Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

Game of Thrones: 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)


In Game of Thrones, Tyrion and Sansa did some terrible things to each other. Here is a list of those worst things.

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Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

Game of Thrones has been a cultural phenomenon since its release in 2011. Based upon the popular book series a Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin, Game of Thrones brought Martin’s characters to life, capturing the attention of the world and introducing a huge audience to modern high fantasy in the process.

Two of the most popular characters on the show are Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark, both of whom suffered during Joffrey’s reign in King’s Landing and actually ended up getting married at Joffrey’s order. While the two were friends, there is no denying that both have done bad things to one another and their respective houses.

This article will list 5 of the worst things Tyrion has done to Sansa and vice versa.

10 Tyrion: Wants To Sleep With Sansa

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

While the TV series appeared to show Tyrion as a more kindhearted character who wasn’t interested in Sansa at all, romantically anyway, the book was very different. After the two were forced to be married by Joffrey, Tyrion thought about what he would like to do to Sansa.

While it was clear that he wanted Sansa to be interested in him first, it was still incredibly creepy considered that Sansa was a young teenager at the time.

9 Sansa: Mocking Tyrion

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

The show does a fantastic job of illustrating Sansa’s disgust and fear of Tyrion, the book shows a far clearer image of Sansa’s thoughts. Her thoughts consistently mention how disgusting Tyrion is and how much she is repulsed by him, despite Tyrion trying to show he is an ally.

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Sansa Stark also humiliated Tyrion at their wedding, as she refused to kneel during the ceremony purely to humiliate Tyrion. Despite Sansa’s dislike for Tyrion, she should have known that he was being forced just as much as she was.

8 Tyrion: Wants To Use Sansa For Winterfell

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

Like those before it, this entry is connected to Sansa and Tyrion’s first few meetings. Tyrion, aside from having sexual thoughts about Sansa Stark, also had several clear thoughts about how this wedding would give him control over Winterfell, making him powerful.

This is in sharp contrast to the TV show, which showed him as a far more kindhearted character. The fact that Tyrion thought immediately about his gain from the wedding was certainly bad, even Sansa knew that he was thinking Winterfell.

7 Sansa: Threatened Jaime

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

While not strictly speaking an attack on Tyrion, this still had an impact on Tyrion. When Jaime returns to Winterfell in order to help fight against the White Walkers and their army of Wights, the Lannister twin is put on trial by Sansa Stark and questioned heavily.

While this is deserved because of his treatment of Bran in the first season, it was still an indirectly bad thing that Sansa did to Tyrion Lannister.

6 Tyrion: Simply Being A Lannister

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

This one is hardly fair on Tyrion as he hated his family, particularly Cersei and Tywin. However, Sansa’s treatment at the hands of the Lannisters in King’s Landing was enough to trigger an instant distrust of Lannisters. It was Joffrey Baratheon (but Lannister really) who mentally and physically tortured her and killed her father and it was Cersei who took pleasure in mentally torturing her.

Due to this poor treatment from the Lannisters, Sansa hates Tyrion purely because she is a Lannister. While Tyrion can’t really do anything about this, it is certainly notable.

5 Sansa: Dismissing His Role As Hand Of The Queen

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

When Sansa and Tyrion are reunited in season 8 of Game of Thrones, the audience expects the two to have a heartfelt conversation. However, while Tyrion does complement Sansa on her position of Lady of Winterfell, Sansa instead offers a backhanded compliment to Tyrion.

Sansa says that, like Lady of Winterfell, Hand of the Queen has a nice ring to it, though adds ‘depending upon the Queen’. It was clear that Tyrion did not appreciate this barb from Sansa.

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4 Tyrion: Poor Advice In Later Seasons

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

Fans of Game of Thrones have been clear in their criticism of the final season of the show. One of the most prominent criticisms was Tyrion’s mistakes in judgment when offering his counsel to Dany, with his advice costing the Dragon Queen dearly in her quest for the Throne.

That being said, Tyrion’s poor advice even affected Sansa. Tyrion suggested that Cersei would be sending her army to aid in the fight against the White Walkers, yet this was clearly not the case.

3 Sansa: Judgement Of Daenerys

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

As hinted at earlier in this list, Sansa was highly judgemental of Daenerys Targaryen. This distrust of Dany was in line with the typical northern belief at the time due to the fact that the last Targaryen monarch to sit on the Iron Throne had Sansa’s uncle and Grandfather gruesomely murdered.

At the time it wasn’t only Tyrion who took issue with Sansa’s feelings for Daenerys, with Jon Snow and Missandei both expressing their annoyance at Sansa’s treatment of Dany.

2 Tyrion: Successfully Defending King’s Landing

Game of Thrones 5 Worst Things Tyrion Did To Sansa (& She Did To Him)

In season 2 of Game of Thrones, we see Tyrion Lannister at his peak as he successfully prepares King’s Landing for the impending invasion of Stannis Baratheon. The battle is one of the most thrilling in Game of Thrones and provides us with one of the most epic season finales in the show’s history

However, Tyrion’s heroics during this battle helped to continue the rule of the Lannisters in King’s Landing, essentially condemning Sansa to more abuse at the hands of Cersei and Joffrey.

1 Sansa: Leaving King’s Landing

After the death of Joffrey in season 4 of Game of Thrones, Sansa was quickly whisked away from King’s Landing under the orders of Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish and immediately went into hiding, with Littlefinger hiding her with Sansa’s aunt, Lysa Arryn in the Eyrie.

While Sansa’s escape from King’s Landing was certainly justified, there is no denying that this escape also looked very bad for Tyrion, with the Lannister even saying as much when the two were reunited at Winterfell during the first episode of the eighth season.

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