Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Godzilla Vs. Kong: 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise


With the Monsterverse gearing up for its next phase, could Ultraman be the new protagonist of the Godzilla Vs Kong series? Here’s why he could work.

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Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Godzilla Vs. Kong demonstrated that the Monsterverse had found its audience and was certainly treading new and exciting ground. However, after the conclusion of the film and the defeat of Mechagodzilla, questions around what comes next definitely started to surface.

There aren’t that many options when it comes to famous characters who could actually be brought into the universe, but Ultraman is one that would work on a number of levels. From his power set to the way in which the character is entrenched in Japanese culture (much like the Kaiju), Ultraman might be the key to the next phase of the Monsterverse for a variety of reasons.

10 Connected Franchises

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Considering both Godzilla and Ultraman find their foundations in Japanese culture, it’s not too surprising that the two have actually fought one another on numerous occasions. Indeed, the two icons have come to blows, with both coming out as victorious in their different spats.

Considering it is therefore a familiar concept, the Monsterverse could definitely utilize some of these previous narratives and bring Ultraman to modern cinema. Of course, tonally, they fit together really well in the past and there’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to again.

9 Kaiju Enemies

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

There are so many Kaiju that need their own movies or, at the very least, deserve to face off against Godzilla and Kong. Yet, Ultraman is no stranger to having to fight off these hellish creatures in his own right. Many of his enemies are these unstoppable beasts, after all.

Once again, thematically, the franchises fit, as Ultraman is well experienced in fighting off Kaiju and would lend a level of new expertise. On top of this, some of Ultraman’s most famous foes could be brought into the Monsterverse as well, such as Red King, Gomora, and Kanegon.

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8 Power Set

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Both Godzilla and Kong are incredibly overpowered, and most of the Kaiju in the Monsterverse are especially dangerous. Ultraman definitely comes prepared though. The alien has a specialist suit from which he can shoot lasers and great defense mechanisms.

What’s more, he can teleport, has psychic abilities, and is able to change size. This means that he would be able to face off against these incredible beasts without being completely overpowered. It would also mean that audiences would be able to enjoy some really unique action set pieces.

7 The Monsterverse Needs A New Protagonist

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

The Monsterverse really needs a new protagonist for audiences to follow. Although the humans of the series are intelligent, compelling, and often at the center of the action, they are limited in their capacity to get involved in the conflict. This wouldn’t hold back Ultraman.

Ultraman is a character who can actually be a part of these major fights, rather than looking on from the ground. Yet he can also act as a proper main character to follow, potentially becoming a name as big as Kong or Godzilla in terms of being a franchise lead in the universe.

6 He’s An Established Hero

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

It certainly doesn’t hurt that Ultraman has already been established as a hero. Both Godzilla and Kong have become incredibly well known to audiences outside of Japan, meaning that there was interest in the properties from the start. They fit into the Monsterverse really well for this reason.

Ultraman might be slightly lesser known in terms of mainstream audiences in the west, but he certainly has the potential to be as big as the two Titans. The legacy of the Monsterverse is aided by the characters having a rich cinematic history and Ultraman can provide that as well. All three have been subjected to numerous reboots, as well.

5 There’s A Current Lack Of Direction In The Franchise

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Off the back of Godzilla Vs. Kong, there doesn’t seem to be a clear direction to move forward in. Although the narrative material at the center of the Earth could definitely be a compelling story for Kong to explore, there isn’t much else for Godzilla to actually do.

There’s also not a lot of room for Godzilla and Kong to team up once again. Even the enemies they could face are dwindling now that most of the major characters have already been used. Notable heroes, like Mothra, who could have spawned spin-offs, were written out, so Ultraman provides a new option.

4 It Could Further Enhance The Newer Sci-Fi Elements

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

For the first time in the series, Godzilla Vs. Kong brought in hard science fiction elements into the Monsterverse. The Titans were previously presented almost like a mythological fantasy, but the intro of Godzilla and Kong’s biggest enemey, Mechagodzilla, means the universe is treading new ground.

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By adding flying magnetic spaceships, enhanced technology, giant robots, and futuristic ideas, the creators have demonstrated that the Monsterverse is about to shift completely. With Ultraman being an alien (which has also been featured in the Monsterverse) that boasts unbelievable technology, it feels like there is now a natural path to the character.

3 Ultraman Plays Into The Massively Popular Superhero Genre

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

It’s hard to ignore the fact that the superhero genre is currently absolutely massive. With both DC and Marvel Studios ruling the cinematic landscape right now, other studios are attempting to get in on the action, with various results. The Monsterverse may wish to do the same.

It’s already set in a cinematic universe, like the MCU, so it wouldn’t be out of the question for the studio to attempt some kind of superhero elements, as well. It would capitalize on the genre, but the nature of Ultraman means that the Monsterverse could portray it in a more unique way.

2 He Has A Unique Design

Godzilla Vs Kong 10 Reasons Why Ultraman Should Be The Next Era Of The Franchise

Ultraman has a totally unique design that would certainly stand out amongst the Kaiju and monsters. It’s a pretty iconic look, with the bright colors and futuristic cheesiness making it a costume piece that has stood the test of time and become iconic in its own right.

If Ultraman made his way to the Monsterverse, there definitely wouldn’t be anything else like him. What’s more, if the superhero genre is something the franchise wishes to explore, Ultraman is completely different from the likes of Captain America or Batman.

1 Technology Has Caught Up

A few years ago, bringing Ultraman into a live-action setting in a big-budget blockbuster would have seemed a little bit too much of an ask. After all, the TV show was always done on a budget and utilizes classic techniques which don’t always look expensive. In the past, even the CGI monsters of the Monsterverse might have been a little confusing to look at.

The success of characters like Giant-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though, has showcased that technology has caught up so that Ultraman could be done justice. What’s more, the Monsterverse really understands scale and all of their Kaiju look superb. They just need Ultraman to face off against now.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/godzilla-vs-kong-why-ultraman-should-part-franchise/

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