Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Don’t)


With season 18 of Grey’s Anatomy on the horizon, fans are thinking about who they would like to see come back and who they definitely don’t miss.

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Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

The long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy has offered fans a barrage of characters over the years, some beloved, some not so much, but most of them relatable and very flesh and blood. And with time, many of these characters have left the show, leaving a lasting impression on devoted audiences worldwide.

The latest season saw the return of several of these characters in various forms. Those who have been long dead and gone were brought back in Meredith’s imagination, as she lay in a coma-like state due to a long, drawn-out battle with coronavirus. Others, like April Kepner, who had exited while still alive and well, returned to tie up loose ends. Given how the writers gave fans a taste of old, beloved faces returning for an episode or two, it would be fun to imagine who fans would love to see again in the 18th season. A few of them, like George, Jackson or April, will always be welcome, yet their story arcs on the show are quite simply done with.

10 Don’t Want: Preston Burke

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

The great cardiothoracic surgeon whose arc was intimately linked with that of Cristina Yang made a comeback in season 10 to justify Yang’s departure from the series after a decade.

Burke’s role in the show has long been over since his controversial exit at the end of season 3. It made sense for him to return once to tie up Yang’s storyline but apart from that, Burke’s return would have little meaning right now.

9 Want To See: Arizona Robbins

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Arizona Robbins was a ray of sunshine and spread love and joy wherever she went. Fans still miss her lovely smile and it would be perfect if the writers could think up some excuse to bring her back for an episode or two.

The last fans heard, Robbins has been in NYC with Callie and little Sophia, who presumably, isn’t so little anymore. It would be heartwarming to have her make an appearance with her daughter, who would remind fans of yet another beloved but long departed character, Mark Sloan. The latter, as fans know only too well, came back in season 17, meeting Meredith on the beach.

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8 Don’t Want: Izzie Stevens

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Izzie was one of the leading characters on the beloved ABC drama as one of the original interns. Fans adored her too, even though her character had some gaping flaws. But then, flawed personalities are kind of a Shondaland specialty.

Izzie’s arc was entangled with Alex’s and even the latter’s departure was tied with her, as he chose to go back to her and his children, who he had only recently found out about. Izzie’s return would have little meaning in the current narrative, unless perhaps, if it was alongside Alex.

7 Want To See: Alex Karev

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Another fan-favorite whose abrupt departure left fans both furious and broken-hearted was Alex Karev, one of those characters who started out as obnoxious but who, eventually, fans couldn’t get enough of.

After a very disappointing exit in season 16, fans would be overjoyed if they could get a glimpse of the “evil spawn” just once in the upcoming season. Everyone would also love to find out how Karev is doing with the love of his life, Izzie, and his twins. After all, this was a character that always yearned for a family and finally got one.

6 Don’t Want: April Kepner

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Kepner is well-loved and there is no reason fans wouldn’t like to have her back again, except for the fact that her arc has been conclusively tied up, once writers hinted at her uniting with Jackson in Boston where she agreed to move with their daughter.

Now, if she were to make an appearance, it would be for the sake of an old, beloved face surfacing yet again, after returning for a single episode in season 17 to justify Jackson’s departure.

5 Want To See: Tom Koracick

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Curiously enough, fans would get quite a kick out of snarky but ultimately good-hearted Tom returning, even for a few minutes in season 18.

Koracick was a fun character to have around, in spite of being a negative force in a lot of ways and being much hated for his morally dubious ways by almost every other lead. But his dry sense of humor and traumatic past made him an interesting character who left heartbroken after the Teddy fiasco. It would be fun to have him back for a few more episodes. In fact, seeing as how he bought Jo’s shares in the hospital, it would make perfect sense to bring him back every now and then for some witty repartee with Miranda Bailey.

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4 Don’t Want: George O’Malley

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

George is adored by Grey’s fans and the memory of him dying so tragically from being hit by a bus to save a stranger haunts audiences even today.

It was beautiful to have him back on the beach with Meredith in season 17 as the two reminisced, and fans were able to wipe a tear or two of joy as Meredith spent some time in her safe place with one of the most missed characters from the series’ peak years. However, once again, George O’Malley is, however heartbreaking it might be, done as far as the show is concerned, and there seems little way to bring him back yet again.

3 Don’t Want: Derek Shepherd

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

Fans bawled into their pillows when Derek Shepherd died shockingly doing what he did best, saving lives. Many hardcore Grey’s fans were convinced that the show would not be the same without him.

After six years, Derek returned to the show in a guest-starring capacity as part of Meredith’s happy place on the beach. Once again, the audience was reminded of the magic of Derek and Meredith, in spite of all the flak that McDreamy’s character received over the years. Shepherd would always be welcome back on the show as far as fans are concerned, because even today, Derek does complete Meredith.

2 Don’t Want: Jackson Avery

Greys Anatomy 5 Old Characters We Want To See Return In Season 18 (& 5 We Dont)

The handsome Avery bade the hospital farewell after 12 long years, and he received one of the more elaborate goodbyes a character had been given in a while.

Avery left to run the Catherine Fox Foundation, as he wanted to give something back to society — something more than just saving lives, that is. And somehow, this felt like a conclusive finale for him.

1 Want To See: Cristina Yang

If season 18 is to be the last, then nothing would make sense more than for Meredith to unite with Cristina Yang just one final time.

If Burke was necessary to tie up Yang’s arc, then the latter would be perfect to somehow give meaning to Meredith’s own final storyline on the show. To see the twisted sisters quip at each other one last time would be a hoot.

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