Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Harry Potter: 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw


Did the Sorting Hat pick the right Hogwarts house for Hermione Granger? The Harry Potter witch may have been better in Ravenclaw than Gryffindor.

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Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Hermione Granger proves that she is the brightest witch of her age throughout the Harry Potter series. The Golden Trio member saves the day more than once with her sharp mind and magical knowledge. Hermione’s intelligence is, arguably, her most defining characteristic, something that could have seen her sorted into Ravenclaw during her first year instead of Gryffindor.

In the books, Hermione states that the Sorting Hat struggled to choose between the two houses due to her studious nature. Her bravery proves that she is a Gryffindor at heart, but here are 10 times the young witch revealed her inner Ravenclaw.

10 Fearing Expulsion More Than Death

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Hermione’s iconic line from the first film proves that the young witch would have excelled in Ravenclaw. After narrowly escaping from Fluffy, Hagrid’s giant three-headed hound, Hermione warns Harry and Ron that continuing to meddle with secret business could get them “killed, or worse, expelled.”

Hermione’s puzzling priorities are a true testimony to her Ravenclaw traits. Her studies mean more to this witch than her survival.

9 Using A Time-Turner To Study Every Subject

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

In Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione makes it her mission to study every available subject at Hogwarts. McGonagall issues her a Time-Turner, though Hermione eventually finds herself struggling to cope with her increased workload.

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The ambitious witch may have overestimated herself, but she displays an admirable dedication to her studies. This thirst for knowledge is another characteristic that aligns more with Ravenclaw’s reputation.

8 Learning Complex Spells At A Young Age

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Hermione masters a multitude of complex spells early in her education. Thanks to her studious reading, she quickly becomes adept at tricky jinxes and complicated curses, performing several challenging protection charms around the campsite throughout Deathly Hallows.

Throughout Harry Potter’s final installments, Hermione casts numerous spells that would make Rowena Ravenclaw herself proud. Hermione successfully Obliviates her parents’ memories and stands her ground against powerful Death Eaters.

7 Achieving Nine Outstanding OWLS

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Like a true Ravenclaw, Hermione excels in her Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations in her fifth year. During Half-Blood Prince, the witch learns that she has achieved nine Outstanding grades as well as an Exceeds Expectations mark for Defence Against The Dart Arts.

Hermione is disappointed by her results, although Harry and Ron are suitably impressed by her success. Her high grades reflect her academic abilities and immense knowledge that has saved the Golden Trio more than once.

6 Brewing Polyjuice Potion In Her Second Year

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

A young Hermione performs another impressive magical feat in Chamber of Secrets. While investigating Draco Malfoy and the mysterious attacks on Muggle-born students, Hermione successfully brews Polyjuice Potion, a complex brew that many adult wizards struggle to create.

Hermione produces the Polyjuice Potion that allows Harry and Ron to question Malfoy. She proves that she is a Ravenclaw at heart by mastering another complicated magical concoction.

5 Perfecting Wingardium Leviosa

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, viewers are introduced to Hermione as an intelligent young witch — and a bit of a know-it-all. Hermione demonstrates these Ravenclaw-like qualities when she perfects the Levitation Charm ahead of her peers in Charms class.

Hermione displays her exceptional talent for education early in the series. Her impressive intellect inadvertently offends other students, another trait that she shares with Ravenclaws.

4 Wanting To Beat Harry In Potions Class

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Hermione is accustomed to being the highest achiever in the classroom. Due to this, the young witch struggles when Harry, aided by the Half-Blood Prince’s book, out-performs her in Potions class. Hermione reveals a competitive streak as she strives to beat Harry and the other students for Slughorn’s Felix Felicis.

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Many Hogwarts students regard academic competitiveness as another Ravenclaw trait. Hermione shows that she wants to be the best and can’t settle for anything less.

3 Figuring Out Lupin’s Secret

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

A perceptive Hermione pieces together the clues about Lupin’s secret slowly throughout the year in Prisoner of Azkaban. Suspicious of Snape’s hints and Lupin’s lunar-related disappearances, Hermione figures out that the current Professor of Defence Against The Dark Arts is a werewolf.

The other students remain oblivious to Lupin’s true nature. Once again, Hermione displays an impressive Ravenclaw intellect, excelling further than her peers.

2 Helping Harry Retrieve The Stone During Their First Year

Harry Potter 10 Times Hermione Behaved Like A True Ravenclaw

Hermione instantly proves herself as an integral member of the Golden Trio during Philsopher’s Stone. Her magical knowledge helps Harry figure out the mysterious revelations surrounding the Stone, and she is vital in their end-of-year mission to protect it from Snape.

Hermione tells Harry and Ron to relax after they are caught in the grasp of Devil’s Snare. When Ron refuses to listen, she saves his life by recalling a spell that defeats the dangerous plant.

1 Returning To Hogwarts To Complete Her NEWTS

Hermione’s dedication to her studies saw her return to Hogwarts after the events of Deathly Hallows to complete her N.E.W.T examinations. The young witch is the only member of the Golden Trio to return to school following the Second Wizarding War to complete her seventh year.

Hermione played an integral role in the downfall of Voldemort. It would have been understandable if she had abandoned her studies like Harry and Ron to forge a career as an Auror. Regardless, Hermione shows true Ravenclaw traits by completing her education and sitting her exams.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hermione-granger-behave-true-ravenclaw-hogwarts-house-sorting-hat/

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