Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)


In Harry Potter, Remus Lupin was a proud Gryffindor, but the werewolf and former Hogwarts professor might have been better suited to Hufflepuff House.

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Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

The introduction of Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter series was instantly received with praise, as he proved himself to be one of the most likable Gryffindors. However, while he did live up to the traits of his House, many have wondered if he was better suited to Hufflepuff, given that he shared a lot of attributes from them as well.

There’s a valid argument in either case, as the personalities of a Hufflepuff were very striking in Remus in some instances, while the spirit of a Gryffindor was dominant on other occasions. This also means he exhibited both the stronger and weaker aspects of the Houses to varying degrees.

10 Hufflepuff: Being The Voice Of Reason

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

Where Gryffindors are known to be outspoken and brash for the most part, Hufflepuffs tend to be the voice of reason, which was seen best when the Fat Friar wanted to forgive Peeves, unlike other ghosts. Remus was never the aggressor in any situation he was in, being the one to calm things down.

He was the only one who kept Sirius in check when his friend was acting out after being under house arrest, also stopping Sirius and Molly from getting into a fight over Harry by being the mediator. When Harry wanted to accuse Snape, Remus weighed out the scenario rather than agree with Harry, which is something a Hufflepuff would do.

9 Gryffindor: Remaining Brave Even When He Was Shunned By Society And Lost His Friends

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

It might be worth seeing Lupin’s story in full in a potential Marauders spin-off, as he spent over a decade looking for suitable jobs and being shunned by the magical community for being a werewolf. Even then, he kept a courageous attitude and didn’t want anyone’s sympathy.

Considering how he lived in poverty all his adult life, it’s remarkable that Remus braved through such trying times, especially when he had no more friends to rely on. Like a true Gryffindor, Remus kept faith in himself and didn’t give in to negative feelings.

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8 Hufflepuff: Accepting People Of All Personality Traits

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

It can be considered as the Marauders’ greatest mistake to bully someone like Snape since his hatred of James led to him revealing the prophecy to Voldemort. Remus didn’t engage in the bullying directly, though, as he was always welcoming of people regardless of their personalities or background.

Helga Hufflepuff was renowned for “taking in the rest,” meaning the House accepted those who didn’t have the distinguishable traits of the other Houses. Remus never played favorites or valued any particular traits in others, which very much qualifies him as a person that fit the Hufflepuff mentality.

7 Gryffindor: Tendencies To Get Caught Up In Bravado

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

The movie ignored most of their details, but book fans will know of the Marauders that they were too wrapped up in their own bravado to consider the dangers they were involved in. Remus admitted as much in the Shrieking Shack, confessing his guilt at betraying Dumbledore’s trust by leaving the shack with his friends to roam free in the grounds as a werewolf.

Gryffindors displayed this trait too many times for it not to be one of their attributes, as the Golden Trio themselves became too wrapped up in their victories and talents to consider the impact of their rule-breaking. This House tends to be too bold, and Remus definitely displayed his knack for recklessness.

6 Hufflepuff: Being More Of A Follower Than A Leader

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

Lupin’s talents made him one of the most beloved teachers at Hogwarts, although he never taught others to be leaders. Gryffindors are natural in this area, with just about every character having displayed this attribute in the series — Remus didn’t do much of it, however.

He was content in following James, Sirius, Dumbledore, and Kingsley, among other authority figures. Hufflepuffs are excellent and reliable when part of teams, as their strengths are to carry out plans to great effect but not so much in the role of leaders, rather delivering the value of teamwork.

5 Gryffindor: His Extreme Gryffindor Loyalty

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

To be fair, loyalty is considered a trait of Hufflepuff as well, although the distinguishing factor here is Remus’ loyalty goes to excessive lengths, even to a fault. Gryffindors have displayed this, with the likes of Hermione, Ron, Sirius, Harry, and more being ready to lay down their lives for their friends.

Remus kept the secrets of his friends safe even when confessing them would have been the better move. He looked after and kept Harry safe out of loyalty to James so many years after his death, and was devoted to Dumbledore as gratitude for the way he had treated him.

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4 Hufflepuff: His Preference To Avoid Conflict

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

This happens to be one of Remus’ best traits, as he avoided the Gryffindor stereotype of being too caught up in their own heroics to consider the dangers involved. Hufflepuffs are notorious pacifists who prefer to solve problems rather than see things turn into conflict.

He was never seen encouraging characters to engage in fights or disputes, preferring to steer clear of such situations. Like Hufflepuffs, Lupin also turned this into a disadvantage at times, as he could become a pushover. Still, his attitude of remaining patient and objective allowed his friends to avoid situations that could have ended very badly.

3 Gryffindor: Being Bold In The Face Of Adversity

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

When push came to shove, Remus didn’t care for niceties and was very outspoken in his intent to fight. Gryffindors are very bold in this area, making sure others are aware of their bravery. Lupin did the same by being one of the few to very openly say Voldemort’s name.

Even more impressive was how he became a spy for Dumbledore by being among werewolves, a place where even the slightest hint of betrayal could have seen him perish. Of course, there’s also the fact that he was very open to fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts, displaying no fear whatsoever.

2 Hufflepuff: Never Showing Any Aspirations For The Spotlight

Harry Potter 5 Reasons Remus Lupin Should Be In Hufflepuff (& 5 He’s A True Gryffindor)

Hufflepuffs don’t seek any celebrity status, nor do they care to be the talk of the town. These personalities are happy being part of the group and don’t have a pull to the spotlight. Lupin was the only one of the Marauders who was this way, not showing off like James and Sirius or craving to do so like Pettigrew.

When he experienced popularity as the best DADA teacher at Hogwarts, Lupin remained modest and didn’t engage in any pompous activity as Lockhart had done in the same position; he was content in simply being included and nothing more, traits a Hufflepuff will understand well.

1 Gryffindor: His Willingness To Sacrifice Himself

Gryffindors are far too daring and brave to consider the possibility of death a hindrance, which makes them all too willing to sacrifice their lives. Remus was included in the list of heroic deaths during the series, as he gave his life during the Battle of Hogwarts.

He admitted he would have died rather than talk had Voldemort approached him like Pettigrew, proving that his self-sacrificing ways were there even as a youth. After death, his ghost confessed to Harry that he hoped his son would understand why he had given his life, as his views on this matter didn’t change even after his demise.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-which-hogwarts-house-remus-lupin-hufflepuff-vs-gryffindor/

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