Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

Harry Potter: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters


The Harry Potter movies are filled with little clues and interesting details, but the film posters are just as interesting and intricate.

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Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

The poster is an incredibly important aspect of a movie’s marketing campaign. But more than that, it manages to tell the story of a film in a single set of images. It’s a powerful tool for any filmmaker to use in order to drum up a conversation about an upcoming project.

For the Wizarding World, which includes both the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter franchise, the posters offer narrative hints as to what themes and plot points these films might be exploring. While the Harry Potter posters may even link into the books themselves, the Fantastic Beasts posters go one better giving the fans the first look at a story they’ve never been told before.

10 Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them – The Obscurial

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

One of the key posters for the first Fantastic Beasts film gives fans a look at the 1920s, magical New York City which Newt Scamander finds himself in. The poster teases the famous briefcase where he keeps his many creatures, but the skyline offers up something a little more sinister.

It’s separated into two distinct color palettes. On the same side as Newt is the warm glow of the sun, representing the kind nature of the character. To the left, battling against this is smoky darkness usually linked to Death Eaters, but in this case, is a representation of the Obscurial which will be opposed by Newt’s kindness.

9 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald – Grindelwald’s Power Grab

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

The second film in the Fantastic Beasts series is all about where power falls. Grindelwald is obsessed with being the most powerful wizard alive and is constantly searching for ways to achieve that. The Deathly Hallows symbol on the poster reflects that desire.

What’s more though, Grindelwald is positioned to separate out two different sides. With the tag line asking ‘Who will change the future?’ the poster clearly links to one of the final sequences where magic wielders must make the choice between Grindelwald or Newt’s team, which will be explored further in the third installment.

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8 Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone – The Red Herring

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

With the powerful sorcerer’s stone seemingly about to be stolen throughout Harry’s first year, there’s really only one prime suspect that the movie focuses on to be the potential criminal. Time and again Snape is presented as the villain of the film.

Of course, it turns out to be Professor Quirrell, but the poster designed for the movie puts a strong emphasis on the underrated Snape as the foe for Harry. Not only does it place him front and center with no sign of Quirrell, but he is also the only character to hold anger and malice in his expression.

7 Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets – Dobby’s Blank Expression

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

The poster for the second installment is framed in a very interesting way. It teases some of the major plot points, including the fight with the Basilisk, with the sword of Gryffindor in the Chamber itself, alongside Ron breaking his wand.

The most interesting choice is Dobby’s eyeline though. With Harry, Ron, and Hermione looking directly at the audience, Dobby is looking slightly up. This could be a sign of him looking up to the threat of the Basilisk, or could be more of a tease of how he uses his abilities to protect Harry from the future he has seen.

6 Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban – Looming Danger

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

For those who hadn’t read the third book, it was unclear what the threat of the third film would really be. The poster carefully frames Buckbeak who could be portrayed as a dangerous beast and the hand of a vicious Dementor.

Watching over Harry, much like in the film itself, is a poster for his flawed godfather Sirius Black. While these looming threats are all teased, it’s interesting that the right-hand side actually frames the allies of Sirius and Buckbeak and the left separates the Dementor. The poster is also made up of a large circle, perhaps representing the prophecy of that fateful night like a crystal ball, or a full moon!

5 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire – The Lake Challenge

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

The Lake Challenge is an interesting aspect of the Triwizard Tournament and the fourth movie. It represents a significant turning point in the film. It’s the point at which conflict arises and dies down between the characters, demonstrated in part with Hermione’s expression of anger and Ron’s of relief.

The three towers are also a great tease that there should be three contestants in the tournament, not four. With the other contestants featured on the poster, this all links into the challenge itself and Harry being unable to decide who to save. It’s a compelling way to market the themes of the film.

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4 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix – Building An Army

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

There’s a number of huge plot details included in one poster. The prophecy held in Harry’s hand is really the goal of the film, for Harry to collect it before Voldemort can. Setting the poster in the Ministry of Magic is also a unique idea.

It’s the area of the main conflict and also the location where Voldemort is finally revealed to the magical as being alive. However, the key to this poster is the way Harry’s friends are gathered behind him. It’s structured as if he is leading an army; Dumbledore’s Army.

3 Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince – Rising Darkness

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

Darkness is seeping into every aspect of this poster. From the muted color scheme to the skies above, everything about this poster screams that Voldemort’s rise is almost complete. The inclusion of London is a first for the poster though.

It’s rare to see the real world as part of the marketing, considering it’s so mundane. The film sees magic infecting it though, with the rising darkness destroying parts of London. Dumbledore’s hand can also be seen, with this rising darkness theme continuing thanks to his curse.

2 Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 – Hermione’s Leadership

Harry Potter 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In The Movie Posters

After fleeing from their final year of Hogwarts, Ron, Hermione and Harry go on the run to try and destroy the Horcruxes. Their mission is a dangerous one and as the poster suggests, nowhere is safe.

The forest is an appropriate place to set the poster, considering they spend much of their time there. But while Ron and Harry looked fearful, Hermione has a determined expression on her face. Her hand looks to be reaching for something, perhaps in her bag or pocket, symbolizing the leadership and resourcefulness she displays throughout the film.

1 Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – The Malfoys Escape

The background of this poster is the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, the key conflict of the whole franchise. Behind Harry is his army of students, much like in a previous poster. Amongst them is a surprising addition though.

Look closer and it’s easy to spot many of Harry’s allies in the background, from Neville to Kingsley. The Malfoys don’t make an appearance in the poster despite being surviving allies, both to hide their eventual turn but also to demonstrate their escape. Almost deliberately the center of the poster is blocked from view, exactly the position they took in their leave!

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-posters-hidden-details/

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