Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Gilmore Girls: The Main Characters, Ranked By Work Ethic


Everyone on Gilmore Girls, from Rory and Lorelai to their romantic partners, has their own hopes and dreams. But who works hard to follow them?

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Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Lorelai and Rory have their own dreams on Gilmore Girls and while Rory always wants to get accepted to an Ivy League college, Lorelai has big dreams of running her own inn. While Rory reads more than her mom does and seems more interested in academic pursuits, Lorelai works hard, too, and teaches her daughter to go for what she wants out of life.

While many of the main characters on Gilmore Girls work hard to achieve their goals, others come up short and don’t seem to have much desire to succeed, often falling back on their privilege.

11 Logan Huntzberger

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Rory’s life became a mess when she dated Logan and even though he was one of her most serious romances, they seemed to have a lot of problems.

It’s tough to imagine what kind of future Logan wants for himself, as he does whatever his father wants him to do. He doesn’t care about his classes at Yale and loves being part of the Life and Death Brigade, which lands him in the hospital at one point. He’s got the worst work ethic of any character on Gilmore Girls, and even when Rory had an affair with him in A Year In The Life, he didn’t seem to be living the life that he wanted, either.

10 Dean Forester

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Dean was Rory’s first love and a kind, simple guy. He dreamed of having a family someday and although Lindsay wasn’t the right partner for him, Rory learned in the revival that he had found love again.

When Rory met Dean, he worked at Doose’s market, which was the setting for some sweet moments between the young couple. The most famous scene was when Dean kissed Rory and she stole cornstarch. Dean also worked some construction jobs later on. He always wanted to work, but he didn’t try very hard in school and didn’t seem to have a dream career.

9 Emily Gilmore

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

In the revival A Year In The Life, Emily got a job as a tour guide at the Nantucket Whaling Museum, and she really loved it.

Before that, she was heavily involved in the DAR and enjoyed planning her own parties and helping out with other events. She always had something on the calendar, but it seemed like she was trying to keep busy, especially since Richard worked so much. Of all the characters on the show, Emily doesn’t have the best work ethic, but she’s not afraid to push up her sleeves and get something done.

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8 Lane Kim

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Lane always dreamed of being a musician and she continued to be part of her band.

School was never Lane’s thing and she didn’t dream of having a 9-to-5 job, but she worked hard to create her own life. When she got a job at Luke’s diner, she tried so hard that he got super stressed out, which proves that she can definitely hold her own. Compared to the other characters on Gilmore Girls, especially her best friend Rory, Lane didn’t have the same drive to succeed, but she did love making music and enjoying a peaceful life.

7 Jess Mariano

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Jess moved to Stars Hollow when his mom didn’t want to take care of him, which is just one tragic part of his background. When he was in high school, he hated school, but he always had a pretty strong work ethic.

It turned out that Jess was skipping school and picking up so many hours at Wal-Mart that it was basically his full-time job. People underestimated Jess, as they thought that he was a rebel and that he didn’t care about anything, but he always wanted to succeed. When Rory met up with him years later, she learned he worked in publishing and had also written a novel, so he definitely tried hard to make something of himself.

6 Lorelai Gilmore

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

After leaving home with baby Rory, Lorelai knew that she had to work hard to make ends meet and create a life for herself and her child. She started working at the Independence Inn and even lived in a shed, and she eventually got a much better position.

Lorelai always had the drive to do well, and she put a plan in place when she wanted to open her own inn with her best friend, Sookie. Sometimes Sookie even had to convince her to take some days off work because she got so obsessive.

5 Sookie St. James

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Sookie loved cooking so much that she found it hard to be off the clock. When she wasn’t in the kitchen at the Independence or Dragonfly Inn, she was obsessing over past meals she had made.

In one hilarious scene, Sookie was stressed that a restaurant critic hated “the magic risotto” and she did everything she could to get him to change his review. A few seasons later, she was on bed rest but kept phoning Luke to complain about the way that he was making her food. Sookie also proved that she wasn’t scared of hard work when she wanted to learn from Dan Barber and left the Dragonfly in A Year In The Life.

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4 Rory Gilmore

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Whether reading a lot of books in her spare time or studying for hours on end, Rory was always an excellent student. She was devastated when she missed an English test during her first few months at Chilton and succeeding was very important to her.

Rory has the fourth-best work ethic of any Gilmore Girls character. She would be ranked higher, but in A Year In The Life, her journalism career was at a standstill and she didn’t seem to know how to get it going again. This wasn’t typical Rory behavior and definitely confused fans. She did want to write a book, though, which proved that she was okay with putting in a lot of work.

3 Richard Gilmore

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

While Richard had a dry and harsh way of explaining the insurance business — he once said, “Oh, people die, we pay. People crash, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay” — he did seem to love his career.

When Rory and Lorelai came over for Friday Night Dinner, Richard would sometimes leave the table to take a business call or phone someone to brag, and when he tried to retire in the second season, he had a horrible time. Richard eventually went into business again because he didn’t want to stop working, which proves he has the third-best work ethic on the series.

2 Luke Danes

Gilmore Girls The Main Characters Ranked By Work Ethic

Stars Hollow residents didn’t know Luke was rich, and he took over his dad’s hardware store and decided to run a diner.

While Luke said no to turning his restaurant into a franchise when the opportunity came up with Emily and Richard, he still had the second-best work ethic on the series. He always woke up super early so he could open the diner, and even though he owned the place, he didn’t mind pouring coffee or taking orders and doing whatever needed to be done. He truly loved the diner and put so much heart and soul into it every day.

1 Paris Geller

Paris didn’t have a filter and often insulted people, but there is no denying the fact that Paris has the best work ethic of any Gilmore Girls character.

When Rory started attending Chilton, Paris freaked out, certain that her status as the smartest and most deserving student was under threat. Paris always went the extra mile, studying for more hours than necessary and learning as much as she could in her spare time. In the final season of the show, she created a system for applying to grad school, and in the revival, she can practice law and runs her own fertility clinic. It’s definitely impressive, but Gilmore Girls fans knew that Paris would succeed.

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