Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

Harry Potter: 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle


Hogwarts Castle is the primary location for the Harry Potter franchise – but how many of these tiny details about the wizarding school do you know?

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Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy is arguably the most important location in the Harry Potter franchise – it’s where he spends most of his time, where Harry considers his home, and even where Voldemort and Harry have their final battle. While it’s arguably unrealistic that so much of the Wizarding War would center on a school (as opposed to, say, the Ministry), that doesn’t change the fact that Hogwarts is the symbolic home of the Harry Potter franchise.

And, like so much of this magical world, Hogwarts is packed with tiny details and lore that didn’t quite make it into the films. Some of these details were revealed in the books, others through Pottermore, the video games, or the official social media for the series, but all of these add depth and even more magic to the castle where Harry learned how to defeat the Dark Lord.

10 The Floor Plans & House Tables Change

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

In the movies, the order of the House Tables in the Great Hall changes on a regular basis – rather than consistently being in the same order across the room. Other rooms and areas also seem to shift somewhat regularly, with the reveal of new doors and rooms (like the one where Harry waits after his name is pulled from the Goblet of Fire), or the size and shape of other rooms (like the Potions classroom) changing as well.

This is partially a simple matter of practicality for filming – or of convenient storytelling! However, this can also be read as a little bit of magic, too. After all, the staircases are known to move, and the Room of Requirement changes size and shape as needs be – why wouldn’t other areas of the castle also shift when a new space is required?

9 The Hogwarts Express Actually Goes To Hogsmeade

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

All students at Hogwarts arrive via the Hogwarts Express (an arrangement that was designed to allow for students to arrive en masse without attracting Muggle attention) – and the movies often make it appear as though the train arrives directly within the Hogwarts grounds! However, the train actually goes to Hogsmeade station, and from there, the students make their way into the castle ground by boat (for first years) or carriage (for older students).

This also means that while the students are not allowed to wander Hogsmeade unsupervised until they have permission slips, they do actually potentially see some of it on arrival. It also raises some questions about students who live in Hogsmeade – there are none mentioned, but presumably, there would be at least a few families in an all-wizarding village who could meet the rest of their class at the station itself.

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8 It Is Seven Stories Tall, With 142 Staircases

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

The ‘real’ Hogwarts is, of course, a collection of indoor sets and outdoor views of real castles, and is not one place – however, the fictional Hogwarts has been described as “seven stories tall”, and was revealed in a tweet to have “142 staircases”. The staircases are easy to imagine, as many are seen throughout the series, but the seven stories may have some fans raising an eyebrow.

This is the official description of the castle, but from the dungeons to the astronomy tower seems to be more than just seven levels – images, especially of the external view, also appear to show more than seven levels of windows in the towers, not including multiple levels of basement and a dungeon that stretches under the Black Lake. It is likely that the seven ‘stories’ are each a little larger than the standard modern building, with several levels of dungeons counted as one ‘story’, and the towers not included in this number.

7 It Employes Over 100 House Elves

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

One of the biggest storylines that the movies left out was Hermione’s ill-fated attempt at ‘freeing’ the House Elves through an organization named SPEW. During this side plot, she learns that Hogwarts is also staffed by House Elves – over a hundred of them! They provide the food, work out of the kitchen directly under the Great Hall, as well as clean the castle and the common rooms. Dobby, Kreacher, and Winky (who was also omitted from the movies) all end up working with the Hogwarts House Elves, and the House Elves are staunch defenders of Hogwarts during the final battle.

6 The Hufflepuff Common Room Is By The Kitchens

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

In the books, Harry enters three of the four House Common Rooms – his own, Ravenclaw Tower, and the Slytherin Dungeons. The Hufflepuff common room is excluded from both books and movies, though, and is later revealed to be located in the basements, by the kitchens. It is entered by tapping on a barrel, and is a cozy room filled with plants and comfy armchairs.

It’s a shame that the Hufflepuff room is the only one excluded (especially when there is a relatively major Hufflepuff character in Cedric Diggory), although Ravenclaw Tower also gets largely missed from the movies as well.

5 Part Of Hogwarts Is Under The Black Lake

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

The Black Lake (aka The Great Lake) is next to Hogwarts – it’s where the boats cross to take the First Years to the Great Hall, and it’s where the second task of the Triwizard Tournament was set. However, it’s not just next to the castle, but actually above part of it. This has the biggest impact in the Slytherin Common Room, where the Lake above it gives the light a ‘green tinge’.

This also leads to some questions in terms of design, because the Hogwarts plumbing is connected to the Lake – presumably, there is some kind of magical filtration system going on there, and something to keep the Basilisk (before it was killed) from simply swimming out into the Lake!

4 There Were Five People Who Built It (Not Just The House Founders)

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

Every Harry Potter fan knows about the four founders of Hogwarts, but a fifth wizard was involved in the building of the castle who doesn’t get much credit – an unnamed Architect. This wizard was the one who was actually able to bring the castle into being, which also explains why the other founders didn’t know about the Chamber of Secrets, and why there are so many secrets to the castle.

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In the video games, the Architect has a statue in the castle, and behind it, there is a secret passageway to the ‘Founders Tower’ – a study-like room where the Founders and the Architect presumably did their work.

3 It’s Unplottable & Hidden From Muggles (Much Like The Leaky Cauldron)

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

Hermione makes it very clear that no one can Apparate in or out of Hogwarts, but this is far from the only thing protecting the castle – or preventing Muggles from stumbling onto it! The castle is unplottable, and it has a spell on it so that any Muggle to see it would only see an old ruin – not the thriving school it actually is.

This is very similar to the Leaky Cauldron – the pub in London is enchanted to look like an empty, broken down shopfront. More than that, Harry mentions in the first book that he feels as though his eyes just slide away from it. It seems that since the Statute of Secrecy, many Wizarding buildings were enchanted in this way to prevent Muggles getting too curious about them.

2 There Are More Secret Entrances Than Official Ones

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details About Hogwarts Castle

Officially, there are only a few entrances to Hogwarts Castle – there is one set of gates, and one Entrance Hall, suggesting that everyone is expected to enter through, in essence, the front door. However, there are eight secret passages in and out of Hogawrts mentioned during the series. Originally, there were seven shown on the Mauraders Map, including four known to Flitch, one that is caved in, one under the Whomping Willow, and one under the statue of the Humpbacked Witch. A new passage was created by the Room of Requirement later in the series.

However, it’s likely that there are even more passages and entrances than this – after all, the Maurader’s Map doesn’t show everything in Hogwarts, including the Room of Requirement, and as it was created by the Mauraders, it’s highly possible other secrets don’t show up there. The Castle also proves itself capable of changing, suggesting that there may be more secret entrances to find – and certainly more over the years than the main ones!

1 The Castle Is Sentient

In a few small scenes, the Castle itself is shown to have a sense of self – something that may be down to the sheer amount of magic collected and performed there over centuries! However, this is also possibly something designed in by the Founders and the Architect themselves.

The Room of Requirement and the moving staircases are the most obvious examples of this, but could be seen as magic or enchantments, rather than the castle itself being aware. However, the castle does seal Umbridge out of the Headmaster’s office – something that can only be seen as a willful act by the building itself.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hidden-details-about-hogwarts-castle/

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