Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Game of Thrones: 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)


Cersei Lannister is one of the strongest and most prominent Game of Thrones characters. Here are 5 times she was overrated & 5 she was underrated.

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Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

It’s indisputable that Game of Thrones is the most important fantasy series to have appeared on television. It has radically reshaped what many consider possible in terms of television storytelling, and it is yet further proof that fantasy is a financially viable and exciting genre, even to viewers who don’t consider themselves fantasy fans. A big part of the series’s success stems from its characters, including Cersei Lannister, the scheming and manipulative queen.

There have been plenty of times throughout its run when the series has overrated her talents as well as more than a few where it has underrated them.

10 Overrated: Her Rocky Relationships With Her Children

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

From the beginning of the series, Cersei made it clear that she loved her children more than anything else (except possibly her brother Jaime). Unfortunately, the show rather overrated this aspect of her character since, as it turns out, she was either indirectly or directly responsible for their deaths.

As just one example, she let her blind love of Joffrey keep her from disciplining him in ways that might have made him less of a deranged and cruel monster. His personality served as Olenna Tyrell’s motivation to poison him as she was seeking to keep Margaery safe.

9 Underrated: Unceremoniously Crushed

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Season eight is infamous in the fandom for the sloppiness of its writing, with numerous characters acting in strange ways and, in some cases, getting killed off in ways that were less than satisfying.

hat is certainly the case with Cersei who, along with her brother, was crushed by the collapsing Red Keep. One would think that a character that has been so important to the series since its inception would have deserved a better send-off.

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8 Overrated: How Did She Gain Power So Quickly?

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

After the destruction of the Sept of Baelor and the tragic suicide of King Tommen, Cersei somehow manages to claim the monarchy for herself. While this does make some sort of sense, given that she’s the last living member of the current royal family, what seems a bit overrated here is that she manages to get so many people to fall in line with her new regime.

One would think that some of the Great Houses, having seen her ruthlessness, would be a little more hesitant to follow her lead.

7 Underrated: Her Walk Of Shame

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Cersei’s walk of shame through King’s Landing is one of the iconic moments of the show. It’s a punishment inflicted on her by the High Sparrow, and it’s one of those moments that, even now, stands out as a superb moment of drama.

However, it’s also a bit of an underrated moment for Cersei, and it’s important to remember that this is, arguably, the moment that kindles her desire to bring about the absolute destruction of each and every person who had a role in her humiliation. It also showcased how she truly was a strong and resilient character, which fans often forget in favor for her crueler and more manipulative side.

6 Overrated: Jaime’s Loyalty To Her

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

The bond between Jaime and Cersei, as every viewer knows, goes beyond that of a brother and sister. Their years-long affair is, after all, one of the greatest scandals in the history of Westeros, in spite of the fact that families like the Targaryens were notorious for incestuous relationships. However, it’s also one of those things that is a bit overrated.

And, at some point later in the show, it becomes more than a little ridiculous, particularly since each of them knows the weaknesses of the other and how absolutely infuriating they can be. Not to mention that Jaime raped her, which is just outright unforgivable.

5 Underrated: She Managed To Outmaneuver Olenna Tyrell

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

There’s a good reason that Olenna Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns, is one of the most popular characters on the show. Played with panache by Diana Rigg, she’s impossible to forget. As wily as she is, however, she is ultimately outmaneuvered by Cersei herself, who manages to not only defeat the Tyrell House, but also to oversee Olenna’s death.

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Say what you will about Cersei, but she deserves a fair amount of credit for bringing about the end of one of the most formidable schemers in Westeros.

4 Overrated: Her Underutilizing Of Qyburn

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Qyburn, the disgraced maester, is one of the strangest characters in the show. The audience is sort of left wondering who he really is and what his motivations are.

Cersei herself deserves at least a bit of the blame for this, since throughout his time at the court she woefully underutilized him. She really should have found something to do with him other than having him turn the Mountain into an undead version of himself.

3 Underrated: Getting Euron’s Support

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Euron is definitely one of the more irritating characters to have appeared in the later seasons of the show. His sole purpose seems to be to serve as something of a spoiler, periodically coming on stage just to screw things up.

That being said, fans have to give credit to Cersei, who managed to bring this rather deranged figure wholly on board with her mission to conquer Westeros. Considering how unstable he shows himself to be, that’s no small accomplishment.

2 Overrated: Her Failure To Defeat Dany

Game of Thrones 5 Times Cersei Lannister Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

As season eight hurtled toward its conclusion, it seemed that Cersei had all of the right cards. Sure, Dany had a dragon, but Cersei had shown that she could deal with that, and she also had Missandei. Unfortunately, somehow she managed to bungle all of that.

Despite the many advantages that she had, somehow she somehow not only managed not to defeat Dany, she ended up being destroyed herself. It’s not exactly the most inspiring aspect of her queenship.

1 Underrated: Her Influence On Sansa

Given all that happens to Sansa after she leaves King’s Landing, it’s easy to forget that for a long time she was under the tutelage of Cersei. While Sansa clearly owes a lot of her character traits to her family, there’s no question that Cersei’s lessons about trust and about political scheming clearly influenced Sansa as she confronted the challenges of the North.

It’s probably not going too far to suggest that it is precisely her learning at Cersei’s knee that gave her the tools to survive and rightfully become the Queen in the North.

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