Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Harry Potter: Sirius Black’s 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)


Sirius Black is a beloved character on Harry Potter, but he is very complex. Some times he makes great choices, while others he makes big mistakes.

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Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While Sirius Black might be a somewhat minor character in the scheme of Harry Potter who only appears in three of the books, he’s one of the all-time fan favorites from the series. He’s got a traumatic past and interesting personality, and while he’s definitely an overall good character, he has some pretty obvious flaws such as arrogance.

Because of this, there are many moments where Sirius makes some great decisions in the series that help others, but there are also some instances where he makes some bad mistakes that have far-reaching consequences.

10 Worst: How he acted when trying to kill Pettigrew

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

During all of the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and everyone else believes that Sirius Black has come to Hogwarts to kill Harry. While the truth is finally revealed about Sirius’ intentions, the way he went about trying to kill Pettigrew did him no favors.

It’s understandable that he was desperate, but he also acted aggressively and recklessly. He broke Ron’s leg and broke into the Gryffindor common room just to name a couple of mistakes he made in this process.

9 Best: Leaving his parent’s house at a young age

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Sirius Black was raised by horrible people. While his parents might not have been Death Eaters, they supported them ideology, and his brother did end up becoming one.

While Sirius was only a teenager when he left his family’s home, it was the right decision. It would have been horrible growing up in a family like that, so it was best for his mental health and safety to move in with James and James’ parents.

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8 Worst: Running around with Lupin in werewolf form

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While the Marauders, specifically everyone but Pettigrew, are definitely a compelling and dynamic group, they were also reckless and foolish a lot of the time.

While the desire to learn to become Animagi came from a good place of helping their friend, Sirius and James took things way too far when they started running around the grounds with Lupin in his werewolf form. They are just lucky that no one ever got hurt or killed.

7 Best: Helping Harry through the Triwizard Tournament

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Sirius definitely makes a lot of mistakes as a godfather, but he makes some good decisions, too. He definitely cares about Harry, and even though he isn’t able to, he offers him a place to live away from the horrible Dursleys.

Perhaps one of the best decisions he makes as a godparent is when he moves to Hogsmeade to hide in the hills to be close to Harry. While this might have put his own safety at risk, Harry needed the help to get through the Tournament, and, as the adult charged with protecting Harry, this was the right call.

6 Worst: Encouraging Harry to break the rules

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

While Sirius Black is a good godfather in Harry’s fourth year who does everything he can to help Harry under the circumstances, this isn’t the case in Harry’s fifth year.

Sirius might still try his best, but his own issues and restlessness get the better of him. He is moody and disappointed in Harry for not being reckless enough when he should have been more concerned with Harry’s safety instead of wanting Harry To be like James.

5 Best: Escaping from Azkaban

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Given that Sirius was convicted of multiple awful crimes that he didn’t’ commit, it’s truly awful that he had to be in Azkaban for so long.

He was never really given much of a fair trial, and he was an innocent man. Escaping was the right thing to do for his own safety and also for the safety of others that had no idea about Peter Pettigrew still being alive. It’s only a shame that he wasn’t able to escape sooner.

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4 Worst: Telling the Potters to make Pettigrew their Secret Keeper

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

This inclusion is a complicated one because Sirius was clearly trying to make the right decision here to protect his friends and their son. He meant to protect them by suggesting they make Pettigrew their Secret Keeper, but this decision ended up being the cause of their death.

It’s hard to really blame him here, and he definitely blames himself, but it’s still the reality of what happened. However, the blame at the end of the day really only lies with Pettigrew for being a traitor and evil person.

3 Best: Going to find Harry after the Potters’ death

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

After Sirius hears news of what happened to James and Lily, the first thing he does is to go to Godric’s Hollow to help. He knows he is Harry’s godfather, and his instinct is to protect him and take care of him.

While it was the right thing to do to give Harry to Hagrid given the circumstances, Sirius was also right to show up to help Harry right away.

2 Worst: Trying to get Snape killed

Harry Potter Sirius Blacks 5 Worst Mistakes (& His 5 Best Decisions)

Snape might like to think of himself as a victim, but he was a lover of dark magic who was no innocent person.

However, while Snape and the Marauders both did awful things, trying to get Snape killed was a horrible mistake. It wasn’t Sirius’ call to make, and he was being cruel and callous to try to get Snape hurt or killed in this way. Not to mention how horrible it would have been for Lupin if he had accidentally killed someone while in his werewolf form.

1 Best: Becoming a member of the Order both times

Sirius isn’t a perfect character, and his haughtiness and reckless behavior lead to some poor decisions.

However, he does believe in protecting others from Voldemort and his followers, and he wants the world to be a more equal place. He was correct to join the Order of the Phoenix both times that it was organized even if it put his own safety at risk.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-sirius-black-worst-mistakes-best-decisions-lupin-pettigrew-azkaban/

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