitch, leaving opponents open on breakaways. Practicing both positioning and jockeying to avoid overcommitting on a challenge will help mitigate problems that come from playing defense.

There are a variety of shots and set pieces a player can execute in FIFA 21, and the best way to get good at them is to practice them. Players can practice set pieces like free-kicks in drills. Because the mechanics have been overhauled since last year’s version of the game, players have more control than ever over kicks. They can control the amount of spin and curve along with the power and height of these kicks.

Players should also try to get comfortable not sprinting. Though stamina losses have stabilized over the franchise’s history, and though it seems counter-intuitive to allow players to take it slow, the more patient the player is with their game, the easier it will be to control the ball and the rest of the field using the new mechanics. It’s a good idea to practice using the sprinting feature strategically when speed is required.

Start with the Right Formation

Players have almost total control over their team’s formation on the field. There are many to choose from, and most players determine the one that works best based on their unique style. Different fans and streamers will swear by certain formations, but many will agree that 4-2-2-2 isn’t always the best way to go. Players may want to try any of the following:

Experimenting and switching up the lineups can help players determine what works best for the team they have built and can make them stronger when facing opponents.

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Get Comfortable with Chemistry

The team chemistry system in Ultimate Team is imperative if players really want to create the ultimate squad. Every player has a chemistry statistic up to 10, and overall team chemistry is capped at 100. Chemistry between individual players is determined by whether they share a nation, league, or club. The more links players share, the stronger their chemistry. Players will be able to visually see the chemistry between players with different colored lines.

Red lines between players mean they do not share a nation, league, or club. Yellow lines mean the two players share one of these, and green lines mean the players share more than one. The better the chemistry between players, the better the team will perform.

Be Strategic with Signing

To create the best squad without spending real money on premium players, fans of FIFA 21 will want to stay away from purchasing Gold Packs to try and get the best players in Ultimate Team. Purchasing these packs is akin to gambling, as there is no way to guarantee good players will be included. Instead, players should opt to grind in the game, completing squad building challenges and climbing the ranks. Many in-game activities result in free Gold Packs, and players can also remain active in the transfer markets to build the team they really want.

It’s a good idea to wait to pick up a new player until after the weekend rush for better deals. Players can also make sure they can access their roster and sign new players from wherever they are with the FIFA FUT app, so if a good opportunity presents itself, they can capitalize on it.

Finally, if they can maintain their team for cheaper and still grab some overpowered players, it’s better to opt for less popular or lesser-known names with less pricey contracts than premium players with name recognition. Players may have a better chance of improving chemistry and dominating the game with players outside the well-known leagues and clubs.

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