Iron Man Was The Only Avenger To Benefit From Thanos Infinity War Snap

Iron Man Was The Only Avenger To Benefit From Thanos’ Infinity War Snap

Thanos decimating half of life through his snap in Avengers: Infinity War resulted in galactic chaos; interestingly only Iron Man benefitted from it.

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Iron Man Was The Only Avenger To Benefit From Thanos Infinity War Snap

Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War brought everyone heartache and tragedy — except for Iron Man who’s the only MCU hero who benefitted from the snap. As the first person to sense the imminent threat brought by Thanos, Tony Stark was paralyzed with this sense of dread that another attack on Earth was inevitable. This nagging feeling resulted in some missteps from him including the haphazard creation of Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron. While the villain’s win was his worst nightmare come to life, once the initial sting of defeat was gone, it’s clear that it was all for the better, at least for him.

Ever since his near-death experience in The Avengers, Tony was plagued with the fear that a bigger threat that they can’t stop was coming. While his warnings fell on deaf ears, he continued to work on his own to ensure that he’s as prepared as possible once the attack finally happened; it’s the reason why when Bruce Banner informed them of Thanos’ existence, he was barely surprised, as if he was expecting it. Unfortunately, despite all his efforts, he and the rest of the MCU heroes ultimately failed to stop the Mad Titan’s nefarious plans.

Each surviving Avenger handled their devastating loss differently as seen in Avengers: Endgame. Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye struggled to cope with their predicament. Meanwhile, Hulk and Captain America used their time for their respective endeavors. Iron Man, on the other hand, moved on, fully checking out of his superhero responsibility and focused on his personal life — something that he wasn’t able to do since sensing Thanos’ threat as he was mostly occupied with work. This was one of the reasons why he couldn’t simply walk away from being Iron Man; he knew something bigger was coming and unfortunately, no one else is doing anything to prepare for it. So while the Mad Titan’s win in Infinity War forced him to helplessly watch his worst nightmare come to fruition, at least the worst was over. The battle was fought and they lost; he was no longer paralyzed by his fears because he personally survived it allowing him to finally move on with his life.

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Aside from failing to protect Earth, Tony also suffered a personal loss with Spider-Man’s death, but other than that, most of the people important to him survived making it easier for him to get back up on his feet. Even Pepper Potts mentioned this during their heartfelt conversation in Endgame after he cracked the code for time travel. With her by his side, he was able to simply pick up his life from where it was before the Mad Titan’s arrival. They married, had Morgan, and lived a quiet life with his own family which was something that he never really had growing up. Granted, Tony felt guilty for failing to protect Peter Parker, it didn’t exactly hinder him from enjoying the time he had with his wife and daughter. Based on what’s been revealed in Endgame, it seemed as if he was a loving husband and a doting father — two things that Howard wasn’t, at least according to him.

So, while Iron Man’s MCU arc ultimately ended in tragedy, he at least got time to live potentially the best five years of his life following Thanos’ win in Avengers: Infinity War. In fact, there’s even an argument to be made that having Morgan may have further motivated him to sacrifice himself to ensure her and the rest of the world’s future without Thanos’ threat. This was hinted at during his conversation with a grown-up version of his daughter in Endgame’s deleted Soul World scene.

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