How Yuffie Will Play Different Than Cloud In FF7 Remake

How Yuffie Will Play Different Than Cloud In FF7 Remake


Yuffie’s combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade will revolve around moving quickly and hitting from range, making her much different than Cloud.

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How Yuffie Will Play Different Than Cloud In FF7 Remake

With the announcement of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, fans learned they’ll soon have be able to play through a new story with Yuffie Kisaragi as the protagonist. Although Yuffie was playable in the original FF7, she was an optional character, meaning some players missed out on recruiting her entirely. Those who did get play as Yuffie know her many strengths and weaknesses will likely make her FF7 Remake Intergrade playstyle feel very different from Cloud’s.

Cloud’s combat abilities perfectly complement his role of party lead in FF7 Remake, with great damage and strong magic. One of the most important parts of Cloud’s FF7 Remake gameplay his ability to utilize his Punisher Mode, which makes him much slower in order to increase damage. Since Cloud’s ideal playstyle involves being nearly stationary as he deals damage to multiple foes, Yuffie’s gameplay is sure to feel much different.

One of Yuffie’s defining traits in the original FF7 is her high dexterity, which translates to attacking more often and having more defensive capabilities. These strengths should transition to FF7 Remake perfectly, where Yuffie will likely have a fast run speed and the ability to dodge attacks with relative ease. Dodging should be critical part of Yuffie’s FF7 Remake gameplay, since it is unlikely she will have a huge health pool.

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Yuffie’s Shuriken Combat In Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

Yuffie’s most unique combat trait in FF7 is her weapon type, the shuriken, which returns in FF7 Remake Intergrade. In the original game, Yuffie’s shuriken allowed her an extended range in combat, and this will be no different in FF7 Remake Intergrade. The DLC’s debut trailer showed “throw” and “retrieve” mechanics for the shuriken, which can be activated using the triangle button. Balancing ranged mechanics with potent melee will be crucial for success with Yuffie, introducing an aspect to combat players didn’t have to worry about with Cloud.

One of FF7 Remake’s most fun features is the ability to mix and match materia, and this will again be important for utilizing Yuffie correctly. Since the original FF7 introduced Yuffie as a materia thief, it wouldn’t be surprising to see her be given plenty of materia slots for players to experiment with. Considering FF7 Remake Intergrade is new content, there may also be all-new materia for Yuffie to take advantage of.

Even though Cloud is a balanced character in FF7 Remake, he thrives when he can stand still and hit multiple enemies in Punisher Mode. Yuffie’s mobility may make her feel more like Tifa than Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, but her shuriken mechanic will likely make her feel completely unique.

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