Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Game Of Thrones: 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)


Arya Stark was a fan-favorite Game of Thrones character, but the show put her through the ringer. Still, she had her unforgettable triumphant moments.

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Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Arya Stark wasn’t just a Stark; she was a one-woman revolution that did more to restore glory to her house and the Seven Kingdoms than any other person in Game of Thrones. From singlehandedly avenging her family by killing the Freys to killing the Night King, Arya was a spectacle to behold.

For a person that did so much, Arya deserved a satisfying end in the final season of the show, which she didn’t get. If anything, Arya only seemed to proceed from one misery to another until the end of the show without achieving anything lasting for herself, unlike her sister Sansa.

10 Wrong: Watching Her Father Beheaded

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Ned Stark’s death was one of the saddest events in Game of Thrones, and little Arya being there to watch as her father’s head roll only made it worse.

When Lannister soldiers came and ended her sword dance training, killing her instructor Syrio Forel in the process, Arya lost the only other friend she had in King’s Landing. However, watching her father beheaded shattered her life irreparably. It changed the happy young girl into a vengeful person with a dark cloud forever hanging over her life.

9 Deserved: Training Under Syrio Forel

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Syrio Forel, the former First Sword of Braavos and the master of the Water Dance, was one of the most compelling people in Season 1 of Game of Thrones. He was perfectly matched with Arya and seemed to be the only person that understood her urge to fight rather than be a lady.

Arya didn’t seem to fit in anywhere else because she couldn’t sew and she didn’t want to get married; she just wanted to fight, and Syrio Forel was the best chance she had at doing that. The skills Arya learned under Forel helped her survive the predicaments she faced after her father’s death and later came in handy when she killed the Night King.

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8 Wrong: Becoming Tywin Lannister’s Cupbearer

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

The Lannisters were the cause of many of Arya’s predicaments. When Ser Amory Lorch captured Arya after Yoren’s death, she faced the worst of horrors in Harrenhal. Having to endure these horrible conditions of the Lannister stronghold was too extreme. Don’t forget, as resilient as she is, Arya was still a kid.

Being forced to be the cupbearer for the very man who caused all her problems was adding insult to injury. Arya having to watch Tywin plan how to kill her family while serving him wine was the worst kind of torture. Jaqen came to her aid, helping her escape alongside Gendry and Hot Pie, but that rescue should have come sooner than it did.

7 Deserved: Joining The Faceless Men

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

The Faceless Men taught Arya Stark the meaning of “Valar Dohaeris” which helped her become the greatest weapon for the living during the Great War, fulfilling her destiny. Arya’s time in Braavos was not the best, but it was totally worth it in the end. There, she managed to kill Meryn Trant, plus a lot more.

When Arya left Westeros and sailed to Braavos, she grew up into an independent woman that could manage her rage. Her rebirth in Braavos also made her one of the most formidable fighters in the show. She became smarter and learned to read people like Littlefinger.

6 Wrong: Suffering In Braavos

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

When Arya first met Jaqen, she saved him from a fire while he was trapped in the cage alongside two murderers, but the three wishes he granted her in Harrenhal were not nearly enough. She didn’t deserve to be beaten mercilessly and go blind in Braavos just to earn her place. The suffering she endured by the Waif helped harden her into the strong woman she became, but most fans agree that it was too much.

5 Deserved: Being The One To Kill The Freys

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Arya was headed to the wedding where her family was poisoned by the Freys when she heard the commotion of their death. Her hatred for Walder increased when she met the three Frey soldiers discussing how they poisoned her mother, provoking Arya to add all of House Frey to her list. It was only fair that she be the one to deliver the justice owed to her house, and she did it perfectly.

4 Wrong: Having Sex With Gendry

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Arya’s romance with Gendry ended badly because the two were a terrible match and they both deserved better partners. Despite the hard times, they endured together, Gendry and Arya were just fine as good friends. Arya deserved a partner whom she had better chemistry with. After having sex, Arya and Gendry fell out as Gendry fell in love with her, but she preferred to stay single and continue her adventures away from him.

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3 Deserved: Killing Littlefinger

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Littlefinger was one of the most cunning villains in Game of Thrones, and didn’t seem to be on anyone’s radar — but Arya saw right through him. He was responsible for the initial disagreement that caused the Stark-Lannister war ending in the deaths of Ned, Catelyn and Robb.

Littlefinger’s crimes to the Starks were greater than any Southerner, but he didn’t seem likely to face justice from anywhere. Sansa also seemed to have closed her eyes to the crimes Littlefinger did to her and accepted him into her service. The surprise trial the sisters gave him was a great step towards justice, but it was Arya’s blade that delivered the death the cunning lord deserved.

2 Wrong: Not Being The One To Kill Cersei

Game Of Thrones 5 Ways The Show Did Wrong By Arya (& 5 She Got What She Deserved)

Cersei dying comfortably in Jaime’s embrace while Arya suffered to escape Daenerys’ flames was not the ending anyone would expect for the evil queen. Arya’s kill list came to be when she misunderstood Yoren’s advice to forgive her enemies, understanding that she needed to memorize their names until she can kill them. Most of the names on the list died without her intervention, but none stayed on it longer than Cersei Lannister.

Arya’s hatred for Cersei drove her actions throughout the series. The youngest Stark sister deserved the chance to kill her nemesis.

1 Deserved: Getting To Kill The Night King

Everyone that fought in the Great War deserved to kill the Night King, but no one seemed to figure out where and how to do it. It is not clear if Arya could read the Night King’s mind or if she was in some strange communication with Bran, but her intervention was the most welcome relief Game of Thrones fans could ever imagine.

The long episode was tense and bloody, and everything seemed to be falling apart until the Night King held Arya by the neck only for her to stab him in the heart. Sadly, no one bothered to shower her with titles, but she deserved to be the Queen of the Andals and the First Men if that was on the table.

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