How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses


Here’s how the main characters of the hit drama How To Get Away With Murder would align when it comes to their Game of Thrones houses.

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How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

Shonda Rhimes’ really knows how to make a show that captivates the heart as much as it does the mind, but one of her best works has to be the Viola Davis masterpiece — How to Get Away With Murder. It may not be easy to pinpoint the intentions of each character, nor the fates that they are rapidly heading towards, but their unique ways of acting and reacting lend a measure of real-life uncertainty to the narrative.

Now that the show has reached a firm conclusion, the paths taken by the people in it are laid out clearly for everyone to see (and not all of them have a happy ending.) Based on their overall behavior, the following list helps classify the main characters into the Game of Thrones house that they would most probably belong to.

10 Laurel Castillo – House Tyrell

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

A classic Tyrell, Laurel knows how to wield power as much as she knows how to act the damsel in distress. This manipulative nature of hers is probably a side effect of being raised by her power-hungry father, Jorge Castillo, but it is present, nevertheless.

She rarely brings attention to herself, even after her friends realize the wealth she comes from because she is just that smart at hiding her strengths. In “Please Say No One Else Is Dead”, she simply vanishes from the scene (along with baby Christopher), leading everyone to be incredibly worried, and for no reason.

9 Asher Millstone – House Lannister

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

The Lannisters are known to be extremely rich, much like the Millstone family, as well as incredibly deceitful. Asher’s judge father is a prime example of this House, but the son is not far behind. He acts like he cares about the Keating Five, but it seems that his “love” for Michaela can be easily forgotten when his own family is at risk (of losing their wealth.)

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Similar to Cersei and Jaime, who protect each other at the cost of thousands of lives, Asher tries to expose Annalise by becoming an FBI informant — an unfortunate decision as he is murdered by a corrupt agent.

8 Nate Lahey – House Arryn

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

House Arryn’s credo, “As High as Honor”, is a reflection of Nate’s sense of morality and justice (until the point at which his recently exonerated father is murdered by Governor Birkhead.) He believes in the rectitude of the law, explaining why he becomes a detective in the first place — well that, and not wanting to be like Lahey, Sr.

Nonetheless, good people rarely get a fair shake in this cruel world, as Nate experiences some of the worst cases of treachery from the people he thought he loved the most. At least he isn’t killed in cold blood like Jon Arryn.

7 Frank Delfino – House Baratheon

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

The illegitimate, incestuous, but most of all, abandoned, child of Sam and Hannah Keating, Frank grows up to be a devoted member of the Keating household, although his allegiance is far stronger towards his savior, Annalise.

In Baratheon form, Frank is rash and hot-headed, often doing things on his own accord without consulting with either Bonnie or Annalise (he claims that this is only to protect them against being entrapped by his crimes.) At the end, he sacrifices his life to end the intrinsically corrupt system established by Birkhead: by shooting her point-blank on the steps of the courthouse.

6 Ophelia Harkness – Free Folk

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

Ophelia, Annalise’s mother, is a gentle soul with nothing but kind words and comfort for her daughter (and anyone else who happens to be in her path.) Like the Free Folk, she understands that people are best when they are themselves, as seen by her stunning acceptance when Annalise comes out to her as bisexual.

Ophelia isn’t light of heart, either, taking matters into her own hands to protect her children from being raped (again) by her brother-in-law. Her method, while strictly illegal, is the only option she has left; she burns down her home to ensure Clyde’s end.

5 Connor Walsh – House Targaryen

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

The Targaryen blood runs hot in Connor Walsh, a proud gay man who refuses to tolerate any form of oppression, especially homophobia. This is evident when he attacks a stranger for insulting him and his boyfriend, Oliver, even receiving a broken nose for his efforts.

Connor can be insecure as well, a nod to the paranoia that runs within the Mad King and Daenerys, as he continuously tries to break off things with Oliver because he thinks he isn’t good enough, or that his partner deserves better than a “murderer.”

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4 Bonnie Winterbottom – House Martell

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

House Martell is known for its aggressively spectacular motto: “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”, signifying their desire to shape their destiny rather than accede to the demands put forth by King’s Landing. Bonnie might have had a horrifically abusive childhood (being raped since she was a toddler, by her father who later sells her to other men.)

However, the fact that Bonnie has come out of it stronger than ever, even getting herself to build a trusting relationship with people like Annalise and Frank, proves that her spirit is unbowed, unbent and unbroken.

3 Annalise Keating – House Stark

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

None of the murders that occur in the series are actually committed by Annalise Keating; in fact, she is the one trying to cover everything up and has been doing it all her life.

This is a classic Stark feature — the urge to put the well-being of others before one’s own, and though Annalise almost breaks and runs away, she still comes back to face her demons and save her students (children) from the crooked arm of the law. She is simply too strong to be beaten down, not by her uncle, not by her husband, and not even when the whole world unsheathes its claws against her.

2 Sam Keating – House Bolton

How to Get Away With Murder Characters Sorted Into Their Game Of Thrones Houses

The Bolton tendency for cruelty is rather extreme, but their focus is on anatomical torture. Sam Keating is much worse, as he strips apart the people around him psychologically, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but an unexplainable loyalty towards him.

He guilts Frank into performing sickening acts (by bringing up how the latter murdered “his son” in the past), and treats both Annalise and Vivian as objects of clearly fake adoration. Sam is, in general, the nastiest person alive, hiding his vile personality behind the comforting mask of the psychologist.

1 Michaela Pratt – House Greyjoy

The biggest (wannabe) teacher’s pet in the series is Michaela, who does everything in her power to get herself noticed by her law professor, Annalise. She finds herself lost in the world, having no roots whatsoever, roundly rejecting her adoptive family for the neglect and abuse.

Theon experiences the same floating feeling, that he belongs nowhere, neither with the Starks nor with the Greyjoys, and his actions betray both Houses at different points in time. Michaela understands, logically, that her safest bet is Annalise Keating, but her trust has been repeatedly broken, too much for it to be fixed at the end.

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