Final Fantasy 16 Will Likely Follow This Trend From The Series

Final Fantasy 16 Will Likely Follow This Trend From The Series


Final Fantasy 16’s combat has been something of a mystery, but all it takes is a look at the series’ history to see what form it could take.

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Final Fantasy 16 Will Likely Follow This Trend From The Series

There’s still so much that fans are in the dark about when it comes to Final Fantasy 16. Square Enix claimed it would have more to show of the game later in 2021, but as the year starts to wind down with not so much as a whisper of when Square might be showcasing the title, rumors have begun running rampant. When trying to deduce what aspects of the next major entry in the Final Fantasy series will be like, it’s important to look to where the series has been. By doing so, it seems like the new game will be following a trend that the series has been on for quite a while: real-time combat.

Although there hasn’t been word on what Final Fantasy 16’s combat will look like just yet, it seems like a logical conclusion to assume that it’s going to stick to the real-time combat that the franchise has been experimenting with for the past few numbered entries. There are still so many unknowns about what sort of systems will be included in the title, but when taking a look at where the franchise has taken its combat as of late, it makes sense that FF16 would stay the course.

Final Fantasy’s Shift From Turn-Based to ATB Combat

Final Fantasy 16 Will Likely Follow This Trend From The Series

It’s important to note that diehard fans of the Final Fantasy series might take issue with the phrase “turn-based combat” being used to describe many of the franchises’ combat systems. Turn-based combat implies that there’s a set order to when each party member attacks, and that everyone in the battle gets to go at least once per turn. That system was phased in and out of Final Fantasy on a game-to-game basis, as Square Enix experimented with gameplay that could make each entry of the series stand out.

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Essentially, turn-based combat was phased out for ATB, otherwise known as active time battles. The system merged real-time and turn-based combat in order to make for a more engaging experience. Final Fantasy’s history with ATB shows various successes and failures as the company experimented with the system. Eventually, there was a shift to more of a real-time feel that, while still incorporating many of the traditional menu-based combat systems that the series was known for, shook things up in a way that made games like Final Fantasy 13 look drastically different from Final Fantasy 15 when examining their combat.

Perfecting Final Fantasy’s ATB Combat Focus

Final Fantasy 16 Will Likely Follow This Trend From The Series

Many consider Final Fantasy’s plunge into real-time combat to have truly begun with Final Fantasy 15. The game dropped a lot of the menu-based systems that had been in other ATB Final Fantasy games in favor of a greatly simplified combat system. While the game’s combat system fit with the design of FF15, the game stood out drastically among the rest of the franchise due to this major design change. Not only was its combat less thoughtful in some ways, but it also featured a large, modernized open-world that hadn’t been seen in the series previously.

When Final Fantasy 7 Remake released featuring a more traditional ATB combat system that was quickly adored by fans, it became clear that Square Enix was willing to experiment with its systems in order to get them right. Even though Final Fantasy 15’s combat was a little divisive, it allowed Square Enix to try something completely different from what they had been doing before. Whether or not Final Fantasy 15 was successful is up for debate to this day, but it’s clear that FF7 Remake’s combat wouldn’t have become what it did without it.

Because Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a reimagining of an older game in the franchise, it makes sense that Square Enix would bring back older systems to include in the game. That said, because of how much praise the ATB combat system received, it seems like there’s a big possibility that the system is here to stay for future entries in the franchise.

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What Final Fantasy 16’s Combat Might Look Like

Due to the fact that there’s so little known about what Final Fantasy 16 is going to be like, it’s impossible to say anything for certain about the game’s combat system. That said, looking at what’s been going on with the franchise’s systems over the last few entries shows a few different paths.

Final Fantasy 16 might end up taking a lot of combat cues from FF7 Remake, as its combat was widely praised as being a faithful modernization of the mechanics of the series’ past. It would make sense that FF16 would want to capture similar positivity, though simply copy-and-pasting FF7 Remake’s system wouldn’t allow for FF16 to really have its own identity. If Square Enix chooses to use similar systems, they’ll likely be changed enough so that FF16 is able to stand on its own without direct comparisons to FF7 Remake.

Another thing that could happen in terms of Final Fantasy 16’s combat system is that Square could innovate on FF15’s system to make it a little bit more engaging and closer to the ATB systems of the series’ past. This way, the time spent developing 15’s combat system wouldn’t be for nothing as FF16 could use what worked and leave what didn’t, creating something entirely new.

What’s perhaps most likely to happen is that Square Enix will combine the best elements from recent games like FF7 Remake and FF15, making FF16’s systems something that feels familiar but is still able to stand apart from the rest of the series. At the end of the day, the reason why each game’s systems are so drastically different is because of their overall design. FF15’s combat wouldn’t work in FF7 Remake and vice-versa, as they’re entirely different games. As such, guessing what FF16’s combat will be like takes a little bit more information than what’s available – though a real-time approach certainly seems possible.

Final Fantasy 16 is in development for PS5.

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