Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Game of Thrones: 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)


The relationship between Jon and Daenerys was always going to be one of the most important in Game of Thrones. Do they make better friends or enemies?

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Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

After years of watching so many separate storylines, fans of Game of Thrones were thrilled at the idea of all of the main characters coming face to face. And few possible character relationships were more anticipated than the interactions between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.

For years prior it seemed like both characters had been built up as the ultimate heroes of the series, and many fans expected their relationship to be great. For a brief moment it was, but in a shocking twist, they wound up becoming enemies rather than friends. But, why did Jon and Daenerys seemingly make natural allies, and why did they seem like natural enemies?

10 Loved Each Other: Because They Were Family

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Understandably, Jon and Dany were less than thrilled when they realized that she was his aunt. However, that also meant that if they had wanted to, they could have had a great relationship.

As Jon proved at the end of the series when he killed Daenerys, nothing matters more to him than family. And, Daenerys has always dreamed of having a loving family. That could have been a game-changer for both of them in a positive sense instead of a negative one.

9 Hated Each Other: Because The Targaryens Have Shoddy Family Values

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Daenerys emotionlessly watching Viserys die a gruesome death was brutal, but to be honest, it wasn’t wildly out of character for the Targaryen family in general.

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They may have been the ruling family of Westeros for centuries, but they weren’t exactly family-oriented, at least not in the same way that the Starks were. Historically, Targaryens have typically been out for themselves, so it wasn’t that surprising that Jon’s revelation didn’t suddenly inspire familial love in Daenerys.

8 Loved Each Other: Because Their Allegiance Could Have Healed The Kingdoms

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Given that the Northerners didn’t want to be a part of the Seven Kingdoms any longer, it’s for the best that they wound up gaining their independence in the end.

However, a strong alliance between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen could have done a lot to heal that rift and kept the country together. It would have taken quite a lot for the Northmen to rejoin the rest of the kingdoms after everything they suffered, but Jon and Dany may have been able to make it happen.

7 Hated Each Other: Because They Were In Competition

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Jon never really wanted to be in a position of leadership, but he consistently found those responsibilities laid at his feet and he did the best that he could with it.

He never wanted the Iron Throne, but the minute that Daenerys realized that Jon had a better claim to it than she did, it was all over. No matter how many times he tried to submit to her, she would always see him and his popularity with the people as a threat to her.

6 Loved Each Other: Because They Could Make The World Better

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Daenerys and Jon were two of the most powerful people in the world before they even met each other, and if they had teamed up they could have done so much good for Westeros and beyond.

Daenerys’ actions in King’s Landing were unforgivably horrific, but she wasn’t wrong when she said that they could have built a better world together.

5 Hated Each Other: Because Their Political Goals Were At Odds

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Jon has never had an interest in politics, and his aim for most of the series was to protect all of humanity from the looming threat of the White Walkers.

And, Jon was willing to sacrifice the freedom of all of the people who chose him as their leader in order to save their lives, but he didn’t really want to do it, and he knew the Northerners wouldn’t submit to Dany if they had any other option.

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4 Loved Each Other: Because They Both Want To Be Heroes

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

It’s undeniable that both Jon and Dany have made enormous mistakes in their lives, which has usually come at the cost of the lives of many others.

But with that said, they almost never go into any situation without having good intentions, and while the road to hell may sometimes be paved with good intentions, that benevolence could have still been the foundation of a great allegiance for years to come.

3 Hated Each Other: Because They Misunderstood Each Other

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

On the surface, it seems like Jon and Daenerys have a lot in common. They’re both exceptional, magical people who have accomplished great things and seem to be changing the world for the better.

And while their initial attraction to each other seemed to stem from those surface similarities, the problem is that beyond those commonalities, they are actually wildly different people, which they didn’t seem to realize until it was already too late.

2 Loved Each Other: Because They Seemed To Actually Be In Love

Game of Thrones 5 Reasons Jon & Daenerys Should Have Loved Each Other (& 5 Reasons They Were Destined To Hate Each Other)

Their relationship was obviously very new and to be honest, despite the fact that they both claimed to love one another they also seemed to barely know each other.

However, they were clearly at the very least infatuated with each other, and even if their romantic love story wasn’t going to continue once they realized they were biologically related, that care that they had for each other could have been the foundation of something great.

1 Hated Each Other: Because They Were Too Fundamentally Different

While Jon and Dany both had some exceptional qualities that made them extraordinary people, ultimately they were radically different from one another, and in the end Daenerys proved that she was willing to do things in order to achieve her ends that Jon couldn’t even conceive of.

Daenerys felt that her scorched-earth policy was a necessity for creating a better world, but Jon felt that it was an irredeemably evil act, and there was no moving past that disconnect.

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