Harley Quinn Reveals What Happened to Batman (And It’s Brutal)

Harley Quinn Reveals What Happened to Batman (And It’s Brutal)

After being absent for the entire episode, Season 2’s premiere reveals the current state of The Caped Crusader in its final moments.

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Harley Quinn Reveals What Happened to Batman (And It’s Brutal)

Harley Quinn’s second season debuted with Gotham City in shambles. After the earth-shattering events of the Season 1 finale, Gotham will need Batman more than ever. Unfortunately, Season 2’s first episode revealed that Bruce Wayne may be out of commission for a while.

Throughout Season 2’s opener, Commissioner Gordon is shown numerous times being clearly disoriented by the primitive state of New Gotham. Without his leading defender, his police force is far outnumbered by the new legions of villains rising in the post-apocalyptic environment. The episode aptly titled “New Gotham,” finishes on a mysterious note as Batman is shown unconscious and in a coma in an undisclosed location.

Harley Quinn Reveals What Happened to Batman (And It’s Brutal)

Season 1’s finale connected archenemies, Joker and Batman, as the Clown Prince of Crime captures the Caped Crusader after he and Harley Quinn fail at their shared plan to foil the Joker. The Harlequin of Hate seemed to have finally won as he had his archnemesis strapped in as a human cuckoo clock. But he didn’t quite get the last laugh as the first season of the series ended with the Joker falling into a vat of chemicals designed to take away his memories and abilities that was originally meant for Harley. Gotham’s caped hero also escaped from Joker’s penthouse but is last seen when he is crushed and seemingly killed by a collapsing roof in the same chemical room.

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A Batman-less version of Gotham results in Season 2 erupting in chaos as the desperate and unstable Commissioner Gordon turns on the Bat-Signal to no response other than the rather useless Damian Wayne, aka Robin, dressed up as Batman. Season 2’s ending proves that Batman did indeed survive the events of Season 1. The final moments of the episode also establish that his true identity is revealed to the doctors caring for him.

Gotham’s slip into chaos without him is reminiscent of 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises as Batman also leaves the city of Gotham to its own devices following Bane breaking his back. Since Harley Quinn’s Batman is in a coma, perhaps we will see this Batman also go through some form of rehabilitation. Hopefully, his recovery doesn’t take too long since Gordon could use all the help he can get after Season 2, Episode 1 shows his own police force turning on him when times get tough.

With Batman in a coma and seemingly no other superheroes around, it looks like it will be up to the villains to get Gotham back in order. This revelation leaves room for the series to explore what Gotham would be like if its primary hero, Batman, and its main source of evil, Joker, were both out of the picture. Maybe an anti-villain like Kite-Man will step up to the plate for defending the innocent or perhaps the supervillains will simply enjoy their anarchy for as long as Bruce Wayne takes to recover.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/harley-quinn-season-two-batman-brutal-revealed/

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