How To Use TextToSpeech On TikTok & Why You Should

How To Use Text-To-Speech On TikTok & Why You Should


TikTok lets content creators add a Siri-like voice to read out text used in videos. Here’s how to get started with the text-to-speech effect.

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How To Use TextToSpeech On TikTok & Why You Should

TikTok’s text-to-speech feature allows video creators to add a Siri-like voice that reads text aloud as it appears in a video. Text-to-speech is one of the latest features to be added to the popular platform and provides an additional way to add something new to video uploads. Best of all, using the new text-to-speech effect is super easy to do.

Ever since its arrival, TikTok has proven to be a major force. Some of that was challenged in 2020 when the U.S. government attempted to have the app banned, resulting in uncertainty over its future. While that situation has yet to be fully resolved with no further updates on what happens next, TikTok has continued to improve the user experience by adding new effects, features, and guidelines.

Text-to-speech is one of the newer ones to arrive after being announced in December, alongside other changes also designed to improve community well-being. Getting started with the new feature is pretty simple as the user just needs to make the video as normal, including typing the text exactly as they would when not using text-to-speech. Once the text is finished and added, tapping on the text box on the screen will open an additional options menu. From here, the TikTokker can simply tap on the “text-to-speech” option to apply the TikTok effect. After which, a voice will read out the typed text when the video is watched by others. As part of the launch, Lucy Edwards teamed up with TikTok to provide a video example of how the feature works.

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How Text-To-Speech Improves The TikTok Experience

TikTok’s text-to-speech was added in a bid to make the platform accessible to more people by providing a way for text to be heard as well as read. As a result, using the option when creating a video is one way that content creators can easily ensure their videos appeal to a greater number of viewers, while also providing a more inclusive experience in general.

Since the feature launched, it has proven to be a popular option and not just for those in need of improved accessibility solutions. For example, many find the automated voice is a selling point in its own right and something that adds a different element to their content. In some cases, it is how the robotic voice sounds and contrasts with the text being read. For others, it can be a great way to get a message across without having to actually speak during the video. Regardless of the reason it is used, the fact that so many are now turning to text-to-speech, coupled with its inclusivity benefits, makes it a great addition to the TikTok platform.

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