Iron Mans COOLEST Armors Never Made It To The Movies

Iron Man’s COOLEST Armors Never Made It To The Movies


While the MCU created unique armors for Iron Man, some of the coolest variants from the comic books never made it to the film franchise.

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Iron Mans COOLEST Armors Never Made It To The Movies

From the original armor built in captivity in the first Iron Man film, to the nano-tech armor seen in the final Avengers films, Tony Stark has built and utilized several different and unique armors across the MCU. But movie fans still only got a glimpse of what the comics have made possible.

The MCU didn’t skimp on giving Tony an arsenal, introducing portable armor in the form of a briefcase, a reinforced armor capable of containing the Hulk, and even armor called on command in individual pieces (not to mention all the various armors Tony built after the first Avengers film and were featured en masse in Iron Man 3.) However, there are more than a few interesting and epic armors from the comics that never made it to the big screen.

There are some outlandish variants which could only work in the comics, but the greater tragedy belongs to those suits of armor which actually could have been introduced, had different MCU characters helped Tony create them. Here are some of the coolest comic armors that the MCU Iron Man never got to wear.

The Endo-Sym/Superior Armor

Iron Mans COOLEST Armors Never Made It To The Movies

During the 2014 Axis event, several heroes and villains had their moral centers temporarily flipped. In Tony Stark’s case, he went back to the selfish person he was before becoming Iron Man. Out of Axis came the limited Superior Iron Man series, featuring Tony creating all kinds of improvements for people’s lives in San Francisco, but charging exuberant prices for access. This series also came with a new armor, known as the Endo-Sym or Superior Armor. Developed from the studying and adapting the foundational building blocks of Symbiotes like Venom and Carnage, the armor acts as an almost organic liquid metal before hardening upon host contact. Tony refers to the suit as if it’s living, and it carries a silver-chrome color aesthetic, which it just a cool look.

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One could imagine that had Iron Man survived Endgame and through the rumored eventual Spider-Man/Venom crossover film, he probably would have been interested in the symbiotes. Some form of the Endo-Sym Armor could have been conceived, albeit most likely without the immoral leanings that brought in into being in the comics with Axis.

The Iron Destroyer Armor

Iron Mans COOLEST Armors Never Made It To The Movies

The next featured armor that never made it to film is the Asgardian Iron Destroyer Armor. This armor came out of the 2011’s Fear Itself crossover event. The Serpent, the Asgardian deity of fear (and Odin’s brother) tried to reclaim the nine realms, including Earth. The Avengers banded together to stop the invasion and threat, with Odin granting Tony Stark special access to dwarven forges and Uru: the same metal that was used to forge Thor’s hammer. Tony made several new weapons that were enchanted by Odin himself for heroes such as Captain Marvel, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. However, Tony just jumped into the magical molten metal, which covered and transformed the current armor he was wearing into the a suit of Uru armor resembling the Destroyer, Odin’s guardian who protects the vaults of Asgard.

The Destroyer armor is featured in the MCU during the first Thor film, with Thor defeating it after regaining his power and hammer, worthy once more. As the first Avengers film reveals, SHIELD appropriated the remains of the armor and remade it into a large gun, wielded by Agent Coulson just before his death at the hands of Loki. One could imagine an alternate scenario where SHIELD had brought Tony Stark in to study and work on the Destroyer remains. In that way, the Destroyer armor could have come into the being in the MCU.

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The Iron Sorcerer Armor

Last but certainly not least is the Iron Sorcerer Armor. This armor comes from a What If?… story from the 1980’s which asks the question: What if Tony Stark had become the Sorcerer Supreme instead of Doctor Strange? In this comic, the armor is completely based in magic, built with the intent to augment and enhance Stark’s spells and powers. And more than the previous armors mentioned, this armor almost had an actual shot at being featured in the MCU. As was recently revealed, the Iron Sorcerer armor almost made an appearance in Avengers: Infinity War. Tony would have sent his suit to protect Strange, forming around the Eye of Agamotto.

Even more unfortunate is that with Tony Stark’s sacrifice and passing in Avengers: Endgame, the possibility for more new and interesting Iron Man armors in the MCU is pretty slim. However, it’s still quite fun to look through the comics and imagine what could or might have been.

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