Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Harry Potter: 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)


Harry Potter is full of magic, and wands are the tool by which it is often accomplished. Here are the 10 best wands in Harry Potter and what they do.

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Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

One of the first things people think of when discussing Harry Potter is the wands shown throughout the films. Wands are right up there with lightsabers when it comes to the most notable weapons in film.

Harry Potter is beloved by so many, and one main reason for that is that everyone loves the idea of being a wizard themselves. With the ability to purchase replica wands, most hardcore fans probably have their favorite wands in remembrance of seeing them in the Harry Potter films. With so many wands in the Harry Potter movies, each distinctive. It is time to narrow down the most interesting of the bunch.

10 Harry Potter

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

This wouldn’t be a Harry Potter list without the man himself. Harry’s wand is 11 inches long and made of holly. It also contains a phoenix feather.

This wand is very powerful, as its phoenix feather was donated by Dumbledore’s personal phoenix. Harry was able to use this wand throughout the majority of his schooling until it was broken when Hermione’s curse rebounded back onto the wand. Harry later repaired it by using the Elder Wand.

9 Severus Snape

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

From afar, Snape’s wand looks simplistic and dreary. However, when taking a closer look, the details of the wand come alive.

The wand is one of the shorter wands from the predominant characters in Harry Potter, but one of the stronger. Snape was able to defeat most foes he stood across from, as well as create spells never used by any other wand before.

8 Hermione Granger

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Hermione’s wand is 10 and three-quarters inches in length and contains a dragon heartstring. Wands made with a dragon heartstring produce the greatest amount of magical power.

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With Hermoine being such a diligent and hardworking student, her capabilities are endless. The exterior design of this wand complements Hermione, as well. Constructed of vine wood, the wand has a beautiful carving that spirals from the bottom to the top of the wand.

7 Fenrir Greyback

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Fenrir Greyback is arguably one of the coolest and most under-recognized characters in all of Harry Potter. As a werewolf, Greyback did not carry a wand at the beginning of his wizarding career. His primary goal was to turn or kill as many people as possible, strictly by using his inhuman abilities.

Eventually, he did convert to using a wand and chose the one shown above. Greyback quickly became a very skilled duelist and was capable of casting non-verbal spells. Fenrir’s wand has a red, foggy design to it, making it stand out more than most wands do.

6 Fleur Delacour

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Made of rosewood with a length of nine and a half inches, Fleur’s wand contained a Veela hair core. This wand is not only uniquely designed, but it also has a one of a kind core.

The hair for the wand’s core was donated by her grandmother. While most cores are either made of unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, or phoenix feather, Fleur’s was constructed specifically for her.

5 Sirius Black

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Sirius’ wand is another case of a wand that looks bland from far away. However, when looking closely, the wand has significant detail. The pattern carved into the wand is seemingly random, but yet definite at the same time.

It is rumored that some of the carvings are done by Sirius Black himself, either during or after his stay at Azkaban. Although it doesn’t make sense that he was allowed a wand in prison, it is still an interesting theory.

4 Bellatrix Lestrange

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Made of Walnut with a 12 and three quarter inch length, Bellatrix’s wand has a dragon heartstring core. The most notable thing about this wand is its curve and it curves forward and downward from each side.

It also contains an interesting design flowing through the handle. It was stated by Hermoine that this is the wand that Bellatrix used to torture Neville Longbottom’s parents.

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3 Horace Slughorn

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

Horace’s wand is arguably the most distinctive wand of all. It is made of cedarwood and contains a dragon heartstring. Aside from the fact that Horace is one of the funniest and most enjoyable characters to watch on the screen, he is also a brilliant wizard.

He performed spells in the films that were not seen by any other wizard, such as turning himself into a recliner to hide from the Death Eaters. Thanks to his amazingly designed wand, he can perform high-level spells that most do not think to perform.

2 Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter 10 Coolest Wands (& What They Do)

With Lord Voldemort being the primary villain in the Harry Potter story, it is vital that his wand is significant. Without the slightest doubt, his wand does not disappoint. It is constructed of yew and a phoenix feather. The feather used for this wand was from Fawkes’ tail, which was Dumbledore’s personal phoenix. This wand is one of two twin wands, the other being Harry Potter’s.

Voldemort used his wand to kill a countless amount of wizards throughout his time. In addition, he managed to nearly beat Dumbledore with this wand in Order of the Phoenix. With Dumbledore wielding the Elder Wand, the fact that Voldemort could keep up is very impressive.

1 The Elder Wand

The Elder Wand is the coolest wand in all of Harry Potter for many reasons. First and foremost, it is one of the three objects that make up the Deathly Hallows. If one could collect all three items of the Deathly Hallows, they would be considered “the master of death.” Also, it is considered to be the most powerful wand in existence. This is because of the wand’s ability to perform magic that no other wand is capable of copying.

The wand is constructed of a Thestral hair, a substance that only the most skilled wizards such as Dumbledore, Voldemort, Grindlewald, and Harry have been competent enough to use.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-coolest-wands-what-they-do/

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