Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Harry Potter: 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban


From Buckbeak to the Time Turner, these are the best and most magical moments in Harry Poter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

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Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The Harry Potter films are filled with magic – and not just the literal kind! While there are plenty of scenes that introduce fans to the actual magic of the wizarding world, others give them some muggle-style magic: love, inspiration, and hope. The Prisoner of Azkaban, the third film in the franchise, marks a notable change in tone – away from the more childish “magic” of the first two, and moving toward the darker films to come.

But what are the most magical moments in the film – those that fit both the wizarding and muggle versions of the word? From emotional moments where Harry grows as a person and learns just how much he can overcome, to moments of sheer fantasy joy, these are the best in the movie.

10 The Knight Bus

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The first big use of magic in the movie comes prior to this, as Harry accidentally inflates his spiteful Aunt and sends her floating away over his home… and while that’s definitely an enjoyable moment, as she’s a truly loathsome character, it’s the Knight Bus that really amazes fans. The way that it appears out of nowhere, the break-neck speed, the ability to squeeze in between lanes of traffic, the interior – all of it is just the kind of magical inventiveness that Harry Potter does best.

9 The Boggart

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The Prisoner of Azkaban sees a new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher – and this time, it’s Remus Lupin. Lupin becomes known for fun, practical lessons, and one of the best is the lesson on the Boggart. In this scene, the students take turns standing in front of a boggart, and then turning it from terrifying to ridiculous. The result is a lesson that is magical to watch, and one of the funniest in the film. Snape dressed in Neville’s grandmother’s clothes is a particular favorite for fans.

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8 Harry Flies On Buckbeak

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

In the first film, fans got to experience some of the joy of flying second-hand when Harry learned how to fly a broomstick – and this film one-ups that with Harry’s flight on Buckbeak. Hagrid introduces the Hippogriff as the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and everything about this class is beautiful. From the awe at first seeing Buckbeak to the flight sequence on his back, and even to the moment that Hermione grabs Ron’s hand, it’s pure magic.

7 The Marauders Map

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The Marauders Map has become one of the most iconic objects in Harry Potter canon, and this is where it is first introduced. Fred and George pass the map on to Harry because he doesn’t have permission to go to Hogsmeade, and it was an incredible moment.

The actual magic item is fantastic enough, with the ability to show where anyone is, at any time, as well as secret passageways, but the human element is important too. Fred and George are treating Harry like family, to make up for his own family denying him a privilege – and it’s enough to warm the cockles.

6 The First Visit To Hogsmeade

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Hogsmeade itself is another magical moment in this film, similar to the way that Diagon Alley wowed fans in the first. The all-wizarding village is an incredible look at a purely magical world, with a sweatshop any child would love to visit, and tiny details in every frame. From the owl post office to the Three Broomsticks and the magical beverages sold there, this is a perfect scene – and the snow just adds to it.

5 Learning To Conjure A Patronus

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The patronus is, without doubt, the most important spell learned in this movie – and one that will continue to be used for multiple movies to come. Harry learns how to conjure one with the help of Remus Lupin, and everything about this scene is magical. The actual spell itself is, of course, but more than that, this scene shows Harry getting the benefit of a father figure – and one who knew his actual father. Lupin is sympathetic, understanding, patient, and a great teacher, and watching him coach Harry is incredibly sweet.

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4 Hermione Takes On Draco

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

This is a scene that doesn’t involve any real spellwork, but there’s no denying that it is a magical moment for fans… where Hermione whips her want out and threatens Draco Malfoy, before punching him in the face!

Seeing the rule-following Hermione snap, and Draco’s absolute terror, is a glorious moment. Having spent two and a half films watching the young Mr Malfoy act terribly at every turn, this moment is incredibly satisfying, even without a spell.

3 The Time Turner

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

While the Marauders Map may become the most iconic magical item in this film, the most powerful is clearly the Time Turner, and its first appearance is incredible. It’s a beautiful item, and realizing that Hermione has the ability to go back in time is both fascinating and satisfying, as her odd behavior throughout the film thus far is explained. The Time Turner scenes are also magical for the people’s reactions to them. Seeing Dumbledore encourage them to break rules to save lives, the moment that they breathlessly arrive back just in time, everything connected to the Time Turner is an impeccable blend of emotional and literal magic.

2 The Stag Patronus That Saves Them

Harry Potter 10 Most Magical Scenes In The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The stag patronus shows up twice in the film, thanks to time travel. Once, when Harry and Sirius are being attacked by dementors, and then a second time, when future-Harry realizes that he is the one to save past-Harry, and casts it himself. Both have their own magic, and both tap into the tension of the moment when all the Dementors descend, but the second time that this scene takes place is the best one. Here, Harry realizes the strength of his own abilities, and watching him save himself is clearly metaphorical as well as literal.

1 Harry’s Firebolt

After the ups and downs of discovering that he has a godfather, and the joy of thinking that he may no longer have to live with the Dursleys, then the crashing heartbreak of realizing that that can’t happen, and Sirius must go on the run, the film ends on a high note. Harry gets sent the Firebolt, and fans enjoy a shot of him zooming into the air – it’s a scene that is light, hopeful, and a fitting end to the darkest film in the franchise thus far.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-best-most-magical-scenes-prisoner-azkaban/

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