Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Harry Potter: 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through


Hermione Granger is a fan-favorite character from the Harry Potter franchise. Here are the 10 biggest changes she went through in the series.

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Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Over the seven or so years that the Harry Potter books span, Hermoine Granger (Emma Watson) has changed in quite a few ways. Readers and viewers of the Harry Potter franchise follow along with the students as they grow up through wizarding school. Learning how to be a proper wizard paired with the ever-present threat of the Dark Lord regaining power causes the students to mature and change in interesting ways.

One of the biggest character transformations is seen in Hermoine Granger, who goes from snobby know it all to a founding member of Dumbledore’s Army and future Minister of Magic. Here are the 10 biggest ways that Hermione Granger changed during the course of the Harry Potter series.

10 The Way She Viewed Ron

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Hermoine’s very first interaction with Ron Weasley involves her contemptuously pointing out the dirt on his face. By the end of the series, she is married to the boy she comes to befriend.

The franchise chronicles her progression of falling in love with the boy she used to claim had the “emotional intelligence of a teaspoon.” She eventually starts to feel charmed by his humor and learns to find his glumness endearing.

9 Her Looks

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Hermione goes from being a frizzy-haired, unkempt, awkward girl to a beautiful, elegant woman. In the first book, her appearance is described by J.K. Rowling as having “bushy hair and large protruding teeth.”

But in The Goblet of Fire, Rowling describes her at the yule ball as having hair made “sleek and shiny by Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion, and twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head.” She turns heads at the ball and isn’t quite sure what to do with the newfound attention.

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8 Her Interest In Things Like Going To Balls With Boys

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

In the early years, Hermoine would never have bothered with the Yule Ball or dressing up, preferring a good book or prepping for a far off test, but as she settles into adolescence, she starts to crave the normal school experiences any young wizard would, like going to balls in pink dresses on the arm of a handsome boy.

This behavior shocks her friends, who have trouble seeing her as a girl instead of just one of the guys.

7 School Books Couldn’t Teach Her Everything

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Hermoine quickly learns she does not in fact know everything about the wizarding world. She knows more than most young wizards her age, but she realizes there are many things she needs to learn outside of the classroom.

One of the biggest shocks she has to absorb is the true evil behind Voldemort and his Horcruxes, something a schoolbook could never prepare her for. Her schoolbooks also didn’t prepare her for the sacrifices she would have to make to save the wizarding world, like making her parents forget her.

6 She Learned The Value Of Friendship

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Although she is unhesitant to introduce herself on the train, it is clear in the early years that Heroine’s biggest focus at Hogwarts was learning, not making friends. But by the end of the series, Hermoine has learned how much better it is to be part of a team of friends who always have her back and help her get through the tough times.

Her friendship with Harry and Ron is a beautiful bond that many could only hope to achieve one day and by the end of the series, she appreciates the comfort they give her more than any grade on a test or prestigious award.

5 She Learned There Were Other Things Besides School To Be Passionate About

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Sadly, this is not as big a part of the movies as in the books, but Hermoine becomes extremely passionate about house-elf rights, starting the organization S.P.E.W., which stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. She starts this organization, which has all of two members (Ron and Harry, who she forced to join) after she discovers that Hogwarts itself employs elves in the kitchen.

She becomes outraged, thinking they are treated like Dobby was at the Malfoys, and starts a campaign for their release. Of course, they are actually happy working there and don’t seem to appreciate her activism on their behalf. But her activism is just one of many things she discovers she is passionate about at Hogwarts, besides the school subjects themselves. Her passion for equal rights and justice surely follows her into her career as a Minister of Magic.

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4 She Learned To Stand Up For Herself

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

In The Sorcerer’s Stone, Hermoine is sent crying to the bathroom after overhearing hurtful words from Ron. Fast forward to The Prisoner of Azkaban and she is punching Malfoy in the face for calling her a Mudblood.

She gains confidence after helping save the school, twice, and knows her worth by the third movie and this only grows through the rest of the series. By the end, she is one of the most skilled wizards from the school, and it is due to her skill that the group even manages to survive when the Deatheaters attack.

3 She Honed Her Skills

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

By Deathly Hallows, Hermoine has picked up a few things that she effectively utilizes in times of need, such as her potions and spell knowledge and recollection of important information. She uses her skills to help her friends escape and her handy bag of tools in invaluable.

She didn’t just study and think that being a know-it-all would be enough. She practiced the skills she knew helped the group the most and was an expert at them in the time of need.

2 She Learned That Getting Expelled From School Was Not The Worst Thing That Could Happen

Harry Potter 10 Biggest Changes Hermione Granger Went Through

Being expelled from Hogwarts is her worst possible nightmare in the freshman installment of the franchise, with Hermoine saying so after she, Harry, and Ron accidentally discover Fluffy the Cerebus guarding a passageway that they laster discover leads to the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Looking back, she was naive to think such a thing. After the many tribulations she has faced with Harry and Ron in their mission to bring down Voldemort, she has learned that this is far from the worst thing that could happen.

1 She Became More Open-minded

In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermoine is open about her dismissal of Professor Trelawny and the subject she teaches. It’s clear that Hermoine thinks the eccentric teacher’s premonitions and prophecies are rubbish.

But by Order of the Phoenix, Hermoine realizes the truth behind these prophecies and starts to use her intellect to further research them and help Harry to use this information to his advantage in his fight against Voldemort and his army.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-biggest-changes-hermione-granger-went-through/

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