Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

Harry Potter: 10 Best Reddit Threads For Die-Hard Fans


All these years later after the Harry Potter books and movies, die-hard fans are still debating and sharing their controversial opinions on Reddit.

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Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

Although it may look like almost every Harry Potter theory has been covered by fans and fan fiction writers by now, there are many, many things about the Potterverse which remain severely underexplored. And a loyalist doesn’t need to look beyond Reddit to answer any question they may have about the series or any character.

But there are some questions even Reddit doesn’t seem to have the answers to. Usually, a controversial Reddit post invites a lot of polarized opinions and theories, but when it comes to Harry Potter, unpopular opinions pose a delicious challenge to Redditors since they love proving or disproving a theory. There are some very engaging Reddit threads out there about the Potterverse that die-hard loyalists will love.

10 Unpopular Opinion Alert

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

It’s common knowledge that Ron and Hermione’s relationship did not start on a sweet note; Ron considered her to be a know-it-all and it was evident that Hermione thought Ron to be rather obnoxious and clumsy, and maybe a bit daft, at times. And although they quickly became friends, this Redditor is of the opinion that Ron and Hermione made it a habit to bring each other down, mostly one-on-one, but sometimes publicly.

This observation could be deemed quite controversial because though they challenged each other, they obviously cared about each other immensely, even before they were romantically involved. And as expected, this tread invites a lot of perspectives on their relationship.

9 Dark Lord, Meet The Triumphant Trio

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

This has to be one of the most engaging Reddit threads related to the Potter-verse. Voldemort obsessed over Harry for years and knew every little detail about him. But he never really references Harry’s friends or even worries about their intentions. Voldemort hardly cares about what Ron and Hermione are up to, at least pertaining to defeating him or finding the Horcruxes.

This Redditor points out that the Dark Lord must know all about the Weasley family since they are blood-traitors and Hermione goes to the extent of erasing her parents’ memories to protect them from the Dark Lord. But the fact remains, did the Dark Lord care at all about Harry’s closest friends who were almost like family to him, or even think of them as a threat on any level?

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8 How Does Ophthalmology Work In The Wizarding World?

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

What started out as an innocent observation turned into an elaborate and intense discussion about the mechanics of the wizarding world, with over 400 comments. One Redditor pointed out that Harry doesn’t seem to ever need new glasses and just keeps wearing the same ones. But if he did, in fact, need new glasses, who would he go to?

Are there ophthalmologists in Diagon Alley? Also, is it possible to magically fix someone’s eyesight, or to at least improve it, or does that fall under the purview of dark magic?

7 The Bigger Questions

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

It’s common for teenagers to discuss their crushes and talk about the people they are interested in. Harry could never talk to Ron about his crush on Ginny because she was Ron’s sister. But a Reddit thread has people questioning why did Ron never discusses his feelings for Hermione with Harry? There are actually many schools of thought relating to this observation.

Some Redditors believe that Ron suspected that also had feelings for Hermione, and it obviously becomes a source of anxiety for him later on. But it’s also possible that Harry simply knew early on how Ron really felt and simply wanted to give him space since he was so close to both Ron and Hermione.

6 Now That It’s Mentioned

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

This Redditor astutely points out that Sirius Black finds it hard to let go of his memories of James, which is why there are times when he treats Harry, not as a minor but as his late friend. This observation is part of a bigger discussion that the same Reddit post brings up regarding how differently Sirius is depicted in the books and the films.

In the books, Sirius’ character has a lot more room, so he could be painted as a godfather at times and, on other occasions, like a friend or a trusty ally. In the films, Sirius and Harry’s relationship is not exactly as organic; he is scared of Sirius one day and a few days later, they are almost like family.

5 A Eureka Moment

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

For all the people who have ranted about Dumbledore making Harry do all the hard work and for keeping secrets, this Reddit thread could actually shed some perspective. This Redditor and many fans believe that Dumbledore wanted Harry to understand how perverse seeking immortality really is and why Voldemort was on the wrong side of history.

Dumbledore wanted Harry to understand why the Dark Lord’s legacy was so threatening and vile and was essentially cultivating his understanding of the bigger picture.

4 The Moment Of Significance

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

Was Goblet Of Fire the chapter that propelled Harry Potter from the young adult department to the dark fiction section? This Redditor claims that the last words heard by fan-favorite wizard Cedric Diggory are Voldemort’s “Kill the spare.” For a Y/A series, it is indeed too dark, but was this the moment that changed the tenor of the books forever?

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The next book was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which was decidedly darker than all the previous books, so there is something to be said about this theory, although many Redditors disagree over the significance the words had on the overall series.

3 Up For Debate

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

The Chamber of Secrets brings out many feelings among Potterheads. While some fans find the premise fascinating, many readers actually feel this chapter was unnecessary.

This Reddit post explores the love and hate for the second chapter in the series in some detail. But it has to be said that while the second chapter is not without its flaws, it does set the stage for some pretty crucial developments in the later books, including the Horcrux plotline and also Harry’s Parseltongue abilities.

2 You Too, Mrs. Weasley?

Harry Potter 10 Best Reddit Threads For DieHard Fans

Potterheads have often wondered about this overlooked tidbit about Mrs. Weasley, which is very uncharacteristic of her. She believes what Rita Skeeter wrote in the Daily Prophet about a supposed love triangle between Harry, Victor and Hermione. Later in the year, Harry, Ron and Hermione receive gifts from Mrs. Weasley and Hermione’s bag of candy is much smaller, an indication of how she was miffed with Hermione, possibly for trifling with Harry’s feelings.

But this Reddit thread suggests that there are some theories that can justify her behavior. Firstly, Molly Weasley’s role as the group mom was not that fleshed out in Goblet of Fire. Plus, it’s possible that, like many others, she believes at least some parts of the sensational journalism and it made her anxious about Harry since she thought of him like a son.

1 Snape The Hero?

This thoroughly researched Reddit thread points towards something definite – Snape was unarguably the most competent adult in any room, at any given moment, be it in his role as a professor, as an ally or even as Harry’s silent protector. Though he specifically looks out for Harry in almost every situation, he is impossibly alert about other students as well, even after he officially joins the Dark Lord.

He sends students to Hagrid so he could steer them away from the Carrows, who loved torturing children, he gave fake Veritaserum to Dolores Umbridge and made sure Harry and his friends were safe before he informed the order to keep an eye out for Sirius. Not to mention, he would usually be the first person to notice if Harry, Ron and Hermione were up to something reckless.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-best-controversial-reddit-threads-debate-die-hard-fans/

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