Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Harry Potter: 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Can’t Stand)


The Harry Potter series showed us a bunch of characters some fans adored, and others they just could not stand.

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Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

This epic franchise may be known for its magical world and huge battles, but the most memorable aspect is its many characters. The cast is extensive and full of vibrant personalities. Some of the characters are loveable, while others teach fans what not to do in life.

The fandom is pretty clear on which characters they like and dislike, but some seem to stump viewers. Harry himself is a divisive character, which is because he has his fair share of shining moments paired with some grave mistakes. He can be both selfless and selfish, which is an authentic portrayal of a nuanced character.

Updated on January 16th, 2021 by Svetlana Sterlin: Harry Potter certainly isn’t going anywhere, especially with the continuation of the franchise in the form of mythological spinoffs and stories about Harry’s children. Fans continue to cherish the magical world and return to the characters for comfort, laughter, or an adventure. In addition to some of the main characters already listed here, fans have strong opinions about supporting characters, too. Here are five more characters that fans tend to either love or hate.

15 CAN’T STAND: Gilderoy Lockhart

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Harry really seems to have bad luck with his Defence Against the Dark Arts professors. Of all his teachers, Gilderoy Lockhart is one of the worst. He’s so full of himself but is completely irresponsible when it comes to being a role model and protecting his students.

There’s also the fact that he’s a total fraud. He isn’t who he claims to be at all, and has taken credit for other people’s cleverness when really, he barely knows anything about the dark arts or how to defend oneself from them.

14 LIKE: Molly Weasley

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Harry never gets to know his mother, and Aunt Petunia certainly doesn’t fit into that role. Molly instantly welcomes Harry into her life and her family, even though others might be hesitant, considering Harry’s reputation.

She shows Harry what it is to have a home and a family. She’s always kind to those who deserve it, even though she has a lot on her plate already. In the end, she gets her moment of heroism when she gets her revenge on Bellatrix Lestrange.

13 CAN’T STAND: Lavender Brown

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Lavender doesn’t appear in the films as much as she does in the books, but she still plays an important role in the story. Unfortunately, though, she’s portrayed as shallow and frivolous.

She believes that she’s in love with Ron, who quickly tires of her, and selfishly claims him all to herself. After their breakup, she lingers, hoping that he’ll come back to her. Her presence is annoying to the characters and the audience, but that’s exactly what she’s supposed to be.

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12 LIKE: Neville Longbottom

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Neville is a Gryffindor who shares a dorm with Harry and Ron, but he’s not a main character until the latter part of the series. He joins Dumbledore’s Army, then accompanies Harry and his friends to the Ministry, where the truth about his prophecy becomes clear.

Neville is a character worthy of sympathy because of the many tragedies that befall him, from falling off his broom to living with his grandmother, but he’s also worthy of empathy. He’s one of the characters who keep the series grounded in reality. He doesn’t need magic to prove himself worthy, especially in moments where he asserts himself with his words and nothing else. Of course, his big moment comes when he slays Nagini, destroying the last Horcrux.

11 CAN’T STAND: Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

This should be obvious, but Voldemort is definitely someone fans don’t like. Even at a young age, there’s something sinister and uncanny about him, something that reeks of evil.

He has a lot of power, and he always uses it for all of the wrong reasons. He wreaks chaos and destruction, using darkness to rule the world and making whatever sacrifices are necessary in order for people to fear him and follow him.

10 LIKE: Hermione Granger

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Hermione Granger is quite possibly the number one fan-favorite character of the series. She’s the perfect combination of heart and head, extremely clever but also brave and compassionate.

She doesn’t always make the right decisions, but she tries hard and stands by Harry when no one else will. She always chooses what’s right over what’s easy, making her a character to look up to.

9 CAN’T STAND: Ron Weasley

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Ron Weasley has been a somewhat divisive character throughout the series but despite being Harry’s flawed sidekick, fans have not always been understanding of him. In fact, sometimes Ron is easy to despise.

He doesn’t always treat Hermione well, instead opting to make fun of her and take her for granted. He also has a habit of letting his jealousy overwhelm him and though it’s entirely understandable, fans often lose patience with him when he allows it to make him act like a bad person.

8 LIKE: Luna Lovegood

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Luna Lovegood enters in Order of the Phoenix with all the potential of being an extremely annoying character—whimsical, idealistic, and seemingly without the ability to take anything seriously. But underneath all that, this Ravenclaw is extremely smart, and she understands Harry in a way few others can.

She’s used to being picked on for being different, and she doesn’t let it affect her, making her an awesome and well-loved character.

7 CAN’T STAND: Dolores Umbridge

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Dolores Umbridge may just be the most hated character in the whole series. Even among the likes of Voldemort and Bellatrix, she’s one of the evilest characters in Harry Potter.

She’s smug in her refusal to acknowledge the truth of Voldemort and later supports the dark side. She also tortures students and torments Harry for being brave enough to tell the truth about Voldemort, all the while presenting herself as a harmless cat-loving lady.

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6 LIKE: Cho Chang

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Cho Chang has a brief and confusing dating experience with Harry after losing her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory, to Voldemort. She’s clearly confused and having a hard time, but fans sympathize with her.

Harry barely makes an effort to understand how she’s feeling, and she really deserves better than him. Ultimately, she’s brave enough to join the war effort against Voldemort, which is no small feat, especially after her boyfriend is murdered.

5 CAN’T STAND: Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Fans still can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that Ginny ends up being Harry’s wife. Their relationship seems to spring out of nowhere, and the pair barely have any meaningful scenes together in the films.

Any screentime they do share feels awkward and forced. It doesn’t make the relationship believable, and fans tend to direct this irritation towards Ginny, whether fairly or not. Overall, her character just seems flat onscreen.

4 LIKE: Minerva McGonagall

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

When fans first meet Minerva McGonagall, she seems strict and unlikable. It quickly becomes obvious that this isn’t the case at all; she’s stern, but cares deeply for her students.

She has a few shining moments in the series that make fans really love her, not least of all dueling Severus Snape in Deathly Hallows. Even Ron expresses his admiration for her in the first movie. It should also be remembered that she argued against Harry’s upbringing with the Dursleys and gifts him a broom to help his Quidditch career.

3 CAN’T STAND: Severus Snape

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Snape appears to be a villain for the majority of the series, but at the eleventh hour, he’s suddenly made out to be a hero. Not only were fans not willing to accept this, but it’s not enough to be believable.

Although it’s revealed he was fighting the good fight all along and protecting Harry, he still is abusive and spiteful, harboring an unrequited love for Lily Potter. In any case, he shouldn’t make Harry’s life at Hogwarts a living hell; he’s already got enough going on as it is.

2 LIKE: Sirius Black

Harry Potter 7 Most Likable Characters (& 8 Fans Cant Stand)

Sirius Black may have his issues, but he’s a charismatic man who would have died for his friends, and this makes him one of the most likable characters in the whole series.

He’s suffered twelve years in Azkaban and had a rough family life, but he still makes an effort with Harry. He’s the only person Harry really considers family, and it’s heartbreaking when this bond is taken away from him.

1 CAN’T STAND: Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore starts out as a kindly, benevolent grandpa-like but morphs into a deceptive and manipulative liar. Although, this could be attributed to the change in actors.

He claims that his actions are for the greater good and perhaps that’s true, but fans can’t seem to forgive him for many things: leaving Harry with the Dursleys, lying to him, and letting Snape bully him for the better part of seven years (just to name a few).

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-most-likeable-worst-characters/

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