Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Home Alone: 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything


One thing that the internet is known for is for being utterly filled to the brim with twisted and dark theories about our favourite childhood films.

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Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Home Alone is one of the most famous Christmas movies of all time, earning over $426 million at a budget of $18 million. It stole hearts away from every child and adult. A fun little Christmas movie about a boy left home alone on a family vacation, making him face two small-time thugs, who attempt to break in and steal valuables from his house.

Now, the kid, Kevin must set up various traps and torture chambers fort he thugs, after having spent his time watching movies that were not for his age group and eating bucketloads of ice-cream. But some people had questions about certain elements of the film, mainly involving money and why the Wet Bandits had such rage towards this child. They filled in the blanks with their own dark theories and today, we are going to review our favourites.

9 Kevin’s Dad Is A Gang Leader

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

And this makes a lot of sense as well, the family is shown to be rich, affording a nice house in a pretty high-class neighborhood and able to afford plane tickets to France for the whole family, yet, no method of their income is told, but when Harry disguised as a police officer comes, the first thing we see is a very perplexed mood of Peter’s and the first question he asks is “Am I under arrest?”

A very weird and unorthodox reaction to a simple police visit leads the internet users to believe that Peter is in fact a gang leader, which could explain his large income.

8 Uncle Frank Is The Real Villain

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Uncle Frank is very prominently shown to have a natural hatred for Kevin and jealousy of his brother’s income. Therefore, some have speculated that Uncle Frank may have hired Harry and Marv, to rob the house and make Kevin the prime suspect, as he was the only one alone in the house, and a kid, making the crime that much more believable. Some even believe that Uncle Frank hired the Wet Bandits to take care of Kevin and that him being left behind was all part of his elaborate plan.

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His greed and visibly prominent twisted personality in the movies, make this theory very palpable and probable, once gone into detail.

7 Kevin’s Father Hates Him

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Again, going to the family, this theory proposes that Peter McCalsiter shares no bond or loving relationship with his son, Kevin, rather seeks to, somehow, get rid of him. Their rare interactions in all movies of the series start with Peter scolding Kevin. And the second movie, starts with Peter, very suspiciously, leaving Kevin behind, on purpose in the airport.

These scenarios in the movies further form as evidence to this extremely probable theory, which is now, not as far-fetched as it would seem at first-glance.

6 Old Man Marley Is Kevin, From The Future

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Marley was actually very important to the story. He saved Kevin when he was about to be killed by Harry and Marv, he enabled him to come to friendly terms with his family, and much more, but all of this seems too good to be true.

Some fans suggest that Old Man Marley is actually Kevin from the future, and that is why he is able to help Kevin, ever so easily. Because he had family issues himself in the future caused by the events of the film and wanted to prevent this Kevin from developing a gap between his family and save himself from the disadvantages of losing a family, just like he had.

5 The McCalisters Are A Cult

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Isn’t it weird to have such a large family live under one house? Who are taught to ignore the outside world, and since childhood has developed a hate for non-McCalister members as going too far as to accuse them of murder, as Buzz did with Marley, urging his family to stay away from Marley altogether.

With fearing even Harry, dressed up as a cop, and the pizza delivery guy and having shown to have no friends outside their family, the McCalisters might just be a cult.

4 Kevin Is Dead

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Possibly one of the darkest theories in the list, this theory suggests that Kevin is actually dead, and in the form of a ghost is terrorizing his family by putting toy cars under their paths and causing mayhem.

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Furthermore, many members of his family call him a “disease” and the “only troublemaking child out of 15.” Kate also seems very perplexed when Gus brings up that he left his child in a funeral parlor for a whole day, signaling maybe her son is also in a grave, possibly nearby.

3 Peter McCalsiter Is Training Secret Agents

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Peter McCalister is a pretty shady guy, he is unaffected when Kevin is physically and emotionally tortured by his cousins and siblings. Not to mention that he has already trained Buzz to be rather anti-social and violent.

This theory states that he orchestrated the whole break-in to make sure Kevin knows how to survive and did it a second time to make sure the first time wasn’t a fluke. This was in order to ensure that he was capable of being inducted into his agent program. This theory is very dark and far-fetched but it just might work.

2 Buzz Is A Psychopath

Home Alone 9 Dark Fan Theories That Change Everything

Buzz hates his brother, owns a gun, pets a spider, and doesn’t show members of his own family any sort of love or affection. He was completely unfazed by Kevin being left alone to fend for himself and die and also when the family was separated again in the sequel.

He purposely ate all of Kevin’s pizza and convinces him that Old Man Marley is a serial killer. It is clear that both of these actions were done with the sole goal of upsetting the child. Buzz, in conclusion, is unlike other kids and might actually be a legitimate psychopath.

1 Kevin Is The Jigsaw Killer

In the first film, Kevin shows an aptitude for the grim and dark world of torture. These traps are elaborate and impressive. And only get more intense as the series continues. Some fans believe that these traps are quite similar to those of the Saw series.

Which has lead some fans to wonder if Kevin grows up into being Jigsaw in his adult life. Maybe taking down the Wet Bandits gave him a taste for blood and he decided to spend his adult years playing god on his own terms.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/home-alone-dark-fan-theories/

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