Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Friends: 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over


As the title suggests, Friends is a show about friendship and it’s full of heartwarming scenes and moments that show how much they love each other.

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Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

As the title suggests, Friends is a show filled with beautiful friendships between the main group of six characters. As a whole, they are a family with a unique bond and seeing these relationships unfold and develop over 10 seasons is joy for fans and leads to some delightful, heartwarming moments.

Whether it’s Phoebe and Ross sharing a moment of friendship or the whole group celebrating or just being together, the show’s depiction of friendship never fails to put a smile on the audience’s face.

10 When Rachel Is Welcomed Into The “Real World”

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Rachel Green’s journey in Friends is so great to watch, and it all starts with her being a pretty clueless, spoiled individual with no idea how the real world works. So when she moves in with Monica and meets the gang, she is thrown into the deep end.

In what is a necessary push by Monica and the gang, Rachel is made to cut up all of her credit cards, surrounded by new friends who do and will continue to help her. Later, there is a touching moment of appreciation from Rachel as she tells the bank she has “magic beans” and the gang laugh and plays Twister.

9 When The Gang Buys Phoebe All The Christmas Trees

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Phoebe’s quirky nature draws in so many fans throughout the 10 seasons of Friends, and one of her most unique traits is her care and love for things that others could not care less about, like dying Christmas trees, for example.

To cheer Phoebe up and give her a sense of Christmas spirit, Joey and Monica set up all of the dying Christmas trees in Monica’s apartment for Phoebe to enjoy. When she opens the apartment door and sees what her friends have done, she is overcome with emotion, and it is equally as joyful for fans to watch.

8 When Monica Gives Rachel The Name “Emma”

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Rachel and Ross having a child was one of the main storylines of season 8, and when she was finally born, it was a beautiful moment for the two and the group overall, even though Rachel could not decide on a name she liked.

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When Monica reveals that she wants to name her future daughter “Emma,” Rachel falls in love with the name, so Monica lets it go. This would be hard for anyone, but given Monica’s personality and the fact she held onto the name for years, it makes this moment even sweeter and the birth of Emma even more special.

7 When The Gang Celebrates Phoebe Being Pregnant

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Sticking with the same theme of pregnancy and childbirth, one of Phoebe’s best storylines was her being the surrogate for Frank and Alice’s children, and her pregnancy announcement in one of the show’s most iconic episodes, “The One With The Embryos.”

At the end of the iconic quiz, as Joey and Chandler begin moving in and Rachel and Monica start fighting, Phoebe excitedly reveals she is pregnant, and all arguments go out the window, as everybody celebrates with Alice and Frank. It is one of the most beloved and rewatchable episodes of the show, and this moment between friends and family caps it off brilliantly.

6 When Ross Buys Phoebe A Bike

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Over the years, Ross Geller garnered a lot of hate from many fans, often called the worst person on Friends for many of the bad things he does over its 10 seasons, even if he is a crucial character.

Despite all this, he does have his moments of being a great friend, and perhaps none are sweeter than when he buys Phoebe a bike. Touched by her story of growing up without one, he brings her a bike like the ones she used to see when she was younger and encourages her to learn how to ride it, in what is a very sweet moment.

5 When Joey & Chandler Say Goodbye To The Foosball Table

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Of all the pairings in Friends, there is perhaps none as iconic and beloved as Chandler and Joey, who, even in the finale, provide hilarious and touching moments.

In the finale, the two are forced to say goodbye to one of the mainstays of their apartment, the foosball table, and share in a heartbreaking but touching moment that signifies the end of an era. The foosball table is gone, the chick and duck will stay with Joey, the two share a hug, and the era of them living in the same building with one another is over. Their lame-cool-guy handshake into an emotional hug is one of their best friendship moments in the show.

4 When Joey Moves Back In

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

That was not the first end of an era for the two, though, as early on in the show, after finding his first run of success as an actor, Joey moves out, something heartbreaking for Joey, Chandler, and audiences alike.

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After the whole Eddie-saga, as well as Joey losing his job, Joey moves back in. He and Chandler end up sharing another iconic hug and a foosball game long before its demise. The happiness the two display being back together is such a feel-good moment for fans, and the two embracing in a hug never gets old.

3 When Thanksgiving Doesn’t Go To Plan

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

Some of the very best episodes of Friends are its Thanksgiving episodes, which deliver some of the funniest, most entertaining episodes of each season. The very first was a great foundation for the trend.

After everyone’s alternate plans go up in smoke and the traditional food is ruined, the gang is forced to spend Thanksgiving together, eating bags of chips and grilled cheese sandwiches. All the fighting ended, and the alternate plans they had were forgotten about as they sat together and enjoyed Chandler’s unique Thanksgiving meal, smiling and laughing with one another.

2 When Phoebe, Monica And Rachel Chilled In Their Wedding Dresses

Friends 10 Sweetest Friendship Scenes Fans Watch Over and Over

There are so many iconic scenes in Friends, many that were recreated in the reunion, from Joey wearing all of Chandler’s clothes to Rachel getting off the plane, and right up there with the most memorable are when Monica, Rachel and Phoebe hung out in wedding dresses.

The three women have such a close bond, and at this moment, not only are they just relaxing and having fun, they are also cheering each other up. They are all dealing with Ross and Emily’s wedding and the jealousy that comes with it, especially Rachel, and this is a way for them to help each other through it. It may have cost Rachel her relationship with Joshua, but it gave fans a hilarious set of scenes.

1 When Chandler & Monica Find Out They Are Having Children

Going back to the Thanksgivings on Friends, one of the last on the show sees everybody late for Chandler and Monica’s Thanksgiving dinner, which results in arguments breaking out and, eventually, all of the food getting ruined.

Monica’s reaction of not caring about the mess quickly makes sense, as she reveals she and Chandler have been chosen to adopt a child. This is another typical friendship moment in Friends, where something happens and all the fighting, arguing, and senseless bickering goes out the window, and the friends can simply enjoy each other’s company and celebrate the happy news. The gang all being together around the table with ruined Thanksgiving food but smiles on their faces is as sweet as it gets.

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