Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Gilmore Girls: 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously Meme-Worthy


Gilmore Girls fans love the funny and clever quips on this beloved show, and there are some lesser known quotes that would make great memes.

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Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

From Rory telling Dean “Because I love you, you idiot” to Lorelai begging Luke for coffee, there are countless Gilmore Girls quotes that have become a beloved part of pop culture. But even though this popular series has so many well-known lines of dialogue, and the main characters show their sense of humor every time they talk, there are many other quotes that fans might have missed.

Since Lorelai and Rory famously talk so quickly, it’s easy for viewers to forget about some of the best quotes. If Gilmore Girls fans wanted to create some memes, these quotes would work well and would cheer people up every time they saw them.

10 Lorelai Tries To Find Madeline And Louise

“I don’t talk to people. People annoy me!”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

While Rory messes up at Chilton at times, she does her best to get along with Paris, Madeline, and Louise in season 1. The sweet and dramatic episode “Concert Interruptus” sees Rory, Sookie, and Lorelai inviting Rory’s classmates to a Bangles concert and Madeline and Louise race off to a college party.

When Lorelai knocks on doors to find them, a woman answers and yells this quote which would work really well for a meme. People could use it anytime they’re having a day when they want to take some time to themselves.

9 Lorelai Offering Snacks

“Who wants cheese?”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

In the same season 1 episode, Rory and Lorelai have a hilarious exchange about snacks. When Lorelai offers some cheese, Rory asks about crackers and Lorelai says that the state of Connecticut has crackers. Rory asks “And in the Gilmore house?” knowing that her mom doesn’t have that much food to put out.

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This quote is definitely underrated and has gotten lost in all the joking around that Rory and Lorelai do about coffee and junk food. It would make for a funny meme as everyone loves cheese.

8 Lorelai Talking To Richard About The Insurance Business

“Well, at least you have your new slogan.”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Richard has a famous quote in the pilot episode of Gilmore Girls when he talks about the insurance business and says “people die, we pay.” Lorelai’s response is just as hilarious and memorable.

This quote would be great as a meme since it could be used for all kinds of funny or awkward situations. Lorelai is surprised to hear her dad describe what he does in such a calm, emotionless way, and her delivery is just as good as his.

7 Emily’s Unique Way Of Expressing Her Surprise

“I’m looking up ‘aneurysm in our medical dictionary to see if I just had one.”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

While Emily gives uneven advice on Gilmore Girls, she is beloved for her cold and harsh commentary on anything and everything that is happening around her. Emily says this underrated quote in the season 1 episode “Cinnamon’s Wake” when she hears that Lorelai went to a funeral for her neighbor Babette’s cat.

In Emily’s world, this just wouldn’t happen, and she expresses her confusion in her typical deadpan way. This quote would be a hilarious meme that fans could laugh at whenever they’re shocked by something.

6 Lorelai Gets Mad At Snow

“Me and snow — we’re through!”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Gilmore Girls fans know that Lorelai is all about the beauty of snow. In season 1, she loves the magical first snow of the season and convinces Max to see that winter can be fun.

But in the season 5 episode “Women Of Questionable Morals,” Lorelai isn’t so thrilled with snow and she thinks that she means it when she says that she hates snow now. Whenever someone is frustrated with the freezing cold months and the pretty snow that turns to slush, this meme would feel appropriate.

5 Lorelai Wants To Stay Positive

“I am starting my own. The Good News Daily — nothing but good news every day.”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Lorelai has many great Gilmore Girls scenes and she always speaks her mind and sees a situation from her own POV. She says this great quote in the season 6 episode “Welcome To The Dollhouse.”

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Many people agree with Lorelai that it would be nice to hear some positivity and optimism as there is such tragic news on a daily basis. Someone could create a meme with this quote and maybe include a cute and charming illustration of a newspaper.

4 Lorelai Jokes About Emily Moving On From Richard


Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

In season 5, it feels like Emily and Richard are actually serious about separating, and it’s an awful moment for fans to look back on. Lorelai says this funny quote in the episode “Emily Says Hello” when Emily says that it’s time to move on from Richard.

Lorelai may put her foot in her mouth sometimes, but she knows the perfect thing to say here as Emily is being too brash and not thinking about the situation properly. “” would be a fitting meme when someone needs to move past negativity and put the past behind them.

3 Rory References Heathers

“What’s your damage, Heather?”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Rory’s quote in the season 4 episode “Raincoats and Recipes” is made for a meme since it could include a screenshot from the popular movie Heathers. Lorelai wants Rory to leave Luke’s diner quickly, and when Rory asks what’s going on, Lorelai says “I think I’m dating Luke.”

While this movie is definitely dark, it’s humorous that the characters ask the question “what’s your damage?” and this slang will work well for a meme about being upset with someone.

2 Paris Worries About Dating

“I can’t date. I’m not genetically set up for it.”

Gilmore Girls 10 Underrated Quotes That Are Ridiculously MemeWorthy

Gilmore Girls fans love Paris and viewers relate to the plotline when she dates Jamie as she’s not overly confident in this part of her life.

Paris says that she doesn’t think that she can date in the season 3 premiere “Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days.” This is not only a quote fit for a meme but also a moment when Rory gives Paris good advice and helps her realize that she can absolutely open herself up and fall for Jamie.

1 Luke Doesn’t Want To Talk To Anyone

“Okay, the conversing part of this morning is now over.”

While Luke shows his grumpy personality in countless episodes, season 3’s “Face-Off” sees him telling Lorelai that he doesn’t want to talk.

Like many other hilarious things that Luke says, this is a good meme quote and would work well with a screenshot of Luke looking upset or bored and maybe a cup of coffee to signal that it’s time to drink some caffeine before facing the day and other people.

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